Backup Tables

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Backup single or multiple database tables with ease.

Note: if you want a full database backup with many features go for Spatie Laravel Backup.

You can install the package via Composer:

composer require watheqalshowaiter/backup-tables

Use the BackupTables::generateBackup($tableToBackup) Facade anywhere in your application and it will
generate $tableToBackup_backup_2024_08_22_17_40_01 table in the database with all the data and structure. Note that
the datetime 2024_08_22_17_40_01 will be varied based on your datetime.

use WatheqAlshowaiter\BackupTables\BackupTables; // import the facade

class ChangeSomeData
    public function handle()
        BackupTables::generateBackup('users'); // will result: users_backup_2024_08_22_17_40_01
        // change some data.. 

And More Customizations

  • You can use an array to backup more than one table
BackupTables::generateBackup(['users', 'posts']); 
// users_backup_2024_08_22_17_40_01
// posts_backup_2024_08_22_17_40_01 
  • Or add Classes as parameters, It will backup their tables
BackupTables::generateBackup(User::class); // users_backup_2024_08_22_17_40_01
// or
BackupTables::generateBackup([User::class, Post::class]); // users_backup_2024_08_22_17_40_01, posts_backup_2024_08_22_17_40_01 
  • You can customize the $dataTime format to whatever you want
BackupTables::generateBackup('users', 'Y_d_m_H_i'); // users_backup_2024_22_08_17_40

*Note: be aware if you customize the datetime to wide datetime the package will check the backup datetime file and
will be skipped
the exact same datetime, so most of the time the default will be fine
For example: if you use this Y_d_m_H you can not generate the same backup in the same hour

BackupTables::generateBackup('users', 'Y_d_m_H'); // can not generate the same backup in the same hour
BackupTables::generateBackup('users', 'Y_d_m'); // can not generate the same backup in the same day

Sometimes you want to backup some database tables before changing data for whatever reason, this package serves this
need. I used it personally before adding foreign keys for tables that required the removal of unlinked fields for parent tables.
You may find some situation where you play with table data or you’re afraid of missing data so you backup these tables

✅ Supports Laravel versions: 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6.

✅ Supports PHP versions: 8.2, 8.1, 8.0, and 7.4.

✅ Supports SQL databases: SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.

✅ Fully automated tested with PHPUnit.

✅ Full GitHub Action CI pipeline to format code and test against all Laravel and PHP versions.

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

If you have any ideas or suggestions to improve it or fix bugs, your contribution is welcome. I encourage you to look at todos which are the most important features that need to be added. If you have something different, submit an issue first to discuss or report a bug, then do a pull request.

If you find any security vulnerabilities don’t hesitate to contact me at watheqalshowaiter[at]gmail[dot]com to fix

And a special thanks to The King Creative for the logo ✨

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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