Multitenant Laravel Notifications

Laravel Notifications are an awesome tool that provides built-in support for sending notifications, in dozens of different channels, like Slack, Telegram, SMS, etc.

In this tutorial, we will see how we can customise Laravel Notifications core to accommodate a multi-tenant setup in a single database.

Note: This tutorial is using Laravel 9.x but should be working for older Laravel versions as well.

Step 1: The Notifications Table

The first thing we need to do is publish the default notifications table using

php artisan notifications:table

You should now have a new migration file under database/migrations which should look like this


use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

return new class extends Migration {
    public function up()
        Schema::create('notifications', function (Blueprint $table) {

Ideally, we would like to have a foreign key to the tenant model.

Schema::create('notifications', function (Blueprint $table) {

     $table->foreignId('tenant_id')->constrained(); // <- Add this

If tenants are supposed to be receiving notifications you might want to make the tenant_id column nullable.

Step 2: Override Laravel’s Database Channel

The next step would be to find a way to fill in that column whenever a notification is being stored in the database. For that, we need to extend the default DatabaseChannel class and replace our version in the Laravel Container.

What we need is a new class called DatabaseChannel which extends Illuminate\Notifications\Channels\DatabaseChannel.


namespace App\Notifications\Channels;

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class DatabaseChannel extends \Illuminate\Notifications\Channels\DatabaseChannel
    public function buildPayload($notifiable, Notification $notification)
        return [
            'id' => $notification->id,
            'type' => get_class($notification),
            'data' => $this->getData($notifiable, $notification),
            'read_at' => null,
            'tenant_id' => $notification->tenant_id,

Step 3: Create a tenant-aware Notification

Now, whenever we create a new notification we need to inject the tenant_id property so that we can insert it into the database.


namespace App\Notifications;

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class BaseNotification extends Notification
    public $tenant_id;

    public function __construct($tenant_id)
        $this->tenant_id = $tenant_id;

    public function via()
        return ['database'];

    public function toDatabase($notifiable)
        return [
             // your payload

Step 4: Use our implementation of the DatabaseChannel

Finally, we need to switch Laravel’s implementation of the DatabaseChannel with ours. To do that we just need to set this up inside the boot method of the AppServiceProvider.


namespace App\Providers;

use App\Notifications\Channels\DatabaseChannel;
use \Illuminate\Notifications\Channels\DatabaseChannel as BaseDatabaseChannel;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        $this->app->instance(BaseDatabaseChannel::class, new DatabaseChannel());


And that’s it!

You now have multi-tenant notifications set up in your Laravel project!

Laravel News Links

Laravel Query Log

You can’t perform that action at this time.

You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.
You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

Laravel News Links

A Step-by-Step Guide to Fetching the URL from the ‘href’ attribute using BeautifulSoup

When we browse through a webpage, we see some blue text with an underline underneath. These are called anchor texts. That’s because when you click on these texts, they take you to a new webpage. 

The anchor tags, or the <a> tags of HTML, are used to create anchor texts, and the URL of the webpage that is to be opened is specified in the href attribute.

Refer to the below image to understand it better.

In almost all web scraping projects, fetching the URLs from the href attribute is a common task.

In today’s article, let’s learn different ways of fetching the URL from the href attribute using Beautiful Soup.

To fetch the URL, we have to first find all the anchor tags, or hrefs, on the webpage. Then fetch the value of the href attribute.

Two ways to find all the anchor tags or href entries on the webpage are:

  1. soup.find_all()
  2. SoupStrainer class

Once all the href entries are found, we fetch the values using one of the following methods:

  • tag['href']
  • tag.get('href')

Prerequisite: Install and Import requests and BeautifulSoup

Throughout the article, we will use the requests module to access the webpage and BeautifulSoup for parsing and pulling the data from the HTML file.

To install requests on your system, open your terminal window and enter the below command:

pip install requests

More information here:

To install Beautiful Soup in your system, open your terminal window and enter the below command:

pip install bs4

To install Beautiful Soup, open the terminal window and enter the below command:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

More information here:

Find the href entries from a webpage

The href entries are always present within the anchor tag (<a> tag). So, the first task is to find all the <a> tags within the webpage.

Using soup.find_all()

Soup represents the parsed file. The method soup.find_all() gives back all the tags and strings that match the criteria.

