The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom features a lot of items. It carries over staples from Breath of the Wild like food and monster parts, and adds plenty of new options from bomb flowers to Zonai devices. You really can’t have enough items in this game, which makes this item duplication glitch so useful.
The glitch, as outlined by IGN, isn’t necessarily hard to pull off, but it does require precision. My advice is to read through the instructions first, then give it a shot. If you don’t get it right away, be patient and give it another go.
How to glitch your way to unlimited items in Tears of the Kingdom
To start, make sure you have a bow equipped. Draw your arrow by tapping R2, then attach the item you’re looking to duplicate by holding the up button. Personally, I’m not going to choose any brightbloom seeds because I have so many, but I could use more bomb flowers, so I went with that.
With your item equipped, wait a beat, press +, then head over to the Bows and Arrows section of the menu. Select the bow you have equipped, then Drop it. Without leaving the menu, equip a new bow, then press + two times as quickly as possible. You want to make it back to the menu without the bow falling to the ground. Now, drop the newly equipped bow, and finally exit the menu for good.
If done correctly, the two bows should be stacked on top of each other. Pick them both up, then check your items. You should have one extra item than you started with.
IGN details two other item duplication efforts—one for duplicating equipment in your inventory and another for copying equipment you haven’t come across before. But these methods are more complicated, and actually risk losing items in the process. For safe item duplication, stick to the first glitch.
There were fears that this glitch would be patched in the latest update, version 1.1.1., but that doesn’t appear to be the case. Even after installing the update, the game still lets you copy your items, which means Nintendo is either unaware of the glitch or feels it low priority enough not to fix yet. Hopefully they never fix it and allows the fun glitch to be among the very few bugs in a remarkably polished game.
A 10-year-old child spent over $3000 on Roblox via the family iPad, charges applied after the child changed the account password.
Stories of excessive spending in a game by a child regularly surface, with parents complaining about the seemingly unjust charges. In the latest iteration, a 10-year-old managed to run up a bill of more than 2,500 pounds ($3,115) on the game Roblox, without her mother’s knowledge.
Georgina Munday of Dyserth, Denbighshire, UK, had allowed her autistic daughter to play on an iPad for long periods, due to struggling in school, reportsBBC News. Soon after, she started to see the transactions, and initially believed that the account had been hacked.
“We’d just seen hundreds of transactions, these payment confirmations, so then the panic set in – oh my gosh, whose card is this on?” the mother told the report.
Munday spent a week going between Tesco Bank and Apple to try and get a refund, but both sides refused.
“I rang up Tesco Bank and they said, because it was my daughter, they couldn’t do anything about it,” Minday said. “So I tried Apple again – they just read me their terms and conditions.”
After contacting the BBC, Tesco Bank said she would receive a refund. The bank said there was a “further review” of the case that prompted the refund, and added an additional payment as a gesture of goodwill on top of an apology.
In responding to the story, Apple reiterated previous advice that accounts can have alerts set up so parents could be warned before a purchase could be made. Also, they said that parents should not disclose passwords, avoid adding their child to Face ID and Touch ID, enable Ask to Buy, and to use Screen Time.
Roblox said it “has a robust policy for processing refund requests where there may have been unauthorized payments from a person’s account.” Parents also have access to parental controls that can limit spending and to issue spend notifications for “increased visibility.
Munday is not keen on allowing her daughter to play the game in future, but admitted while she knew what she was doing in changing the password, “I don’t think she understood the enormity of it.” The mother asked parents to “be vigilant” and to take note of what children do on their devices.
Software design is an essential phase in software development. The design approach can affect the entire project and how you handle different requirements.
Developers have often used a monolithic architecture, bundling up all the software components into a single module. However, this approach can prove inefficient, particularly for larger applications.
Microservices aim to address these limitations. A microservice is a small, modular application that performs specific functions. Unlike monolithic applications, microservices allow for independent deployment and scaling. As a result, they are more flexible and easier to maintain.
The Microservice Architecture
The microservice architecture is a software design approach that breaks down a large application into independent services, with each service designed to address a specific business requirement.
These services run on dedicated resources, including separate database instances and computing power. Unlike monolithic systems, microservice applications are loosely coupled allowing for greater flexibility.
In a distributed system, server nodes deploy and execute microservice applications as separate processes—communicating with each other using communication protocols such as HTTP or via message brokers like RabbitMQ.
Essentially, this architectural approach enables the services to maintain their independence from one another while effectively operating within the software system.
In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through implementing a simple user microservice that manages user data using Flask and PostgreSQL
Copy the external database URL on Render’s database settings page. We’ll use the SQLAlchemy create_engine method and Psycopg2 to configure the database connection. Make sure to update and replace the database URL in the above code with the URL of your own PostgreSQL instance that matches the format specified above. If the URL format is incorrect, the code will throw an error.
Create an SQLAlchemy model for the database.
Base = declarative_base() classUser(Base): __tablename__ = 'users' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(50)) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) print("Table 'users' created successfully.") Session = sessionmaker(engine)
The code defines a data model for the users’ table. After defining the model, it creates the table using the SQLAlchemy create_all method which takes the database connection engine object as a parameter. Finally, it creates an instance of the session maker using the same engine object to enable interactions with the database.
Lastly, define the API routes for the microservice.
