Uh-Oh: World Economic Forum Banner Slips, Revealing HYDRA Logo


GENEVA — The World Economic Forum experienced a major blunder during a recent symposium when the institution’s banner slipped, revealing the tentacled HYDRA logo. The blooper occurred during a symposium in which a small number of elite intellectuals discussed enslaving and depopulating the earth as a humane method for reducing climate change.

Attendees initially felt shock after seeing the six-tentacled HYDRA logo floating above the heads of Professor Klaus Schwab and his associates. But after seeing Schwab continue to drone on about the imperative to control world governments as a means to achieve the group’s agenda, the attendees realized the unnerving logo made perfect sense.

“I gotta say, that tentacled skull glaring down at me from the HYDRA logo really matches the words coming out of that Shwab fella’s mouth,” said one forum attendee, “Including the time he laughed maniacally about how many young people in the US think communism works.”

At publishing time, witnesses reported seeing Klaus Shwab’s human skin mask slip off to reveal a red skull.

Satan held a press conference today responding to the big loss of Roe v. Wade. He’s doing his best to keep his chin up.

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DIY Schlieren Imaging of Bullets In Slow Motion


If you have been reading some of my articles this past year, you must have noticed I have been using a Chronos 1.4 slow-motion camera. I have been looking up different ways to use my slow-motion camera in the context of studying firearms. I have helped to film weapon malfunctions that happen too fast for […]

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The post DIY Schlieren Imaging of Bullets In Slow Motion appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

The Firearm Blog

Mageni – Open Source Vulnerability Scanner based on Laravel



Mageni eases for you the vulnerability management cycle. We believe cybersecurity must be an enjoyable and uplifting experience to be truly fulfilling in your life. Mageni empowers you to identify, prioritize, and respond to vulnerabilities and misconfigurations before they are exploited by hackers. Mageni takes the discomfort and pain out of cybersecurity by easing simple tasks for vulnerability management, such as:

  • Asset Discovery
  • Prioritize Assets
  • Vulnerability Scanning
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Reporting
  • Remediation
  • Vulnerability Prioritization
  • Vulnerability Validation
  • Compliance Testing (PCI DSS, NIST, HIPAA, ISO, NERC, FISMA, NIS)
  • Penetration Testing
  • Security Audits
  • And more …

Mageni is accessible, powerful, and will save you time, money, and resources while reducing the risk of non compliance, financial losses, fines, and security breaches. This is what it currently looks like:

Vulnerability Management Statistics

  • 60% of breach victims were breached due to an unpatched known vulnerability (Ponemom Institute)
  • 62% were unaware that they were vulnerable prior to the data breach (Ponemom Institute)
  • $4.24 million cost per data breach on average; highest in 17-year report history (IBM)


Mageni’s mission is to make your life more enjoyable and peaceful by providing you with a wonderful vulnerability management platform.


We envision a world where cybersecurity and vulnerability management is an enjoyable and uplifting experience that is truly fulfilling in your life.

What is the Vulnerability Management Cycle?

The Vulnerability Management Cycle is intended to allow organizations and individuals to identify and assess computer system security weaknesses; prioritize assets; assess, report, and remediate the weaknesses; and verify that they have been eliminated. Mageni automates for you the Vulnerability Management Cycle saving you time, money, and resources, and helps you to comply with security standards like PCI DSS, NIST, and others.

Here you can see the Vulnerability Management Cycle according to Gartner:

Mageni takes the pain out of the vulnerability management cycle by easing those tasks.


  • PenTester
  • Cybersecurity Professionals
  • SOC Analyst
  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Security Researchers
  • Auditors
  • Red Team
  • Malware Analyst
  • Business owners
  • System Administrators
  • Developers
  • And anyone concerned about cybersecurity and vulnerabilities



  1. Download Multipass
sudo snap install multipass
  1. Launch a multipass instance
multipass launch -c 2 -m 6G -d 20G -n mageni 20.04 && multipass shell mageni
  1. Install Mageni
curl -sL https://www.mageni.net/installation | sudo bash


  1. If you don’t have it already, install Brew. Then, to install Multipass simply execute:
brew install --cask multipass
  1. Launch a multipass instance
multipass launch -c 2 -m 6G -d 20G -n mageni 20.04 && multipass shell mageni
  1. Install Mageni
curl -sL https://www.mageni.net/installation | sudo bash