Let’s say we want to find all the <a> tags in a document. We can do as shown below.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ""
# retrieve the data from URL
response = requests.get(url)

# parse the contents of the webpage
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

# filter all the <a> tags from the parsed document
for tag in soup.find_all('a'):


<a class="link-box" data-slogan="The Free Encyclopedia" href="//" id="js-link-box-en" title="English — Wikipedia — The Free Encyclopedia">
<small><bdi dir="ltr">6 383 000+</bdi> <span>articles</span></small>

<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License</a>
<a href="">Terms of Use</a>
<a href="">Privacy Policy</a>

Using SoupStrainer class

We can also use the SoupStrainer class. To use it, we have to first import it into the program using the below command.

from bs4 import SoupStrainer

Now, you can opt to parse only the required attributes using the SoupStrainer class as shown below.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, SoupStrainer

url = ""
# retrieve the data from URL
response = requests.get(url)

# parse-only the <a> tags from the webpage
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser', parse_only=SoupStrainer("a"))
for tag in soup:


<a class="link-box" data-slogan="The Free Encyclopedia" href="//" id="js-link-box-en" title="English — Wikipedia — The Free Encyclopedia">
<small><bdi dir="ltr">6 383 000+</bdi> <span>articles</span></small>

<a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License</a>
<a href="">Terms of Use</a>
<a href="">Privacy Policy</a>

Fetch the value of href attribute

Once we have fetched the required tags, we can retrieve the value of the href attribute.

All the attributes and their values are stored in the form of a dictionary. Refer to the below:

sample_string="""<a href="" class="sister" id="link1">Elsie</a>"""
soup= BeautifulSoup(sample_string,'html.parser')


<a class="sister" href="" id="link1">Elsie</a>
{'href': '', 'class': ['sister'], 'id': 'link1'}

Using tag[‘href’]

As seen in the output, the attributes and their values are stored in the form of a dictionary.

To access the value of the href attribute, just say


Now, let’s tweak the above program to print the href values.

sample_string="""<a href="" class="sister" id="link1">Elsie</a>"""
soup= BeautifulSoup(sample_string,'html.parser')


Using tag.get(‘href’)

Alternatively, we can also use the get() method on the dictionary object to retrieve the value of ‘href’ as shown below.

sample_string = """<a href="" class="sister" id="link1">Elsie</a>"""
soup = BeautifulSoup(sample_string,'html.parser')
atag = soup.find_all('a')[0]


Real-Time Examples

Now that we know how to fetch the value of the href attribute, let’s look at some of the real-time use cases.

Example 1: Fetch all the URLs from the webpage.

Let’s scrape the Wikipedia main page to find all the href entries.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

url = ""
# retrieve the data from URL
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code ==200:
   soup=BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
   for tag in soup.find_all(href=True):



As you can see, all the href entries are printed.

Example 2: Fetch all URLs based on some condition

Let’s say we need to find only the outbound links. From the output, we can notice that most of the inbound links do not have "https://" in the link. 

Thus, we can use the regular expression ("^https://") to match the URLs that start with "https://" as shown below.

Also, check to ensure nothing with ‘wikipedia’ in the domain is in the result. 

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re

url = ""
# retrieve the data from URL
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code ==200:
   soup=BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
   for tag in soup.find_all(href=re.compile("^https://")):
       if 'wikipedia' in tag['href']:



Example 3: Fetch the URLs based on the value of different attributes

Consider a file as shown below:

Let’s say we need to fetch the URL from the class=sister and with id=link2. We can do that by specifying the condition as shown below.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

#open the  html file.
with open("sample.html") as f:
   #parse the contents of the html file
   # find the tags with matching criteria
   for tag in soup.find_all('a',{'href': True, 'class' : 'sister' ,'id' : 'link2' }):



That brings us to the end of this tutorial. In this short tutorial, we have learned how to fetch the value of the href attribute within the HTML <a> tag. We hope this article has been informative. Thanks for reading.


Low-Tech Eyeglasses with User-Adjustable Water Lenses

Fourteen years ago, we covered a brilliantly-designed pair of eyeglasses with water-filled lenses. Created for users in developing nations by British inventor and Oxford professor Joshua Silver, the glasses obviate the need for opticians (who are in short supply in poor countries), as the user can tune their own prescription.

