Introducing StarCoder: The New Programming AI

BigCode recently released a new artificially intelligent LLM (Large Language Model) named StarCoder with the aim of helping developers write efficient code faster. Here, you will learn about StarCoder, how StarCoder works and how you can utilize StarCoder to enhance your coding prowess.

What Is StarCoder?

StarCoder is an LLM designed solely for programming languages with the aim of assisting programmers in writing quality and efficient code within reduced time frames.


It is written in Python and trained to write over 80 programming languages, including object-oriented programming languages like C++, Python, and Java and procedural programming languages like Fortran and C.

How Does StarCoder Work?

The StarCoder LLM employs a Multi-Query Attention Technique that enables StarCoder to understand the code’s content and generate accurate suggestions. This technique involves analyzing multiple queries simultaneously to provide relevant responses.

StarCoder LLM’s training process involved collecting and compiling vast amounts of data from multiple programming languages sourced from GitHub repositories. By leveraging this diverse dataset, StarCoder can generate precise and efficient code suggestions.

How to Use the StarCoder LLM

Getting started with the StarCoder LLM is easy. You can leverage any of StarCoder’s tools, including its Playground or Chatbot, to write efficient code. Here’s how you can utilize StarCoder to write better programs.

1. Code Completion

StarCoder, through the use of the StarCoder Playground Interface, can scrape through and complete your programs or discover missing parts of your program based on the context of code written so far. To use the StarCoder Playground, write your incomplete code into the code prompt.

For example:

StarCoder suggests a JavaScript array method to complete the prompted code when you click the Generate button showcasing the code completion feature.

2. Code Generation from Natural Language Prompts

StarCoder is not an instruction model capable of understanding natural language prompts, such as "Create a function that finds prime numbers between 1 and 100". However, you can use StarCoder’s Chatbot(Tech Assistant) to input instructions and utilize StarCoder as an instruction model, as shown in the picture below:

This image depicts the StarCoder’s technical assistant being asked to write a Python function that finds the sum of prime numbers between one and hundred.

Similarly, you can utilize this chatbot to detect bugs in your code’s structure which StarCoder does by running the particular code through thousands of similar programs from GitHub repositories. This can save you time and effort in debugging your codes.

In addition to the features listed above, the StarCoder LLM offers more capabilities. This includes a Visual Studio Code Extension that provides code completion, helping to boost your productivity while developing software.

Current Limitations of the StarCoder LLM

Although the StarCoder LLM is an impressive AI (Artificial Intelligence) tool, it does have some limitations. One of the main limitations is its dependency on training data. The quality and quantity of the training data limit the performance of the StarCoder LLM.

Also, when utilizing the LLM for code generation or completion, you may encounter instances where StarCoder’s feedback could be more accurate. Additionally, StarCoder finds it difficult to process large amounts of data fed to it via any of its channels like its Playground and its chatbot. Hopefully, BigCode will make improvements to these limitations.

LLMs Aren’t That Complicated

StarCoder is just another example of an LLM that proves the transformative capacity of AI. LLMs continue to change the way certain processes in the field of engineering and science are performed.

LLMs aren’t as complicated as they seem. They utilize deep learning to analyze data and gain an understanding of grammar, syntax, and context to create responses. Understanding what LLMs are and how you can utilize LLMs can help you harness their potential.
