True dat


Found on MeWe this morning (clickit to biggit):

Based on very personal, very bitter experience in several Third World countries over many years, I’m here to tell you, that meme is exactly right.  Civilized society and peaceful life, in the general context of human history, is indeed an anomaly that can – and frequently does – end at any time.

Imagine you were a Ukrainian couple in Kyiv this time last year.  Would you have predicted the invasion of your country, the bombardment of your city, and the possible destruction of your home, your job, your schools and hospitals, and everything else that made up what was "normal" in your life?  You probably wouldn’t . . . but welcome to 2022.

You say that can’t happen here, because the USA isn’t the third world?  I have news for you.  We’re importing the Third World by the millions across our southern border every year, with the blessing and permission of the Biden administration.  More than two million of them every year (perhaps more; we don’t know, and we can’t trust the "official figures – it could be double that) are spreading throughout the USA like a cancer.  They can’t help but drag down the societies into which they try to integrate, not out of malice, but because they don’t know any better.  That’s not a racist statement;  it’s cold, hard fact.  Ask anyone who’s had extensive experience in the Third World (and I don’t mean staying in first world hotels in a third world capital;  I mean boots on the ground among the people, with nothing to insulate them from the reality of that society).

Add that to the existing crime and violence problem in our cities, and things are going to get steadily worse in places like that.  As I’ve said many times before, if you live in or near one of America’s big cities, you’ll be well advised to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible, before it’s too late – because the Third World is coming to your doorstep, and it won’t stop there.  It’ll try to force its way inside your home, so you’d better have the means to stop it – or else.


Bayou Renaissance Man