How to add Server Timing Header information for Laravel Application

To get the server timing information and pass it in the response header in the Laravel application you can make use “


” package by beyondcode. This package allows you to get the total number of milliseconds the application takes to bootstrap, execute and run. 

Add Server-Timing header information from within your Laravel apps.

Step 1: Install the package using Composer

First, you will have to install it using composer using the command below.

composer require beyondcode/laravel-server-timing

Step 2: Add the Middleware Class

To add server-timing header information, you need to add the \BeyondCode\ServerTiming\Middleware\ServerTimingMiddleware::class, middleware to your HTTP Kernel. In order to get the most accurate results, put the middleware as the first one to load in the middleware stack.


Step 3: View the timing from the browser

To view the timing you can view your browser inspect window and see the Server Timing tabs.

Server Timing tabs

Adding Additional Requirements

Sometimes you might also add additional requirements by using the code below. By doing so you will be able to know how long the codes take to execute and whether it requires more optimization for speedy performance.

ServerTiming::start('Running expensive task');

// do something

ServerTiming::stop('Running expensive task');

Optional: Publish the configuration

You can also publish the configuration by running the code below.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=server-timing-config

In addition to the default configuration, you can add the value of the timing.php is as follows to ensure it syncs with the .env variable.


return [
    'enabled' => env('SERVER_TIMING', false),

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