MariaDB Developer – Income and Opportunity

Annual Income

The average annual income of a MariaDB Developer is $85,000 according to Payscale (source).

Hourly Rate

If you decide to go the route as a freelance MariaDB Developer, you can expect to make between $20 and $99 per hour on Upwork (source). Assuming an annual workload of 2000 hours, you can expect to make between $40,000 and $198,000.

⚡ Note: Do you want to create your own thriving coding business online? Feel free to check out our freelance developer course — the world’s #1 best-selling freelance developer course that specifically shows you how to succeed on Upwork and Fiverr!

Industry Demand

But is there enough demand? Let’s have a look at Google trends to find out how interest evolves over time (source):

Work Description

So, you may wonder: MariaDB Developer – what’s the definition?

MariaDB Developer Definition: MariaDB is a database framework focusing on relational databases that are compatible with Oracle. MariaDB developers provide value to clients by integrating their applications with new or existing MariaDB databases. (Source)

Learning Path, Skills, and Education Requirements

Do you want to become a MariaDB Developer? Here’s a learning path I’d propose in three steps to get started:

You can find many courses on the Finxter Computer Science Academy (flatrate model).

But don’t wait too long to acquire practical experience!

Even if you have little skills, it’s best to get started as a freelance developer and learn as you work on real projects for clients — earning income as you learn and gaining motivation through real-world feedback.

🚀 Tip: An excellent start to turbo-charge your freelancing career (earning more in less time) is our Finxter Freelancer Course. The goal of the course is to pay for itself!

Related Video

Related Income of Professional Developers

The following statistic shows the self-reported income from 9,649 US-based professional developers (source).

💡 The average annual income of professional developers in the US is between $70,000 and $177,500 for various programming languages.

Question: What is your current total compensation (salary, bonuses, and perks, before taxes and deductions)? Please enter a whole number in the box below, without any punctuation. If you are paid hourly, please estimate an equivalent weekly, monthly, or yearly salary. (source)

The following statistic compares the self-reported income from 46,693 professional programmers as conducted by StackOverflow.

💡 The average annual income of professional developers worldwide (US and non-US) is between $33,000 and $95,000 for various programming languages.

Here’s a screenshot of a more detailed overview of each programming language considered in the report:

Here’s what different database professionals earn:

Here’s an overview of different cloud solutions experts:

Here’s what professionals in web frameworks earn:

There are many other interesting frameworks—that pay well!

Look at those tools:

Okay, but what do you need to do to get there? What are the skill requirements and qualifications to make you become a professional developer in the area you desire?

Let’s find out next!

General Qualifications of Professionals

StackOverflow performs an annual survey asking professionals, coders, developers, researchers, and engineers various questions about their background and job satisfaction on their website.

Interestingly, when aggregating the data of the developers’ educational background, a good three quarters have an academic background.

Here’s the question asked by StackOverflow (source):

Which of the following best describes the highest level of formal education that you’ve completed?

However, if you don’t have a formal degree, don’t fear! Many of the respondents with degrees don’t have a degree in their field—so it may not be of much value for their coding careers anyways.

Also, about one out of four don’t have a formal degree and still succeeds in their field! You certainly don’t need a degree if you’re committed to your own success!

Freelancing vs Employment Status

The percentage of freelance developers increases steadily. The fraction of freelance developers has already reached 11.21%!

This indicates that more and more work will be done in a more flexible work environment—and fewer and fewer companies and clients want to hire inflexible talent.

Here are the stats from the StackOverflow developer survey (source):

Do you want to become a professional freelance developer and earn some money on the side or as your primary source of income?

Resource: Check out our freelance developer course—it’s the best freelance developer course in the world with the highest student success rate in the industry!

Other Programming Languages Used by Professional Developers

The StackOverflow developer survey collected 58000 responses about the following question (source):

Which programming, scripting, and markup languages have you done extensive development work in over the past year, and which do you want to work in over the next year?

These are the languages you want to focus on when starting out as a coder:

And don’t worry—if you feel stuck or struggle with a nasty bug. We all go through it. Here’s what SO survey respondents and professional developers do when they’re stuck:

What do you do when you get stuck on a problem? Select all that apply. (source)

Related Tutorials

To get started with some of the fundamentals and industry concepts, feel free to check out these articles:

Where to Go From Here?

Enough theory. Let’s get some practice!

Coders get paid six figures and more because they can solve problems more effectively using machine intelligence and automation. To become more successful in coding, solve more real problems for real people. That’s how you polish the skills you really need in practice. After all, what’s the use of learning theory that nobody ever needs?

You build high-value coding skills by working on practical coding projects!

Do you want to stop learning with toy projects and focus on practical code projects that earn you money and solve real problems for people?

If your answer is YES!, consider becoming a Python freelance developer! It’s the best way of approaching the task of improving your Python skills—even if you are a complete beginner.