The way the glasses work is, a water-filled syringe is temporarily mounted on each stem and plugged into the lenses:

The user rotates the syringes back and forth, which adjusts the amount of water within each lens, until they can see perfectly.

Once the user’s got their prescription dialed in, the syringes are removed, and the user’s got 20-20.

It looks pretty cool in action:

<pundefined< em="">

Today Silver runs an organization called the Centre for Vision in the Developing World, which has provided 100,000 pairs of his adaptive glasses to people in over 30 countries. They reckon they will have to multiply that a bit, as "More than 2 billion people in the world today need glasses but don’t have them." They also cite that "100 million school-aged children cannot read the blackboard in class."

CVDW ran a crowdfunding campaign in 2017 to raise the funds to distribute 50,000 pairs of glasses to children in developing nations. The funding target was $67,971, but they wound up with a paltry $4,671–just 6% of their goal.

According to CBC Radio, the adaptable glasses cost just $1 to produce. So I’m wondering:

Might a retooled campaign succeed if they appealed to people’s selfishness, rather than just the ability to donate? What if it was "Buy a pair for yourself, pay enough to send some multiple of pairs to children"?

For instance, I would happily buy a pair of these glasses to use as reading glasses at home or in my shop, where I need to wear a different prescription in order to do woodworking, and I’d pay for an extra 50 or 100 pairs to send to the countries that need it. (I might even leave the syringes on, to fine-tune for detailed work.)

Similarly, I bet you could get people to pay anywhere from $20 to $100 for a pair of these to use as a backup/emergency set of eyeglasses. Target disaster preppers.

I personally wouldn’t wear these out in public, for fear of drawing attention (I’m a minority and I live in a rural area where let’s just say, there is no one who looks like me). But if you could give these glasses a hash-taggable name and get Kanye to wear a pair, perhaps people more carefree in their appearance would find them hip enough to wear outside of the house, and buy themselves a pair and pay for many multiples.

I do hope that Silver re-tools the campaign and re-launches it at some point.

Speaking of crowdfunding, don’t forget that this week Craighton Berman, serial crowdfund-ee, is giving a free crash course in how designers can tackle it. It’s on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd at 2pm EST and you can sign up here. Professor Silver, if by some chance you’re reading this, do tune in–I can guarantee the information will be worth your time, and your invention is too good to not fulfill its ambition.


Top Laravel Packages To Install: Handpicked List From Expert

Quick Summary:

The most popular PHP framework- Laravel becomes handicapped if you eliminate its crucial part- the best Laravel packages. Yeah, sure, I’m not here to eliminate or miss out on these precious gems from the framework. Rather, in this post, I’m going to amalgamate the top Laravel packages altogether in place for your easy access.

I’m sure you will bookmark this blog for your future references! Pin it now.


In a short span of time, Laravel has taken the PHP community by storm, and it hasn’t slowed down since its introduction. This is why Laravel does not need any introduction, as it is recognized as one of the fastest-growing backend frameworks.

I love this PHP-based framework more than any other framework as it makes the process of software development easier to implement modules, packages, plugins, and components.

I am writing this blog post to get you through the top Laravel packages to enhance your web application and performance.

What are Laravel packages?

Packages are one of the great ways to accelerate web application development and save your valuable time from the tedious task of writing the code from scratch. It can be freely reused anywhere in the code. Laravel has different-different kinds of packages; some of them standalone – Behat and Carbon are the best examples of such pages as they can be freely used with all the frameworks requesting COMPOSER.JS file.

In layman’s terms, Laravel Packages, also known as laravel plugins or bundles, are ready-to-use written scripts that you can plug and play into your application at your convenience.

Laravel’s packages deserve special attention because they minimize the code and improve the application’s maintainability.

How to install Laravel package?

The best Laravel packages can be divided into two main categories: Laravel specific packages and framework-independent packages. Laravel specific packages work exclusively with the Laravel framework, whereas framework-independent packages also work with other PHP-based frameworks.

