Yep, no doubt about it, this year I keep thinking about the words of Benjamin Franklin “A Republic if you can keep it” in response to being asked what kind of government had been established for the new formed United States.
So, since I have veggie hot dogs to grill I’ve just got a few thoughts for today. Some snarky, some serious, some funny. Sort of like a family potluck.
First, encouraging words from President Puddin’ Head

Let’s try that again
The founding of our nation wasn’t a joke though, men and women of valor fought very hard to give us the freedom that people are squandering and taking for granted.

And because of their vision, hard work and sacrifice we, have a chance to strive to be uncommon.

But the signers knew what they were doing, they knew the formula that would be needed in the future to preserve the freedom that tyrants always seek to snatch away.

And I will leave you with this video of the history of the Star Spangled Banner. I didn’t get a Puffs warning, but I’m saying it might be good to have one close by.
Happy Birthday beloved America