Join my free webinar “How to Build Your High-Income Skill Python” and watch how I grew my coding business online and how you can, too—from the comfort of your own home.

Join the free webinar now!


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Using S3 with Laravel

AWS S3 provides a place for us to store files off of our servers. There are some big benefits to this:

  1. Backup/redundancy – S3 and similar have built-in backups and redundancy
  2. Scaling – Savings files off-server becomes necessary in modern hosting, such as serverless or containerized environments, as well as in traditional load-balanced environments
  3. Disk usage – You won’t need as much disk space when storing files in the cloud
  4. Features – S3 (and other clouds) have some great features, such as versioning support for files, lifecycle rules for deleting old files (or storing them in a cheaper way), deletion protection, and more

Using S3 now (even in single-server setups) can reduce headaches in the long run. Here’s what you should know!


There’s two places to configure things for S3:

  1. Within Laravel – usually via .env but potentially also within config/filesystem.php
  2. Within your AWS account

Laravel Config

If you check your config/filesystem.php file, you’ll see that s3 is an option already. It’s setup to use environment variables from your .env file!

Unless you need to customize this, then you can likely leave it alone and just set values in the .env file:

1# Optionally Set the default filesystem driver to S3



4# Add items needed for S3-based filesystem to work






The config/filesystem.php file contains options like the following:

1return [

2 'disks' => [

3 // 'local' and 'public' ommitted...


5 's3' => [

6 'driver' => 's3',

7 'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),

8 'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),

9 'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'),

10 'bucket' => env('AWS_BUCKET'),

11 'url' => env('AWS_URL'),

12 'endpoint' => env('AWS_ENDPOINT'),

13 'use_path_style_endpoint' => env('AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT', false),

14 ],

15 ],


There’s a few options there we didn’t use in the .env file. For example, the AWS_URL can be set, which is useful for using other file storage clouds that have an S3 compatible API such as CloudFlare’s R2 or Digital Ocean’s Spaces.

AWS Configuration

Within AWS, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Create a bucket within the S3 service
  2. Create an IAM User to get a Key/Secret Key, and then attach a Policy to that user that allows access to the S3 API.

Like anything in AWS, creating a bucket in S3 involves looking at a ton of configuration options and wondering if you need any of them. For most use cases, you don’t!

Head to the S3 console, create a bucket name (it has to be globally unique, not just unique to your AWS account), choose the region you operate in, and leave all the defaults (including the ones that labeled “Block Public Access settings for this bucket”).

Yes, some of these options are ones you may want to use, but you can choose them later.

After creating a bucket, we need permission to do things to it. Let’s pretend we created a bucket named “my-awesome-bucket“.

We can create an IAM User, select “programmatic access”, but don’t attach any policies or setup anything else. Make sure to record the secret access key, as they’ll only show it once.

I’ve created a video showing the process of creating a bucket and setting up IAM permissions here:

The Access Key and Secret Access Key should be put into your .env file.

Next, click into the IAM User and add an Inline Policy. Edit it using the JSON editor, and add the following (straight from the Flysystem docs):


2 "Version": "2012-10-17",

3 "Statement": [

4 {

5 "Sid": "Stmt1420044805001",

6 "Effect": "Allow",

7 "Action": [

8 "s3:ListBuckets",

9 "s3:GetObject",

10 "s3:GetObjectAcl",

11 "s3:PutObject",

12 "s3:PutObjectAcl",

13 "s3:ReplicateObject",

14 "s3:DeleteObject"

15 ],

16 "Resource": [

17 "arn:aws:s3:::my-awesome-bucket",

18 "arn:aws:s3:::my-awesome-bucket/*"

19 ]

20 }

21 ]


This allows us to perform the needed S3 API actions on our new bucket.

Laravel Usage

Within Laravel, you can use the file storage like so:

1# If you set S3 as your default:

2$contents = Storage::get('path/to/file.ext');

3Storage::put('path/to/file.ext', 'some-content');


5# If you do not have S3 as your default:

6$contents = Storage::disk('s3')->get('path/to/file.ext');

7Storage::disk('s3')->put('path/to/file.ext', 'some-content');

The path to the file (within S3) gets appended to the bucket name, so a file named path/to/file.ext will exist in s3://my-awesome-bucket/path/to/file.ext.

Directories technically do not exist within S3. Within S3, a file is called an “object” and the file path + name is the “object key”. So, within bucket my-awesome-bucket, we just created an object with key path/to/file.ext.

Be sure to check out the Storage area of the Laravel docs to find more useful ways to use Storage, including file streaming and temporary URL’s.


S3 is fairly cheap – most of us will spend pennies to a few dollars a month. This is especially true if you delete files from S3 after you’re done with them, or setup Lifecycle rules to delete files after a set period of time.