Process of Installing Composer Package in Laravel

Composer for Laravel is what NPM is to JavaScript. When installing the package or plugin, it’s a straightforward process- write a one-line code in the composer.json file, and your job is done because the composer automatically pulls its package from

To install the Laravel package, the syntax for installing the command line goes like this;

Copy Text

composer require packageowner/packagename

Use the below command to fetch the updated package

Copy Text

php artisan update

To use the installed package, instantiate a new object

Copy Text

$package = new Package;

If the package is namespaced then;

Copy Text

$package = new PackageNamespace\Package;

To ensure validation at vendor/composer/autoload_* files. You can also ensure it from the main package source file.

Copy Text

vendor/vendorName/packageName/[src or lib or whatever]/Package.php

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Top Laravel Packages: Preserve the List

Let’s have a look at the best Laravel packages to optimize the performance of your Laravel application.

1. Laravel Debugbar

Laravel Debugbar

One of my favorites among the top Laravel packages is Debugbar that I mostly use to audit the code. It adds a dev toolbar to display exceptions, debug messages, routes, open views, and DB queries for the application. It will also show the rendered templates and parameters that you have passed.

Usage: Add using the Façade and PSR-3 levels

Copy Text

Debugbar::warning('Watch out…');
Debugbar::addMessage('Another message', 'mylabel');

And start/stop timing:
Debugbar::startMeasure('render','Time for rendering');
Debugbar::addMeasure('now', LARAVEL_START, microtime(true));
Debugbar::measure('My long operation', function() {
    // Do something…

Source: Github– 13.5k stars, 1.3k fork

2. Entrust

This package comes in handy when it comes to adding role-based permissions to your Laravel 5 application. Entrust is divided into 4 different categories: Store role records, store permission records, store relations between roles and users and store various relations between roles and permission.

Copy Text

$admin = new Role();
$admin->name         = 'admin';
$admin->display_name = 'User Administrator'; // optional
$admin->description  = 'User is allowed to manage and edit other users'; // optional

Next, assign them to the user.

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$user = User::where('username', '=', 'michele')->first();
// role attach alias
$user->attachRole($admin); // parameter can be an Role object, array, or id
// or eloquent's original technique
$user->roles()->attach($admin->id); // id only

Add role-based permissions:

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$createPost = new Permission();
$createPost->name         = 'create-post';
$createPost->display_name = 'Create Posts'; // optional
// Allow a user to...
$createPost->description  = 'create new blog posts'; // optional
$editUser = new Permission();
$editUser->name         = 'edit-user';
$editUser->display_name = 'Edit Users'; // optional
// Allow a user to...
$editUser->description  = 'edit existing users'; // optional
// equivalent to $admin->perms()->sync(array($createPost->id));
$owner->attachPermissions(array($createPost, $editUser));
// equivalent to $owner->perms()->sync(array($createPost->id, $editUser->id))

Source: GitHub– 6.2k stars, 1.3k fork

3. Sentry

I am pretty sure that you are familiar with the Laravel error tracking service. Sentry has its own Laravel integration. For any unexpected error, you will receive an email outlining what’s wrong with the ongoing app. To inspect the entire block of code and track group errors, it’s a convenient feature for the dashboard.

Source: GitHub– 1k stars, 149 forks

4. Bugsnag

To manage the expectations and monitor the errors, it is another cross-platform tool. Just like the Sentry, it offers fully customizable filtering and reporting. Instead of email, you will receive notification through Slack and Pagerduty

Source: GitHub– 780 stars, 111 forks

5. Socialite

Laravel Socialite

One of the simplest and easiest ways to handle OAuth authentication. Where users can sign in with the help of the most popular social networks like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, BigBucket, and GitHub.

Copy Text

     * Obtain the user information from GitHub.
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function handleProviderCallback()
        $user = Socialite::driver('github')->user();
        // $user->token;

Source: Laravel

GitHub: 5k stars, 807 forks

6. Laravel Mix

Laravel mix

Laravel Mix is known as Laravel Elixir, widely used to create an interactive API for webpack-build steps for your project. This tool is commonly used for optimizing and compiling assets in Laravel application similar to the gulp and Grant.

  • Install Laravel
  • Run npm install
  • Visit your webpack.mix.js file, and get started!

GitHub: 4.9k stars, 796 forks

7. Eloquent-Sluggable

The purpose of this package is to provide a unique slug – a simplified version of string – that eliminates ampersands, accented letters, and spaces converting it into one case, and this package aims to make users happier with automatic and minimal configuration.