@app.route("/api/user", methods=["POST"]) defcreate_user(): data = request.get_json() name = data["name"] try: session = Session() new_user = User(name=name) session.add(new_user) session.commit() return {"id":, "name":, "message": f"User {name} created."}, 201 except Exception as e: print(f"The error '{e}' occurred.") return {"error": "An error occurred while creating the user."}, 500 @app.route("/api/user", methods=["GET"]) defget_all_users(): try: session = Session() users = session.query(User).all() if users: result = [] for user in users: result.append({"id":, "name":}) return jsonify(result) else: return jsonify({"error": f"Users not found."}), 404 except Exception as e: print(f"The error '{e}' occurred.") return {"error": "An error occurred while getting all users."}, 500 if __name__ == "__main__":, host="")
Test the Microservice
The above code demonstrates a simple user data microservice that adds and fetches data from a PostgreSQL database. Ideally, microservices mirror the REST API architecture since it allows for a flexible approach to building web services—this architecture fits well with the design pattern of microservices.
However, it’s important to note that microservices can use other types of design approaches and communication protocols as well, depending on the specific needs of the system.
To test the service, spin up the development server and head over to Postman to make HTTP requests to the defined endpoints.
flask --app service run
In Postman, make a POST request to add user data.
Containerizing Microservices With Docker
Docker bundles applications and their dependencies in containers. This approach streamlines the development, deployment, and management of microservices in a production environment since each service can operate independently and communicate with other services using the configured communication protocol.
Before you get started, you need to first install Docker by following the steps on the Docker website. Then, build a Docker image from a Dockerfile that contains the necessary instructions for setting up the required dependencies to run the application in a container.
Create a Dockerfile in your project folder’s root directory and add these instructions:
FROM python:3.9-alpine WORKDIR /app COPY requirements.txt ./ RUN pip install -r requirements.txt COPY . . EXPOSE5000 CMD ["python", "./"]
Run, the command below to build the Docker image.
docker build -t flask-microservice .
Finally, run the Docker container.
docker run -p 5000:5000 flask-microservice
This will start a Docker container running the Flask microservice and expose port 5000 on the container to port 8000 on the host machine, allowing you to make HTTP requests from your web browser or Postman using the URL http://localhost:5000.
Adopting the Microservice Architecture
Microservices architecture has become a popular approach for developing scalable and robust software applications. By dividing the application into small, independently deployable services, microservices architecture makes it easier to maintain and scale the system.
While this architecture has potential benefits, it’s not suitable not for all use cases. In any case, the specific business requirements of the project should primarily influence the adopted design approach.
Imagine you have a project that requires you to process tons of text files, and these files are scattered throughout your folder hierarchy. By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to efficiently fetch all the .txt files in any folder using Python.
Method 1: The Os Module
The os module can be used to interact effectively with the file system. The method os.listdir() lists all files and directories in your target folder. You’ll use this method along with a for loop and the endswith() method to filter .txt files specifically.
Here’s the code snippet:
import os
directory = './your_folder/'
txt_files = []
for file in os.listdir(directory):
if file.endswith('.txt'):
This code imports the os module, sets the target directory, and initializes an empty list.
The for loop iterates through all the files and checks for the .txt extension using the endswith() method. Matching files are added to the list, which is printed at the end.
Method 2: The Glob Module (My Fav )
Another solution involves using the glob module, which allows you to find all the file paths in a directory that match a specific pattern. You can use the glob.glob() function to list all .txt files.
This method imports the glob module, sets the target directory, and retrieves the list of text files using the glob.glob() function that filters file paths based on the given pattern (*.txt). The list of .txt files is then printed.
Method 3: os.listdir() and List Comprehension
The os.listdir() is a simple method to use when listing all files in a directory. You can iterate over all files obtain with this method using a simple list comprehension statement such as [file for file in os.listdir(dir_path) if file.endswith(".txt")].
See this example:
import os
dir_path = "your_directory_path"
all_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
txt_files = [file for file in all_files if file.endswith(".txt")]
This code will list all the text files in the specified directory using os.listdir function.
Method 4: Using os.scandir()
The os.scandir() method can provide more information about each file. Extracting the files from this more information-rich representation is a bit less concise but works just fine in this list comprehension [ for entry in os.scandir(dir_path) if".txt") and entry.is_file()].
For instance, use the following code:
import os
dir_path = "your_directory_path"
txt_files = [ for entry in os.scandir(dir_path) if".txt") and entry.is_file()]
Method 5: Using glob.glob()
For a more concise solution, try the glob.glob() function from the glob library. Here’s the code snippet to list text files:
The glob.glob() function returns a list of all text files with the specified pattern (in this case, *.txt).
Method 6: Using pathlib.Path.iterdir()
Finally, the pathlib.Path.iterdir method offers another way to list text files in a directory. To use this method, simply import the pathlib library and write the following code:
from pathlib import Path
dir_path = Path("your_directory_path")
txt_files = [ for file in dir_path.iterdir() if file.is_file() and".txt")]
In this code, pathlib.Path.iterdir is iterator over the files in the directory and, when combined with list comprehensions, can efficiently list all text files.
Iterating Through Directories
In this section, you’ll learn how to iterate through directories using Python and get all the .txt files in a folder.
To get started, we’ll use the os.listdir() function with a for loop. This approach allows you to iterate over all files in a directory and filter by their extension.
