How to use Cloudflare R2 with Laravel file storage,w=1200,h=630,fit=cover/ogs/how-to-use-cloudflare-r2-with-laravel-file-storage.jpg

Laravel offers a powerful filesystem abstraction using Flysystem, a file storage library for PHP by Frank de Jonge. Flysystem provides one interface to interact with many filesystems, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3-compatible object storage. There are multiple S3 API compatible object storage in the market today – starting with Amazon S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, Linode Object Storage, Cloudflare R2 among others.

When deciding which S3 object storage service to use, several factors comes into play. These factors include project requirements, available features, location, and cost. For most users, including myself, the decision often comes down to the cost. I always choose Cloudflare R2 as my preferred option due to its affordability and zero egress fee.

Let me show you how can start using Cloudflare R2 object storage in your Laravel project.


Before we proceed, you may need to have some basic understanding of Laravel Storage, well at least know what it is and why we need it. To subscribe to Cloudflare R2, you will need a Credit Card or PayPal. R2 comes with a free tier, and you will only pay as you go once you exceed the limit. You can estimate your cost using R2 cost calculator.

Create a Cloudflare account

To create a Bucket, you must purchase R2 from the Cloudflare dashboard. Therefore, you must sign up for a Cloudflare account. If you already have an account, skip this section.

a screenshot of cloudflare sign up page

On signing up, click Explore all products link. You will redirect you to Cloudflare dashboard. You must verify your email before you can start using Cloudflare services.

a screenshot of cloudflare email verification prompt

Create a new R2 bucket

Create a new bucket – a file space on the server containing objects. Open the Cloudflare dashboard and select R2 on the left sidebar. You will be presented with an R2 subscription form. Fill in the billing details and credit card details, or use PayPal. If you already have a bucket, skip this section.

a screenshot of cloudflare r2 subscription form

If the subscription is successful, you will be presented with an R2 dashboard. Click Create a bucket.

a screenshot of cloudflare r2 home page

Provide a bucket name. Use your preferred naming convention. Update or retain the other default options, then click Create Bucket.

a screenshot of cloudflare r2 create bucket form

You should be presented with an empty R2 bucket ready for use upon successful creation.

a screenshot of cloudflare r2 empy bucket

Generate R2 credentials

To manage the bucket contents using Laravel, you must generate credentials for the S3 client. Select R2 from the left sidebar and then choose Manage R2 API tokens.

a screenshot of cloudflare link to manage api tokens

In the next page, select Create API token.

a screenshot of cloudflare link to create api token

Provide your preferred token name and select Object Read & Write permission. Apply the permission to specific buckets only (the bucket we created).

a screenshot of clopudflare-create-api-token-form

After your token has been successfully created, review your Secret Access Key and Access Key ID values. Save the keys as R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID and R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY respectively and jurisdiction-specific endpoint for S3 clients as R2_ENDPOINT. You will need these values in the next .

a screenshot of cloudflare r2 s3 access keys

You must record both values before proceeding, as the Secret Access Keys cannot be retrieved later.

Once you save the keys, click Finish.

Setup Laravel to use R2

In your Laravel app, open the .env file and add the following credentials.


Then open ./config/filesystems.php and add a new r2 disk as follows

return [
 'default' => env('FILESYSTEM_DISK', 'local'),
 'disks' => [
 'local' => [ /*...*/ ],
	'public' => [ /*...*/ ],
 's3' => [ /*...*/ ],
 'r2' => [
 'driver' => 's3',
 'key' => env('R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
 'secret' => env('R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
 'region' => 'auto',
 'bucket' => env('R2_BUCKET'),
 'url' => env('R2_URL'),
 'endpoint' => env('R2_ENDPOINT'),
 'use_path_style_endpoint' => env('R2_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT', false),
 'throw' => false,
 'links' => [ /*...*/ ],

Finally, install the Flysystem S3 package via the Composer package manager.

composer require league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 "^3.0" --with-all-dependencies

Testing the integration

To test if R2 integration was successful, try uploading a sample file. For example, you can try to upload the public/favicon.ico, which comes with all Laravel applications.

php artisan tinker

The command should open Psy Shell, where you can run the following code. If the command is successful, the Psy Shell should print true.

> $file = public_path('favicon.ico')
= "/Users/njoguamos/Code/r2/public/favicon.ico"
> Storage::disk('r2')->put('favicon.ico',$file)
= true

In the code above, we set the $file variable to the absolute path of the ‘favicon.ico’ file in the public directory. Then, use the Storage facade to store the ‘favicon.ico’ file to the ‘r2’ disk

To verify that the file was uploaded, run the following in the same Psy Shell.

> Storage::disk('r2')->allFiles()
= [

Open the R2 bucket dashboard on Cloudflare to verify the upload.

a screenshot of cloudflare r2 bucket with items

If you have made it this far, congratulations �. You have successfully integrated Cloudflare R2 with your Laravel application.


Integrating Cloudflare R2 with Laravel provides cost-effective and efficient object storage. Follow the guide to set up a Cloudflare R2 bucket and credentials and configure Laravel. R2 offers a free tier, pay-as-you-go options, and zero egress fees, making it an excellent choice for optimizing costs and performance. I hope this article was helpful. Please leave a comment in the discussion section.

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