Copy Text

use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable;
class Post extends Model
    use Sluggable;
     * Return the sluggable configuration array for this model.
     * @return array
    public function sluggable()
        return [
            'slug' => [
                'source' => 'title'

Source: GitHub– 3.3k stars, 424 forks

There’s an avalanche of Laravel Packages!
Only the expert Laravel developers will find out the best Laravel packages for your project. Get in touch with the best Laravel Development Company!

8. Laravel Heyman

Laravel Heyman

Laravel Heyman lets you validate, authenticate and authorize rest of your application’s code.

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Source: GitHub– 768 stars, 37 forks

9. Laravel Charts

Laravel Charts

Charts is a PHP Laravel library to handle unlimited combinations of the charts. It is specifically designed to be loaded over AJAX and can be used without any external efforts. Laravel charts package makes use of simple API to create JS logic for your web application.


Copy Text

composer require consoletvs/charts

Source: GitHub– 274 stars, 66 forks

10. Laravel Form Builder

Laravel form builder is inspired by Symfony’s form builder to create forms that can be easily modified and reused at our convenience. This package provides external support for Bootstrap3.

To install: Via Composer

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composer require kris/laravel-form-builder

To use bootstrap 4

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composer require ycs77/laravel-form-builder-bs4

Source: GitHub– 1.6k stars, 297 forks

11. Spatie

The sole purpose of creating a Spatie package is to allow you to embed roles and permissions within your application. Setting up different roles and admin permission on various activities within your website or the application is essential, considering the security and viability. While you can do it manually, the Spatie Laravel Packages gives you the ease to push roles right from the database.

Installing the package

Copy Text

composer require spatie/laravel-permission

Push Migration

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php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

Migrate to Database

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PHP artisan migrate

Publishing Configuration Files

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php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Source: GitHub– 10k stars, 1.5k forks

12. Laravel User Verification

Setting up a website and registering users, and you would need to have an email validation form embedded. The Laravel User Verification Package does the same. It is designed in a way that can store as well as handle validation tokens every time a user clicks for verification.

Installing the package

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composer require jrean/laravel-user-verification

Edit the RegisterController.php file

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public function register(Request $request)



   $user = $this->create($request->all());

   event(new Registered($user));



   UserVerification::send($user, 'My Custom E-mail Subject');

   return $this->registered($request, $user)

       ?: redirect($this->redirectPath());


Source: Github– 759 stars, 108 forks

13. Migration Generator

Having multiple database tables isn’t something new. Instead, every website has two or more tables to store different forms of data. The Migration Generator Laravel Packages is one that allows you to initiate migrations from one table to another. These include foreign keys, indexes, and further allows you to make a pick of tables involved in the migration.

Installing the package

Copy Text

composer require –dev “kitloong/laravel-migrations-generator”

Source: Github– 871 stars, 107 forks

14. Laravel Backup

Create a robust backup of all your data files with this exclusive package, Laravel Back-up. Keeping in mind the need to have the data stored and backed up, developers have designed the Laravel Backup package that creates a zip file of the application along with the data stored within it. The package gives the flexibility to store them at any of the systems.

Installing the package

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composer require spatie/laravel-backup

To take backup, execute the following command:

Copy Text

php artisan backup: run

Source: GitHub– 4.8k stars, 675 forks

15. No Captcha

The No Captcha Laravel Packages is designed, keeping in mind the need to avoid spamming activities. What the package does is implement the protection and validation of Google reCaptcha. The sole purpose here is to prevent all sorts of spamming and render the website error-free.

To initiate the package, you are first required to get access to the API key. This is available free from reCaptcha, and once obtained, you can then run the following.

Add the following in app/config/app.php

  • The ServiceProvider to the provider’s array:

Copy Text

  • The class alias to the aliases array:

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'NoCaptcha' => Anhskohbo\NoCaptcha\Facades\NoCaptcha::class,

Copy Text

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Anhskohbo\NoCaptcha\NoCaptchaServiceProvider"

Source: GitHub– 1.5k stars, 217 forks

16. Laravel GraphQL

If you have been accustomed to the concept of using traditional REST architecture, you will love the way Laravel’s GraphQL package behaves. Designed as the data query language, GraphQL makes it easier for developers to define their server structure and embed GraphQL within their apps.