This code lists all the .txt files in the specified directory using a simple for loop.
import os
directory = 'your_directory_path'
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith('.txt'):
print(os.path.join(directory, filename))
Working with the os.walk() Function
The os.walk() function is another powerful tool for iterating over files in directories. It enables you to traverse a directory tree and retrieve all files with a specific extension:
import os
root_dir = 'your_directory_path'
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.txt'):
print(os.path.join(root, file))
This code explores the entire directory tree, including subdirectories, and prints out the full paths of .txt files.
In fact, we have written a detailed article with a video on the function, feel free to check it out!
Recursively Traversing Directories with a Recursive Function
Lastly, you could create a custom recursive function to traverse directories and collect .txt files. This method is particularly useful when working with different operating systems, like Windows and Unix:
from pathlib import Path
def find_txt_files(path: Path):
txt_files = []
for item in path.iterdir():
if item.is_dir():
return txt_files
directory = Path('your_directory_path')
txt_files = find_txt_files(directory)
This recursive function explores directories and subdirectories and returns a list of .txt files. This approach is more versatile as it leverages Python 3’s pathlib module.
Filtering Based on File Extension and Size
To get all the .txt files in a folder, you can use the glob module in Python, which provides an easy way to find files matching a specific pattern.
This code will provide the absolute paths of all the .txt files within the specified folder.
Now that you have the .txt files, you might want to filter them based on their size. To achieve this, you can use the os module.
Here’s an example of how to filter .txt files by size:
import os
import glob
min_size = 1000 # Replace with your desired minimum file size in bytes
txt_files = glob.glob('path/to/your/folder/*.txt')
filtered_files = [file for file in txt_files if os.path.getsize(file) >= min_size]
In this code, min_size represents the minimum file size in bytes that you wish to retrieve. By using a list comprehension with a condition, you can filter out the files that don’t meet your size requirements.
If you want to find .txt files not only in the target folder but also within its subdirectories, you can use the ** pattern along with the recursive parameter:
Using this approach, you can easily tailor your search to retrieve specific .txt files based on their size and location. With these tools at hand, you should be able to efficiently filter files in your Python projects.
Operating System Compatibility
Python works well across different operating systems, including Unix and Windows. Thanks to its compatibility , you can consistently use your code on different platforms. For this task, both the os and glob libraries are compatible with Unix and Windows systems, so you don’t have to worry about your text file retrieval code failing on either OS.
To get all the text files in a folder using Python, you can use the os and glob libraries. This works for all operating systems, i.e., Linux, Windows, Ubuntu, macOS.
Here’s a code snippet to achieve this:
import os
import glob
txt_files = glob.glob('*.txt')
Replace “your_directory_path” with the path of your folder containing the txt files.
Let’s bring up a rather controversial subject in the concealed carry community. Who would choose to carry a .22 LR for self-defense?
Popular .22LR Ammo
I occasionally carry a .22 LR handgun for self-defense. My typical concealed carry handgun is a Sig Sauer P365, and sometimes a P365 with an XL slide and red dot.
The P365 is already a fairly small gun, but there are times when even it’s too big.
P365XL…it works, but it’s a little big.
That’s when I turn to a super small, easily concealed weapon…a tiny .22 LR goes a long way and allows for consistent concealed carry.
So let’s dive into .22 LR, talk about what it can do for you concealment-wise, and run you through the best ways to carry rimfire!
Table of Contents
Why .22 LR?
I’ve covered my reasons and bet others would target the same thing. Sometimes a certain style of dress, especially formal wear for women, makes concealment difficult, and other times to avoid detection.
This might leave you asking, why not carry a micro .380 ACP?
Sig Sauer P238 carried in a thigh holster under a dress.
It’s true that .380 ACP is ballistically superior to .22 LR, and my favorite .22 LR is the LCP II, which is the same size as the .380 ACP version. I prefer the .22 LR because I can’t shoot the .380 ACP very well.
Those guns are very snappy, with a fair bit of recoil. It’s true that it works well, but I hate shooting it and never shot it very well.
.380 ACP might not work for everyone…
The LCP in .380 ACP is often described as a belly pistol, and I tend to agree. With a micro-sized .22 LR, I outshoot any micro .380 and can do so at ranges between 10 yards.
Micro .22 LR pistols lack recoil and tend to have a decent capacity. The LCP II holds 11 rounds total, and that’s a nice change.
.22 LR Round
Even revolvers can often hold eight rounds of .22 LR. A higher capacity and lower recoil make these little guns a bit more competent.
Plus, the ammo is so much cheaper. It’s cheaper than .380 ACP, and you can train for very little dinero.
Getting out to the range once a week isn’t prohibitively expensive. Even without much practice, I already shoot the LCP 2 in 22 LR better than I shoot the .380 ACP version, and I’ll get better with more practice.
This is especially true in compromising situations where I might use a single hand. With a .22 LR, this is fairly easy.
Downsides of .22 LR for CCW
The subject of .22 LR for concealed carry is already a bit controversial, and the controversy comes from the downsides tied to the .22 LR.
There are quite a few you need to recognize before strapping on the old rimfire round.
.22 LR
Rimfire rounds have reliability issues and are less reliable than centerfire rounds. With that said, their quality has improved, especially with premium rounds from companies like CCI and Federal.