  1. Download the Multipass installer for Windows
Note: You need Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise/Education v 1803 or later, or any Windows 10 with VirtualBox
  1. Ensure your network is private
Make sure your local network is designated as private, otherwise Windows prevents Multipass from starting.
  1. Run the installer
You need to allow the installer to gain Administrator privileges.
  1. Launch a multipass instance
multipass launch -c 2 -m 6G -d 20G -n mageni 20.04
  1. Log into the multipass instance
  1. Install Mageni
curl -sL https://www.mageni.net/installation | sudo bash


We love working on Mageni and give it to you without expecting anything in return. We find great joy in providing you with the best foundation for your vulnerability management program as we possibly can. However, if you choose to show your appreciation by sponsoring this project, know that we are deeply appreciative.

10% of the proceeds go towards reducing climate change on earth and 90% go to funding the infrastructure and full-time staff working on new features, bug fixes, and improvements.

  • Are you using Mageni for your personal projects and side projects and really enjoying it? The sponsorship tier Enthusiast gives you the chance to give back.
  • Has Mageni reinvigorated your love for cybersecurity? The sponsorship tier Lover gives you the chance to give back.
  • Has Mageni helped you in your career and made your cybersecurity experience more enjoyable? The sponsorship tier Professional gives you the chance to give back.
  • Has Mageni helped your small business (less than 100 employees)? The sponsorship tier Small Business gives you the chance to give back.
  • Has Mageni helped your medium business (less than 500 employees)? The sponsorship tier Medium Business gives you the chance to give back.
  • Has Mageni helped your organization (more than 500 employees)? The sponsorship tier Organization gives you the chance to give back.
  • Has Mageni helped your MSP? The sponsorship tier MSP gives you the chance to give back.

Benefits of Sponsorship

  • Access to the private issues repository
  • Access to the private discusion board
  • Priority support to fix bugs
  • Your feature request will be a top priority
  • You have an active role in preserving the software that you use

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification

Mageni is developed by certified CompTIA PenTest+ Professionals. CompTIA PenTest+ is for cybersecurity professionals tasked with penetration testing and vulnerability management, is compliant with ISO 17024 standards and approved by the US DoD.

Mageni helps to reduce climate change

Mageni is a member of the Stripe Climate and contributes 10% of your sponsorship to reduce climate change.

With your sponsorship you are making this world a better place for both present and future generations.


You can also contribute with:

  • Bug reports
  • Features request

For more information, read the contribution guide

Thank you, open source

Mageni uses a lot of open source projects and we thank them with all our hearts. We hope that providing Mageni as an free, open source project will help other people the same way those softwares have helped us and in doing so Mageni is also in strict compliance with the open source licenses. In this repository you will find the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). This website has the list of all open source software that Mageni uses and their respective copyrights. If you believe that we are missing something, drop us an email to opensource@mageni.net and ASAP we will fix it.

Please note that Mageni does not sells the open source software. This software is, and always will be, free and open source.


Mageni is released under the GPLv2 license


This open source software is provided solely for lawful purposes and use. You must use the software in a manner that complies with all applicable national, federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, codes and other types of government authority.

Laravel News Links

“The limits of flesh”


That’s the title of an article by author and friend Sarah Hoyt, in which she considers, in the light of the Roe v. Wade brouhaha, what it means – or should mean – to be a woman.  Here are a few excerpts from a long, but very thought-provoking discourse.

… our bodies influence us, in health and illness far more than we wish to believe. The thinking meat is MEAT. We are creatures of flesh and blood, who think. We are not thoughts, trapped in the flesh and blood.

And if you ignore the needs and impulses of the flesh and blood, you’ll either lose your mind or your body.

And if you ignore them as a society, you end up with a lot of unhappy, confused, angry people, who can’t figure out what’s made them so unhappy.

On the whole subject of abortion, a friend said — and I don’t intellectually disagree — that we can’t force women to carry babies, because that’s evil. And that we can’t curtail women’s sex drive, or demand they curtail it, because that too is evil. Oh, and that all birth control fails eventually (which isn’t wrong, btw. Reproductive systems are far, far more complicated than we like to believe. Which I’ll revisit again, btw.)