Installing The GraphQL Package

Copy Text

composer require rebing/graphql-laravel

In case you are using Laravel 5.5 or above, the package would be detected automatically. However, for versions below 5.5, you need to add the following:

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Copy Text

GraphQL' => 'Rebing\GraphQL\Support\Facades\GraphQL',

Publish and View The Configuration File:

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$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Rebing\GraphQL\GraphQLServiceProvider"


Create Schemas For Designing The Endpoints of GraphQL

Copy Text

'schema' => 'default_schema',

'schemas' => [
    'default' => [
        'query' => [
            'example_query' => ExampleQuery::class,
        'mutation' => [
            'example_mutation'  => ExampleMutation::class,
    'user' => [
        'query' => [
            'profile' => App\GraphQL\Queries\ProfileQuery::class
        'mutation' => [

        'middleware' => ['auth'],

Source: GitHub– 1.7k stars, 221 forks

17. Tinker

Tinker is exceptionally useful and one of the top Laravel packages that helps developers test and try certain features without actually writing a script. In other words, the package allows debugging in real-time. Suppose that you want to check a few records in the database or perform specific operations.

The Tinker Laravel Packages would enable you to test and debug on your browser screen in a matter of clicks. The Tinker Laravel plugin has Laravel framework embedded within and hence, eliminates the need to manually install the same when using it with your application.

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app instanceof LaravelApplication && $this->app->runningInConsole()) {
            $this->publishes([$source => config_path('tinker.php')]);
        } elseif ($this->app instanceof LumenApplication) {

        $this->mergeConfigFrom($source, 'tinker');

     * Register the service provider.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app->singleton('command.tinker', function () {
            return new TinkerCommand;


     * Get the services provided by the provider.
     * @return array
    public function provides()
        return ['command.tinker'];

Souce: GitHub– 7k stars, 105 forks

18. Intervention/Image

Intervention/Image is one Laravel Packages that allows developers to create, edit, and appealingly modify images. The package is open-source, and developers can use it as per their requirement. In order to install the said package, run the following:

Copy Text

composer require intervention/image

Source: GitHub– 12.3k stars, 1.4k forks

19. Beautymail

An easy to use package enabling one-click addition of emails within the Laravel application, Beautymail has a huge repository of inbuilt templates that can be used for sending emails. Developers have the freedom to create their own HTML template and use it along with Beautymail.

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            __DIR__.'/../../config/settings.php' => config_path('beautymail.php'),
        ], 'config');

            __DIR__.'/../../../public' => public_path('vendor/beautymail'),
        ], 'public');

        $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../../views', 'beautymail');

        try {
            $this->app['mailer']->getSwiftMailer()->registerPlugin(new CssInlinerPlugin());
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            \Log::debug('Skipped registering SwiftMailer plugin: CssInlinerPlugin.');

Source: GitHub– 995 stars, 173 forks

20. Laravel Slack

With Laravel, you can quickly push all your notifications to the standard slack Channel. However, with the onset of the Laravel Slack package, you now have the ease to simplify things the way you want them to be. The package allows you to send messages directly from the platform to different channels.

Copy Text

class HelloMessage extends SlackMessage
    public $content = "Hey bob, I'm a sending a custom SlackMessage";
    public $channel = '@bob';
\Slack::send(new SlackMessage());

If needed, a dummy can be created to test the feature and functionality of the package.

Source: GitHub– 275 stars, 35 forks

Key Take Away on Best Laravel Packages

With this, we come to an end to the list of top packages for Laravel applications. It is seen that these top Laravel packages are extremely helpful in cutting down the time of development while enhancing the end to end productivity. So, if you are planning to optimize your applications or build a new one, the packages, as mentioned above, would be a great help to take into consideration.

If you are looking for the experts who can do the needful, then hire php developers from us as we are a globally renowned Laravel development company and have helped all the shapes and sizes of businesses to succeed in today’s digital world.

Go check out our helpful Laravel Tutorial page that depicts the expertise and community service of our dedicated Laravel Developers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

More than 500 Laravel packages are available on CodeCanyon.