Penetration and expansion are not the highest with a .22 LR, especially from a short barrel.
Semi-auto .22 LRs can also be a little picky. They tend to prefer certain rounds and certain velocities to function properly.
You will have to properly vet your carry ammo and ensure your gun can chew through it before you trust it.
Picking the Right Ammo
If you carry a .22 LR for self-defense, then you need to educate yourself on ammo.
A lot of the standard ammunition knowledge goes out the window. You usually wanted a jacketed hollow point, which isn’t the case now.
FMJ vs Hollowpoints (9mm and .45 ACP)
A good hollow point .22 LR is great for hunting, but the expansion factor tends to slow the round down and prevent adequate penetration. Expansion is one of those things that you sacrifice with .22 LR for defensive purposes.
When a 9mm round grows to .60 inches in gel is great, but we can’t get that with .22 LR. You are going to need to focus on penetration. Small holes can do big damage if you put them in important places.
For practice, you can use really any ammo your gun operates with, but for defensive carry, it’s smart to be picky. This is especially true because our focus is on guns with fairly short barrels.
All rounds are not created equal
Luckily a few rounds have been shown to function well from short barrels and do a good job reaching the FBI minimum standards.
One round that stands out exceptionally well for short-barreled defensive weapons is the CCI Velocitor.
This semi-hollow point round is a hefty 40-grain round with a reported velocity of 1,435 feet per second. It does a great job of penetrating from a short-barreled gun.
The Federal Personal Defense Punch round is another good round that comes in at a close second. It’s a newer round designed from the ground up for self-defense.
Nickel plating helps protect the round from corrosion, which sweat can cause. Your small gun is more likely carried in a deep, concealed manner, often exposing it to more sweat.
These aren’t the only rounds on the market, but they are the two I have experience with and I’d trust. Do your own testing, research, and review before deciding.
Choosing a Defensive .22 LR Pistol
When choosing a defensive firearm in .22 LR, we have to go back to the revolver versus semi-automatic. In the realm of .22 LRs, they seem to have their strengths and weaknesses.
Small automatics tend to be more size efficient. They may not be bigger than a small revolver, but they tend to pack more barrel length for their size.
FN 502
The Ruger LCP features a 2.75-inch barrel, and the LCR packs a 1.87-inch barrel.
A little extra barrel goes a long way with increasing velocity, aiding penetration.
Revolvers have a serious advantage in .22 LR in terms of reliability issues. A rimfire round isn’t as reliable as a centerfire, and if it fails to fire, fixing the issue isn’t as hard with a revolver.
Rimfire vs Centerfire Primer Strike
If you pull the trigger and it goes click, just pull the trigger again. Also, revolvers aren’t picky about the round’s velocity to ensure the weapon cycles.
Purchasing a .22 LR defensive pistol is like purchasing any other. You need to find a reliable handgun that’s made to last, accurate, and easy to shoot. There are tons of small .22 LR handguns out there, but a good number of them suck.
Avoid guns from companies like Jennings or Jimenez. They tend to be poorly made, albeit very cheap, and often very small.
Ruger LCP II
The LCP 2 in .22 LR is one of my favorite defensive .22 LR pistols. It’s a one-for-one clone of the .380 ACP version of the gun but is chambered in .22 LR. The small little gun packs 11 rounds of .22 LR and is a very nice shooter.
Ruger LCP and LCP II
The Literack design makes utilizing the weapon easy for shooters with hand strength issues. Shooters get an ultra-small, thin firearm that’s easy to carry IWB, pocket, ankle, or wherever.
In my experience, this little gun is super fun to shoot and fairly accurate with decent sights. The gun has barely any recoil and is reliable with most .22 LR I’ve used.
One of the few things I don’t like is the silly safety. Ruger should ditch it as they did on the standard LCP II.
Other than that, the LCP II in .22 LR might be the most modern and one of the most affordable .22 LR Defensive pistols.
Ruger LCR
Another option from Ruger is the LCR. This wheelgun option gives you eight rounds of .22 LR in a standard snub nose package. It’s lightweight with a partial polymer frame and weighs 14.9 ounces.
Ruger LCR (9mm version, but you get the idea)
While the snub nose is a bit larger than the LCP II, the LCR does pocket carry very well. It’s light, and the curves and design of a revolver make it a natural choice for pocket carry. The popularity of the LCR in bigger calibers has created a ton of holsters for the gun, making it easy to carry.
Ruger’s LCR is a very reliable and modern option. It tends to strike reliably, but if it doesn’t, it’s not tough to remedy the situation. The LCR is one of the few .22 LR revolvers made for carry purposes.
The LCR trigger is famously awesome, but the .22 LR version lacks. It’s noticeably heavier and likely a means to ensure consistent rimfire engagement and reliability.
While it’s not as good as a standard LR trigger, it is still not bad.
Beretta 21A
Finally, let’s go back in time a little bit. The Beretta 21A is a super small little gun that’s also known as the Bobcat.
This little .22 LR came to be in 1984, but it is still a fairly viable gun. It is super small, smaller than the LCP 2.
Beretta 21A
It only holds seven rounds, but the small size can make up for that. This gun uses a tip-up barrel system, allowing the user to load the chamber without manipulating the slide.
The gun also uses a DA/SA design, so you can attempt to fire the cartridge in the chamber if it fails to fire.