But something at the back of my head piped up and bitched when she said that. It wasn’t a happy something, and it was an admission against interest, since I mostly believe we should make people as free as possible (my protest on abortion is that it involves two people, and the defenseless one gets killed, but that’s something else) and since I legitimately think nature is something to conquer. But what piped up in my mind was “But is that fighting against reality?”

This was brought into full bloom last night, on a facebook thread of Brad Torgersen’s, in which a guy came in guns blazing and said we needed abortion to be safe, convenient and as available as possible so women wouldn’t be “second class citizens.” Because if women are going to be fully equal, we need to eliminate the downsides of being a woman.

At which point the bitching at the back of my mind became a scream “But women are women. You can’t eliminate the downside of being a woman, without eliminating being a woman.

. . .

… we are not brains, or minds, in a vacuum. We’re creatures of flesh and blood. And contra the “there’s no difference” crowd, you need only have a rudimentary knowledge of biology to know your brain, your tissues, everything were formed differently according to your sex. I don’t remember and am not in the mood to go look it up, but you start differentiating at a ridiculously early gestational point, for sure before two weeks. After that the hormone baths in utero are different, and your development is markedly different.

No, you don’t know what it’s like to be the other sex. No one does. Yes, we’re way more different than our superficial outward appearance would indicate. The longer I live the more aware I become that perhaps Heinlein was right about us really being different species who are merely symbiotic.

So when making women “not second class citizens” requires making them as free from concerns about getting pregnant as men…. are we in actual fact at war with the very fact that there are women; that women are unique and have different capabilities and different downfalls? … Whether you consider getting pregnant a liability or a magic power, it is still an integral part of being a woman.

. . .

It seems to be worth it as a woman you have to pretend to be a male.

The push is on constantly. You’re sneered at for writing or reading romance, because it’s a thing women do. (Yes, men do it too, but the crossover on that is minuscule.) And now a lot of movies, including those billed as romantic comedy are consciously eliminating the Happily Ever After. Instead the woman decides to go off and have a career, or “learn to love myself.”

And I come back again to: Why can’t women be women? Why is it that performing the most basic and distinctive function of being female is considered being a second class citizen? Why are we all supposed to act like men?

. . .

Arguably civilization came about because women didn’t want to put out all the time and for everyone. If Ogg wanted Morga to put out, he had to make sure he was a good hunter, and could make the spears to make himself so. And no sleeping around with everyone, all the time, because he had to provide for Morga and their kids. In return, he had the assurance that Morga also wasn’t sleeping around, and their kids were THEIRS.

If women sleep around as much as men, the entire world becomes a giant gay-bathhouse. And kids are an inconvenience, or a “punishment.” Stop me when this sounds familiar.

There’s much more at the link.  Highly recommended reading.

These are, of course, the points that radical feminists either deny outright, or reject with contempt, or simply ignore (usually because they have no answer to them).  Our natures as men or women are fundamental to who we are, how we respond to external stimuli, our roles in society, and so on.  Any variation on those basics tends to be only skin deep, and only effective in a society that has enough artificial supports to make them possible.

I’m here to tell you from long and (sometimes bitter) experience:  when things go badly wrong, through disaster, war, or any other crisis;  when the social norms to which we’re accustomed are sloughed off because there’s no time or energy or infrastructure to support them any longer;  the "bad old days" of society return with a vengeance.  Men are once again valued for their physical strength, their willingness to defend those weaker than themselves, and their ability to provide food, clothing and shelter.  Women are once again valued for their capability to nurture, to make a house into a home, to be the heart of the family rather than its head.  This happens everywhere, whenever circumstances require it.  It’s not strange, it’s not unusual – it’s normal.  It’s not a matter of patriarchy or matriarchy, or anything in between.  It’s the cold, hard reality of life when it’s pared down to its essentials, without any of the luxuries and social trappings that modern society uses as a fig-leaf to disguise the reality of men and women and their complementary roles as human beings.

Go read Sarah’s article in full, and think about it.  It’s worth your time.


Bayou Renaissance Man

True Facts About Beavers


True Facts About Beavers


Cue the double entendres. Zefrank1 is here to teach us about our favorite dam-building rodent. These resourceful mammals are good at swimming, carrying things, and eating underwater. You might know about the beaver’s wood-chomping teeth, but we bet you didn’t know all the stuff that comes out of their butts.