The pricing is (mostly) driven by 3 dimensions. The prices vary by region and usage. Here’s an example based on usage for a real application in a given month for Chipper CI (my CI for Laravel application), which stores a lot of data in S3:

  1. Storage: $0.023 per GB, ~992GB ~= $22.82
  2. Number of API Calls: ~7 million requests ~= $12
  3. Bandwidth usage: This is super imprecise. Data transfer for this was about $23, but this excludes EC2 based bandwidth charges.

Useful Bits about S3

  1. If your AWS setup has servers in a private network, and uses NAT Gateways, be sure to create an S3 Endpoint (type of Gateway). This is done within the Endpoints section in the VPC service. This allows calls to/from S3 to bypass the NAT Gateway and thus get around extra bandwidth charges. It doesn’t cost extra to use this.
  2. Considering enabling Versioning in your S3 bucket if you’re worried about files being overwritten or deleted
  3. Consider enabling Intelligent Tiering in your S3 bucket to help save on storage costs of files you likely won’t interact with again after they are old
  4. Be aware that deleting large buckets (lots of files) can cost money! This is due to the number of API calls you’d have to make to delete files.

Laravel News

Loafing Around

Loafing Around


Sit back and enjoy this 14-minute video from a bread factory in Korea, where ingredients are combined, then kneaded into dough and baked in industrial ovens. Then the freshly-baked loaves of white and chestnut bread glide along an assembly line, tumble out of their pans, and head to the cooling racks before slicing.

The Awesomer

How a Coin Counting Machine Works

How a Coin Counting Machine Works


This Cummins Allison Jetsort coin sorter machine can count and separate 10,000 coins per minute, yet its sorting mechanism has just a single moving part. YouTuber Herb-O-Matic shows how its centrifugal action and precision-cut grooves ensure the right coins go into the right slots and bags. Full video here.

The Awesomer

Seattle VC says this startup is the ‘fastest growing company I’ve seen’ in 23 years of investing×9-basic-whitebg.jpg

The 2022 LaserWeeder from Carbon Robotics has a span of three crop rows, roughly 20 feet wide, and uses 30 lasers to zap weeds. (Carbon Robotics Image)

Weeds may be a fast-growing headache for farmers, but a startup building machinery powered by artificial intelligence to zap them is growing pretty quickly, too.

Seattle-based Carbon Robotics unveiled its latest piece of agtech equipment on Monday, the 2022 LaserWeeder, a robotic implement that can be pulled behind a tractor and uses computer vision and AI to quickly identify and target weeds in fields, and thermal energy to eliminate them.

“Carbon is the fastest growing company I’ve seen in 23 years of VC,” Erik Benson, managing director of Voyager Capital in Seattle, told GeekWire. “This is a future $50 billion company.”

Founded in 2018, Carbon is led by Isilon Systems co-founder Paul Mikesell, who sold Isilon for $2.25 billion in 2010 and spent time at Uber and Facebook before heading for the farm.

The company took in $27 million in a funding round last September, and has raised $36 million to date.

Voyager Capital, Anthos Capital, Ignition Capital and Fuse are among those who invested in the company.

Carbon Robotics employs 35 people and plans to grow to 50 this year.

The updated LaserWeeder uses 30 industrial CO2 lasers, more than three times the amount in the company’s previous self-driving Autonomous LaserWeeder, which was released in April 2021. The new machine can cover an average of two acres per hour.

“We’ve proven the effectiveness of our laserweeding technology and the immense benefits it offers farmers, including healthier crops and soil, decreased herbicide use, and reduced chemical and labor costs,” Mikesell said in a news release.

The new LaserWeeder is already sold out, thanks to orders from a number of farms, and Carbon is currently accepting pre-orders for 2023.


PHP Monitor 5.0 for macOS is Here

PHP Monitor, the lightweight native Mac app to manage PHP and Laravel Valet, has released v5.0!

The author Nico Verbruggen announced the release yesterday:

Here are some of the highlight features summarized from the release notes:

  • Link a folder in Valet
  • Site list performance improvements
  • Faster and improved site search
  • Site list displays project type (i.e., Laravel, WordPress, etc.) from composer.json
  • Brew services status in the dropdown menu (PHP, Nginx, Dnsmasq, etc.)
  • See project’s PHP version requirement at a glance in the site list
  • Compatibility status per site
  • Change PHP versions from the compatibility status on the sites list
  • Automatic update of PHP INI changes
  • Alfred integration
  • Sponsor awareness – a one-time message to sponsor the author

One of my favorite features added is linking a folder and securing it (adding HTTPS) during creation:

PHP Monitor folder linking example

Linking a folder makes it convenient to manage projects via the UI and visualize the requirements for all your sites in one place. The site list updates in v5.0 are insane!

On his blog, the author has written about the 5.0 release with insider details. I recommend giving it a read and following the author for future updates.

To get started, check out the GitHub project for documentation and installation instructions. Since this project is free and open-source, you can support the creator by sponsoring his work.

Laravel News