The gun is all metal, which does make it a few ounces heavier than the LCP II. There is a suppressor-ready model if you want to move beyond concealed carry and have fun.
The biggest downside will be the puny little sights. If you can deal with that, you have one of the coolest guns in your pocket.
Deep Concealment Carry
The main strength of these little rimfires is their ability to be concealed in nearly any style of dress and situation.
With that in mind, we need to examine some functional holsters for those tasks.
Pocket Carry
This style of carry is one of the easier ways to carry a handgun concealed, and it’s often fairly convenient in any style of dress.
With that in mind, the Desantis Nemesis is one of the best pocket holsters.
This pocket piece is affordable and made in various sizes to accommodate the Beretta 21A and LCP II, among many more.
This textured holster keeps things locked in place when you draw and ensures the holsters remain locked in place when your weapon is drawn.
IWB Carry
Inside the Waistband is a standard means of concealed carry. This hides the weapon inside of pants and allows nothing more than a t-shirt to conceal it.
For these little .22 LR pistols, I’d suggest two holsters, one for semi-automatics and one for revolvers.
The Desantis Slim Tuck is a solid, affordable hr for most common semi-auto ls. It’s a minimalist holster that conceals easily and offers adjustable cant and height on top of great comfort and concealment.
It’s also tuckable, allowing you to dress more formally for events.
For snub nose .22 LR revolvers, the PHLster City Special likely has you covered.
This modern polymer holster brings PHLster’s expertise front and center. This creates an easily concealable revolver in a modern, modular, and adjustable holster.
If you’re packing a .22 LR for concealed carry, you better train with it. Here are a few good drills you can do to maximize your time at the range.
10-10-10 Drill
The classic 10-10-10 is a great yardstick for concealed carry competency. It’s shot with a B8, and traditionally the shooter shoots 10 rounds, in 10 seconds, at 10 yards. Every shot should be in the black of the B8.
B8 Target
Since a lot of .22 LR handguns don’t hold 10 rounds, you might modify it to the 10-10-7 or 10-10-8 and fire however many rounds you can.
Super Snubby Test
If you are rocking the snub nose, try Hard Wired Tactical Super Snubby Test. It only requires 15 rounds. Grab a shot timer and a B8 as well.
Stage one begins at 10 yards. Start from the low ready and fire five rounds with both hands in eight seconds.
You’ll need one of these. Don’t have one? See our recommendations for best shot timers.
Stage two moves you to the 5-yard line. Start in the low ready and fire five rounds in five seconds.
At stage three, you are at 3 yards. You will only use your strong hand and start in the low ready. At the beep, fire five rounds in 3.5 seconds.
Aim to land all of your shots in the black.
Draw and Failure to Stop
Being able to quickly draw and engage a threat with effective fire is crucial to concealed carry.
When carrying a small gun in a deep concealment design, you should get competent at drawing your pistol. If you use a tucked-in shirt, practice with a tucked-in shirt. If you use a pocket holster, then practice with that pocket holster.
Gotta practice that draw
For this drill, you’ll need a man-sized target. At the beep, you’ll draw from your concealment drill and fire a failure drill.
A failure drill is two shots to the torso and one to the head. Start at three yards and aim to complete the drill in at least five seconds as you get faster, lower the par time, and increase the distance.
Failure to Fire Drills
To help counteract any issues with reliability, get some practice in with clearing malfunctions.
Malfunctions happen
Get some snap caps, set up some malfunctions, and practice with the old tap rack bang and clearing complicated malfunctions.
Final Thoughts
A .22 LR handgun can be a proper defensive tool. It has some inherent weaknesses, and you should do what’s necessary to mitigate them when possible.
Smith & Wesson SW22 Victory
If you pick a good gun, quality ammo, a good holster, and practice, then you’ll be ready to roll.
Would you carry a .22 LR for self-defense? Let us know in the comments below. For more rimfire,check out the Best .22 LR Pistols/Handguns!
Get ready to witness the awe-inspiring displays of aviation agility as the Columbus Air Show, presented by Scott’s, soars into the skies of Columbus, Ohio. This thrilling spectacle returns in June after a 20 year absence.
Blue Angels- US Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron flying at 2014 Miramar Air Show — Photo by KGriff
Catch jaw-dropping aerial maneuvers, breathtaking aerial displays, and an up-close looks at an impressive lineup of aircraft.
Whether you’re a seasoned aviation enthusiast or just love to watch the aircraft flight, the Columbus Air Show is a weekend filled with excitement, thrills, and unforgettable experiences.
Columbus Air Show
Catch all of the action on June 16-18, 2023 at Rickenbacker International Airport, featuring the world-renowned U.S. Navy Blue Angels. This is a great Father’s Day gift and adventure!
Skilled pilots take to the skies, pushing the limits of physics with their breathtaking maneuvers, heart-stopping rolls, and gravity-defying loops.
In addition to the aerial displays, the Columbus Air Show offers a range of ground attractions and activities for attendees of all ages. Interactive exhibits delve into the science and technology behind flight. There’s something to captivate everyone’s interest.
Explore static aircraft displays and climb aboard iconic planes. Food vendors and concessions are on-site throughout the day.
Experiences at the Columbus Air Show
STOL (Short TakeOff / Landing) Drag Racing
STOL Drag is a race between backcountry airplanes.