The Awesomer

DigiKam, a free and open-source raw photo management app for macOS, Windows and Linux, has been updated


DigiKam is a free, open-source digital photo management app available on Windows, macOS and Linux. The app has just been updated to version 7.7.0, adding numerous new features, bug fixes and camera support.

DigiKam 7.7.0 supports the AOM AV1 Image File Format (AVIF), an open-source video coding format. It’s similar to HEIF. The app also adds read/write support for the JPEG-XL image format in all supported bundles. JPEG-XL support first appeared in digiKam 7.6.0, but there were some issues with animated files, which have now been addressed.

The update uses an updated Libraw version, supporting the OM System OM-1 camera’s raw image files. More than 1,180 different cameras have raw file support in digiKam 7.7.0. The company also notes that the KDE framework has been updated to the latest 5.95 release and Qt 5.15 LTS is used in the Windows and macOS bundle.

9to5Linux reports that the latest version of digiKam includes improved support for SVG files, improved DNG file support, better GIF support and Flatpak support. The software also has a new ‘Ignore face’ button for unrecognized faces when using the app’s thumbnail view. Issues with detecting the Hugin open-source panorama photo stitching and HDR merging program have been addressed. There’s also improved reading of raw DNG files from Adobe Lightroom that have been converted to sRGB color space and TIFF file format.

There are also many bug and crash fixes. The team says that 84 bugs have been triaged.

Looking ahead, version 8.0.0 should be released as a beta test later this summer, and a full release is expected by the end of the year. The team is working on porting the git master branch to the new Qt6 framework. A couple of students are also working on improving the neural network for the application’s Image Quality Analyzer. This feature works to analyze images based on noise, focus, exposure and compression.

DigiKam 7.7.0 is available to download for free here. Click here for more information about the software, features, and capabilities.

Articles: Digital Photography Review (dpreview.com)

10 Disturbing Photographs From Post-Roe America


Roe v. Wade has been overturned and we are now all living in the literal Handmaid’s Tale. Already, thousands of harrowing photographs have emerged from the abortion-free hellscape. It’s worse than we thought. We were warned, and we didn’t listen.

These 10 disturbing photos offer a horrifying glimpse into the dark world we now live in. Viewer discretion is advised.

…are you sure you’re ready?

Look at this woman’s face. Her mouth is agape in horror at this baby who should never have been born.

Two siblings compete for meager food resources. This is what happens when fascists get their way.

This is just a hanger. There’s nothing special about it, it’s just a hanger. But in a post-Roe world, it’s a weapon of mass destruction.

Three kids? Imagine the carbon footprint! Mother Earth is crying.

FOUR of them now?! Make it stop!

Another white male brought into the world. Look how sad his mother is. We hope you’re happy, right-wingers.

This dad could be playing video games right now. Instead, he’s going on a boring walk.

This is an artist’s depiction of what the earth will look like in three weeks if more babies are born. Trust the science and stop this before it’s too late.

This woman missed out on a promising career in office management to have a baby. And for what?

Somewhere in post-Roe America, Clarence Thomas is smiling, and probably laughing an evil laugh. Now it will haunt your dreams. Welcome to The Handmaid’s Tale.

NOT SATIRE: Recently, we held a public event on the evening before our annual Wilberforce Weekend to talk about how we can prepare to live in a post-Roe world. A very important aspect of that event was learning how we can respond to the common slogans, the common lines that people often throw around in support of abortion. We asked Stephanie Gray Connors, one of the great apologists for the sanctity of life in our present moment to address some of these slogans and she answered a common pro-abortion statement, “embryos aren’t people.” It was riveting, powerful and needed to be heard by all. Also, at last week’s pre-Wilberforce event, preparing for a post-Roe future, Stephanie answered three more slogans, just like that one. To receive access to the entire evening event, Preparing for a Post-Roe World, sign up for the daily commentary at Breakpoint!

Satan held a press conference today responding to the big loss of Roe v. Wade. He’s doing his best to keep his chin up.

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Two Half Wheel Bike


Two Half Wheel Bike


If you split a wheel in half, you shouldn’t still be able to ride on it, right? Well, watch this video from The Q, in which he cut two bike wheels and tires down the middle, connected them with a long chain and positioned them so one half is always touching the ground. Miraculously, the bike rides just fine.

The Awesomer