PHPScraper now supports feeds

Scrape Feeds

PHPScraper can identify and process feeds (RSS feeds, sitemaps, etc.) for you. The following feed-specific features are implemented:

Websites can define RSS feeds in the head section of their markup. PHPScraper allows to identify the RSS feeds of the current page using rssUrls:

The rss()-method can be used to parse RSS feeds. If called without any parameter rssUrls will be used:

You can also parse RSS feeds by passing one or more URLs in:

This result contains an array-structure with selected properties. The array-structure contains instances of DataTransferObjects\FeedEntry with properties for link and title.

Complete Details

If you need all details, please fallback on $web->rssRaw(...). It can be called like $web->rss(...) and returns an array-structure.

Parse XML Sitemaps

You can parse XML sitemaps using sitemap():

This result contains only selected properties. It returns an array of DataTransferObjects\FeedEntry with the link property.

Complete Details

If you need all details, please fallback on $web->sitemapRaw(...). It can be called like $web->sitemap() and returns an array-structure.

Parse Static Search Indexes

You can parse static search indexes using searchIndex():

This result contains only selected properties. It returns an array of DataTransferObjects\FeedEntry with properties link, title, and description.

Complete Details

If you need all details, please fallback on $web->searchIndexRaw(...). It can be called like $web->searchIndex() and returns an array-structure.

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