Two aircraft fly side-by-side down a 2,000-foot course with 1,000-foot overruns on each side. The competitors start on a line, take-off, and fly 1,000 feet before putting the plane into a slip to slow the aircraft down. The pilot must land on or beyond the line on the opposite side of the course.
Once they get on the ground, they dissipate the airspeed using mechanical braking, come to a full stop on heading, turn 180 degrees, take off, and fly back down the course. The first aircraft to fly past the starting line and come to a complete stop, wins.
CAF Rise Above Exhibit
The CAF Rise Above Exhibit is a fully functional mobile movie theater that travels the country telling the story of the Tuskegee Airman and the WASP (Women Airforce Service Pilots).
Air Adventures w/ Yankee Air Museum Aircraft
Attendees can experience flights on restored, historical aircraft.
Air Show Schedule
Friday, June 16 | Saturday, June 17 | Sunday, June 18
Gates open at 9 am and close at 5 pm.
Some flying is in the morning, but most of the flying is between noon – 4 pm. Times for each performer is not released in advance.
Aircraft and performers are anticipated to be the same for each day. Please note that the Blue Angels will be scheduled to do a rehearsal demo on Friday.
Tickets start at $25 per day for ages 16+. Ticket prices increase without notice as the show gets closer to sold out. (Current ticket prices may have increased since publishing).
Kids 15 and under are FREE when accompanied by an adult ticket holder.
Parking is $20; reserve in advance.
Military Discount: Active duty, reserve and retired military members receive a 15% discount on General Admission and General Parking. Use code “MIL1” at checkout. Bring valid CAC or USID card for event entry along with your air show tickets.
Rickenbacker International Airport 2241 John Cir Dr, Columbus, OH 43217
Columbus Air Show Takes Flight in June at Rickenbacker Intl Airport
Just because your hands are big, doesn’t mean you need to subject yourself to a substandard gaming mouse in order to join your friends. Not only is it rather uncomfortable, but it also forces you to adopt a mouse grip that you don’t find all that appealing, and the buttons may feel cramped. And if you’re not at your best, you aren’t having a good time.
Thankfully, there are a number of gaming mice on the market that are ready and able to accommodate your needs. These are the best gaming mice for big hands available for purchase today.
Our Favorite Gaming Mice for Big Hands in 2023
Razer Viper V2 Pro HyperSpeed Wireless Gaming Mouse
Best Overall
So light it might float away
Given its weight, you can push aside your worry of having to wield a dense mouse. To further reduce friction, it’s wireless and features an excellent optical sensor that easily picks up on quick movements.
Performance is perfectly tuned for competitive play
Battery life that lasts for days
Lightweight build
High-quality build
DPI button was placed underneath
With bigger hands comes a heavier grip, and the last decision you want to make is pairing your sizable hands with a heavy mouse. For competitive-grade performance, while keeping the experience light and comfortable, the Razer Viper V2 Pro HyperSpeed Wireless Gaming Mouse is a force to be reckoned with.
At just 58 grams, the Razer Viper V2 Pro HyperSpeed Wireless Gaming Mouse achieved an even lighter build than its smaller cousin, the Razer Viper Mini, despite being larger. Paired with its wireless connectivity and rounded PTFE feet, the mouse glides across the mousepad, unconcerned by earthly inventions like cables.
Most importantly, the Razer Viper V2 Pro HyperSpeed Wireless Gaming Mouse is going to register all of your split decisions and frantic movements, especially if you frequently perform sweeps and flicks. Running the show is Razer’s Focus Pro 30K optical sensor, which not only has superb accuracy, but functions on glass, too. To top it off, you’ll love how effortless it is to press the mouse buttons, given its mere 0.2ms actuation.
Logitech G502 HERO
Most Customizable
No such thing as too much customization
$34 $37 Save
With a large frame, 11 programmable buttons, and customizable features, the G502 Hero can be finely tuned to your preferences. This is all the while having a high-performing sensor and satisfying mouse buttons.
Delicious clicky feedback
Sensor doesn’t add smoothing or acceleration
11 programmable buttons
Includes removable weights
Slightly heavier, even without the weights
How often have you found yourself thinking, “I like this mouse, but I wish it had…” and then fill in the blank with a missing feature. With how customizable the Logitech G502 Hero is, there’s virtually zero chance you’ll be in that situation ever again.
First off, the Logitech G502 Hero features 11 programmable buttons, allowing you to map more abilities to your mouse and keep your other hand free. As many as five unique profiles can be saved, giving you the ability to switch to a different button layout more suited to specific genres and titles like RTS or FPS.
Lastly, the Hero 25K is an easy contender for being one of the best sensors on a gaming mouse that’s priced like budget mice. You have a vast range of DPI settings, from 100 to 25600, which is more than the average gamer probably needs, but it’s there if you need it. Either way, the Logitech G502 Hero feels right at home with casual and competitive gamers.
Bengoo M1 Gaming Mouse
Most Affordable
Fits in any budget
Due to its larger dimensions and ergonomic shape, the Bengoo M1 is perfectly suited for larger hands. Its plug-and-play design also means you can jump into the action right away.
Considering how expensive PC gaming gets, it’s easy to understand the urge to cut a few corners. If you aren’t too keen on shelling out a ridiculous sum for a competent mouse, look no further than the Bengoo M1. It’s functional, fits big hands, and does well in a casual setting.