Here are the step that you must follow to create a package in laravel:

1. Install the latest Laravel version
2. Create Folder Structure
3. Create Composer File
4. Load Package from the Main Composer.JSON File
5. Create service Provider for Package
6. Create Migration
7. Create Model for the Table
8. Create Controller
9. Create Routes File
10. Create Views
11. Update Service Provider to Load the Package
12. Updating Composer File

Compared to the other PhP frameworks, Laravel has the best ORM (object-relational mapper). Interaction with Database objects and relationships is easy using this ORM with the help of expressive syntax. Laravel comes with the inbuilt Blade Template Engine.

A middleware helps you to inspect and filter HTTP requests that come through your application. For an instance, Laravel includes a middleware that verifies user authentication of your Laravel app. The middleware is located in the directory: app/Http/Middleware.

Laravel includes built-in authentication and session services which are typically accessed via the Auth and Session. The web browser-initiated requests are supported by cookie-based authentication. You can verify the authenticity of a user and their credentials.

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A clean way to track your pages & understand your user’s behavior


You can install the package via composer:

composer require coderflexx/laravisit

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Coderflex\\Laravisit\\LaravisitServiceProvider"

then, run database migration

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    | User Namespace
    | This value informs Laravist which namespace you will be 
    | selecting to get the user model instance
    | If this value equals to null, "\Coderflex\Laravisit\Models\User" will be used 
    | by default.
    'user_namespace' => "\Coderflex\Laravisit\Models\User",


Use HasVisits Trait

The first thing you need to do is, to use HasVisits trait, and implement CanVisit interface.

namespace App\Models\Post;

use Coderflex\Laravisit\Concerns\CanVisit;
use Coderflex\Laravisit\Concerns\HasVisits;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model implements CanVisit
    use HasFactory;
    use HasVisits;

After this step, you are reading to go, and when you need to track a page, do it like this:

You can chain methods to the visit method. Here is a list of the available methods:

withIp() string $ip = null Set an Ip address (default request()->ip()) $post->visit()->withIp()
withData() array $data Set custom data $post->visit()->withData(['region' => 'USA'])
withUser() Model $user = null Set a user model (default auth()->user()) $user->visit()->withUser()

By default, you will have unique visits each day using dailyInterval() method. Meaning, when the users access the page multiple times in the day time frame, you will see just one record related to them.

If you want to log users access to page with different timeframes, here are a bunch of useful methods:

hourlyInterval() void Log visits each hour $post->visit()->hourlyIntervals()->withIp();
dailylyInterval() void Log visits each daily $post->visit()->dailylyIntervals()->withIp();
weeklyInterval() void Log visits each week $post->visit()->weeklyIntervals()->withIp();
monthlyInterval() void Log visits each month $post->visit()->monthlyIntervals()->withIp();
yearlyInterval() void Log visits each year $post->visit()->yearlyIntervals()->withIp();
customInterval() mixed $interval Log visits within a custom interval $post->visit()->customInterval( now()->subYear() )->withIp();

Get The Records With Popular Time Frames

After the visits get logged, you can retrieve the data by the following method:

withTotalVisitCount() void get total visit count Post::withTotalVisitCount()->first()->visit_count_total
popularAllTime() void get popular visits all time Post::popularAllTime()->get()
popularToday() void get popular visits in the current day Post::popularToday()->get()
popularLastDays() int $days get popular visits last given days Post::popularLastDays(10)->get()
popularThisWeek() void get popular visits this week Post::popularThisWeek()->get()
popularLastWeek() void get popular visits last week Post::popularLastWeek()->get()
popularThisMonth() void get popular visits this month Post::popularThisMonth()->get()
popularLastMonth() void get popular visits last month Post::popularLastMonth()->get()
popularThisYear() void get popular visits this year Post::popularThisYear()->get()
popularLastYear() void get popular visits last year Post::popularLastYear()->get()
popularBetween() Carbon $from, Carbon $to get popular visits between custom two dates Post::popularBetween(Carbon::createFromDate(2019, 1, 9), Carbon::createFromDat(2022, 1, 3))->get();

Visit Presenter

This package is coming with helpful decorate model properties, and it uses Laravel Presenter package under the hood.

ip() void Get the associated IP from the model instance $post->visits->first()->present()->ip
user() void Get the associated User from the model instance $post->visits->first()->present()->user->name



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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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