As mentioned before, the size and ergonomic shape of the Bengoo M1 Gaming Mouse accommodates larger hands and any grip, whether its claw, palm, or fingertip style. This is due to the backend of the hump being fairly short, as well as the right side having a slight incline that follows the natural slope of your hand in a resting position.
Despite being a budget option, the Bengoo M1 Gaming Mouse comes with several quality-of-life features. It has a braided cable, which is practically unheard of with low-cost gaming mice, and all six buttons are programmable. Even the footpads underneath don’t cause a lot of friction, which you can further reduce by having a suitable gaming mouse pad.
UtechSmart VENUS Pro Wireless Gaming Mouse
Best for MMOs
Want some buttons for your buttons?
Equipped with 16 programmable buttons and a comfortable shape, the UtechSmart Venus Pro is a superb choice for playing MMOs. It also features a long battery life, though you can also switch to wired mode if you so choose.
16 programmable buttons? Yes!
Battery life lasts for days (and fully charges in 2 hours)
Distinct button positions
Adjustable DPI up to 16000
Software isn’t user-friendly
If you frequently play MMOs, you know how important it is to keep yourself moving away from boss mechanics, while fulfilling your role. This tends to give your keyboard hand the job of moving and using abilities. Instead, divvy up the work between both hands using the UtechSmart Venus Pro Wireless Gaming Mouse.
On the UtechSmart Venus Pro, you won’t find three or four extra buttons, but 16 buttons in total, 12 of which are found along the side. Every button is programmable, too, opening up a vast range of possibilities for special macros UtechSmart’s software. Best of all, there’s enough feedback to know which button is which due to how large, pronounced, and satisfying they are to press.
You can further tweak your experience by adjusting the DPI and polling rate, up to 16000 and 1000Hz, respectively. While the UtechSmart Venus Pro’s sensor is accurate and the latency is fine, that’s only in the context of MMOs. If you’re playing genres outside of that on a casual level, the latency isn’t a concern, though you can further reduce it by switching to wired mode.
Best for Palm Grip
A palm-gripper’s dream
$60 $80 Save
The Corsair Ironclaw is shaped and molded for gamers using a palm grip style, along with large, pronounced buttons intelligently positioned. It’s suitable for big hands given its bulkier design.
10 programmable buttons
Adjustable DPI up to 18000
Specially designed for palm grips
Large, pronounced buttons
Isn’t as comfortable using a claw or fingertip style
On the heavier side
Grip styles are incredibly important, to the point that it makes or breaks your decision on a mouse. For those that prefer using palm grip and enjoy first-person shooters, MOBAs, and MMOs occasionally, the Corsair Ironclaw is practically built to fulfill the role for each genre.
For starters, the contoured shape is specially sculpted for large hands and a palm grip, given its rounded overall shape and natural slope along the right side. With the matte finish and textured grip, it feels nice and comfortable to hold the Corsair Ironclaw in hand.
Furthermore, the Corsair Ironclaw has 11 programmable buttons that are intelligently positioned for ease of access, which comes in handy for MOBAs and MMOs. If you’re jumping into an FPS, the PixArt sensor and Corsair’s Slipstream wireless technology really start to shine, providing amazing tracking and sub-1ms latency.
SteelSeries Rival 710
Most Versatile
If you play a bit of everything
$65 $100 Save
As a jack-of-all-trades, the SteelSeries Rival 710 can fit in a wide variety of genres, from FPS to MMOs. It also has a few interesting features that have their niche uses like an OLED display and tactile feedback.
Tactile feedback has its niche uses
Better suited for medium hands
Very accurate sensor
Lacks a braided cable
OLED display is neat, but ultimately inconsequential
Maybe your hands aren’t exactly large, but far from being small. It’s that awkward middle ground you find yourself in, and to make matters worse, your gaming tastes are all-encompassing. Since no genre is beyond your reach, the SteelSeries Rival 710 is the jack-of-all-trades you’re looking for, fit with a few niche features that are fun to play with.
As far as performance is concerned, the SteelSeries Rival 710 has an incredibly low latency, which is to be expected given its wired design. In fact, the click latency is so low, it’s well within range of being a competitive choice in fast action genres like first-person shooters and MOBAs.
What’s interesting about the SteelSeries Rival 710 is the OLED display and tactile feedback. Along the side is a display with a 128×36 resolution, capable of displaying images, in-game stats, and even notifications from Discord. It’s a neat gimmick, but only useful if you’re a streamer who wants to share their logo in a fun way. What can be useful is the haptic feedback, causing the mouse to vibrate (like a controller) when it meets specific requirements
Logitech G903 LIGHTSPEED
Best Left-Handed
A large mouse for left-handed gamers
$118 $130 Save
With an ambidextrous design and extra buttons on both sides, the Logitech G903 Lightspeed is a must-have for left-handed gamers. Its sensor and low latency put it well within range of competitive-level play.
Perfect choice for lefties
Hero 25K sensor is excellent
Battery life lasts for days
Adjustable weight
DPI buttons are awkwardly placed at the center
Ridges and angles make it a pain to keep clean
This one’s for the lefties out there having trouble finding a high-performance gaming mouse for your big left hand. The Logitech G903 Lightspeed takes the Logitech G502 Hero’s superb sensor, but with a slimmer, ambidextrous design.
Under the hood is the Hero 25K optical sensor, the same one in the G502 Hero, which means you can adjust the DPI up to 25600 and 1-to-1 tracking. Equally impressive is the G903 Lightspeed’s wireless performance, achieving a sub-1ms response time. Long dead are the days of wireless mice being “weaker” than wired mice.
As mentioned before, the Logitech G903 Lightspeed is a slim, ambidextrous design. It’s still suited for larger hands, but it’s much flatter with a nice rounded backend for your palm to rest on. More importantly, you will not lose out on extra buttons if you’re left-handed. Both sides feature two extra buttons, all of which are programmable.
Finding the Perfect Mouse for Big Hands
Whether your hands are small, large, or somewhere in the middle, there’s more to picking the right mouse than what’s immediately apparent. If you’re someone who has yet to find a comfortable fit for your big hands, then it’s likely there are aspects you haven’t considered or aren’t aware of.
For example, what kind of grip do you use? What titles or genres do you spend the most time with? Is customization a concern? Are you Team Wired or Team Wireless? These questions can drastically affect the shape of the mouse, the number of buttons you need, and any accompanying software.
It’s for those reasons the Razer Viper V2 Pro HyperSpeed Wireless Gaming Mouse landed on top. It’s large, has good software, extra buttons, and a shape that ensures all grips are viable, even hybrids. And, of course, the performance is top-notch, so take it to the leagues if that’s where you’re headed.
Razer Viper V2 Pro HyperSpeed Wireless Gaming Mouse
Best Overall
So light it might float away
Given its weight, you can push aside your worry of having to wield a dense mouse. To further reduce friction, it’s wireless and features an excellent optical sensor that easily picks up on quick movements.
Performance is perfectly tuned for competitive play
BigCode recently released a new artificially intelligent LLM (Large Language Model) named StarCoder with the aim of helping developers write efficient code faster. Here, you will learn about StarCoder, how StarCoder works and how you can utilize StarCoder to enhance your coding prowess.
What Is StarCoder?
StarCoder is an LLM designed solely for programming languages with the aim of assisting programmers in writing quality and efficient code within reduced time frames.
It is written in Python and trained to write over 80 programming languages, including object-oriented programming languages like C++, Python, and Java and procedural programming languages like Fortran and C.
How Does StarCoder Work?
The StarCoder LLM employs a Multi-Query Attention Technique that enables StarCoder to understand the code’s content and generate accurate suggestions. This technique involves analyzing multiple queries simultaneously to provide relevant responses.
StarCoder LLM’s training process involved collecting and compiling vast amounts of data from multiple programming languages sourced from GitHub repositories. By leveraging this diverse dataset, StarCoder can generate precise and efficient code suggestions.
How to Use the StarCoder LLM
Getting started with the StarCoder LLM is easy. You can leverage any of StarCoder’s tools, including its Playground or Chatbot, to write efficient code. Here’s how you can utilize StarCoder to write better programs.
1. Code Completion
StarCoder, through the use of the StarCoder Playground Interface, can scrape through and complete your programs or discover missing parts of your program based on the context of code written so far. To use the StarCoder Playground, write your incomplete code into the code prompt.
For example:
StarCoder suggests a JavaScript array method to complete the prompted code when you click the Generate button showcasing the code completion feature.
2. Code Generation from Natural Language Prompts
StarCoder is not an instruction model capable of understanding natural language prompts, such as "Create a function that finds prime numbers between 1 and 100". However, you can use StarCoder’s Chatbot(Tech Assistant) to input instructions and utilize StarCoder as an instruction model, as shown in the picture below:
This image depicts the StarCoder’s technical assistant being asked to write a Python function that finds the sum of prime numbers between one and hundred.
Similarly, you can utilize this chatbot to detect bugs in your code’s structure which StarCoder does by running the particular code through thousands of similar programs from GitHub repositories. This can save you time and effort in debugging your codes.
In addition to the features listed above, the StarCoder LLM offers more capabilities. This includes a Visual Studio Code Extension that provides code completion, helping to boost your productivity while developing software.
Current Limitations of the StarCoder LLM
Although the StarCoder LLM is an impressive AI (Artificial Intelligence) tool, it does have some limitations. One of the main limitations is its dependency on training data. The quality and quantity of the training data limit the performance of the StarCoder LLM.
Also, when utilizing the LLM for code generation or completion, you may encounter instances where StarCoder’s feedback could be more accurate. Additionally, StarCoder finds it difficult to process large amounts of data fed to it via any of its channels like its Playground and its chatbot. Hopefully, BigCode will make improvements to these limitations.
LLMs Aren’t That Complicated
StarCoder is just another example of an LLM that proves the transformative capacity of AI. LLMs continue to change the way certain processes in the field of engineering and science are performed.
LLMs aren’t as complicated as they seem. They utilize deep learning to analyze data and gain an understanding of grammar, syntax, and context to create responses. Understanding what LLMs are and how you can utilize LLMs can help you harness their potential.
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Just Born has been cranking out Mike and Ike candies since 1940. The Food Network’s Unwrapped 2.0 took a tour of their Pennsylvania factory for a look at how the chewy candies are made. They’re produced from sugar, corn syrup, and starch poured into molds, slow-baked, tumbled with colors and flavors, then glazed to a shine.