I Demand a Vaccination: The Musical

I Demand a Vaccination: The Musical


I Demand a Vaccination: The Musical


Inspired by Andre Antunes, musician Brandon Ethridge likes to add melodies to voices expressed in current events. In this short clip, he turns televangelist Kenneth Copeland’s impassioned sermon about a COVID-19 vaccine into an epic mini-musical. If this doesn’t get people stoked for vaccination, we don’t know what will.


via The Awesomer https://theawesomer.com

February 23, 2021 at 11:00AM

Nobody knows what’s coming, but we can all feel it in our bones

Nobody knows what’s coming, but we can all feel it in our bones



"Thoughts from Frank & Fern" is a blog I’ve read occasionally for a long time.  Now and again the couple who write it come up with really good, thought-provoking posts.  Their latest is well worth reading in full.  Bold, underlined text is my emphasis.

The relationship of government to the people [supposedly] began where the government servants were for the benefit of the people. Now that relationship has flipped. You had better do what you’re told or else. Or else what? We will raise the price of your medication, control the medical attention you can receive, force you to pay for our medical insurance, regulate your business [or shut it down all together, because, you know, COVID], take your guns, brainwash your children and tell you that you better be damn happy while we’re doing it. No, wait, they’re already doing that. Are you enjoying the symbiotic relationship you have with your government? Federal or local? Is it a give and take situation that benefits both parties or have you become a slave to ‘the man’?

. . .

Ladies and Gentlemen [the only two genders on the planet in the realm of reality], this is where we are. The symbiotic relationship of our country, our government and all of it’s interwoven companions in crime, have entered the stage of over extension in so many areas that an implosion of all systems is inevitable. This is not something new in the last few months, it has been developing for years, even decades. Remember the statement, “You’re either with us or you’re against us.”?

Think of an area that has a season of abundance that allows the rabbit population to increase dramatically. What happens? The predators, coyotes for example, also increase in abundance until one day, the situations changes. There is no longer enough for the rabbits to eat, they become sick and die. The coyotes don’t have enough to eat. What happens? The system collapses back into a more manageable condition.

It appears that some factions of our country have reached the tipping point where they will no longer sit quietly by. You know we have done that for decades now. Appeasement. Does it work? Never has. So this where we are. We have brought ourselves to the point of listening to the government tell us to sit down and shut up. Are we going to? A lot of us are. It’s scary not to. We don’t want to lose everything we have – home, job, retirement, family, societal recognition. But the situation with the election and impeachments, the current avalanche of executive orders appear to have created a backlash of sorts. Will the country remain united? That has yet to be seen. There are a lot of theories being postulated out here in internet world. Some seem more plausible than others.

This is where we are. If you aren’t in a situation, location, state of mind where you can provide for your NEEDS, not wants, when the system implodes or declines to the point of not supplying the basics for everyday life, then please work diligently with all of your might to get that way. Sometimes the decline of a system is rapid, sometimes it’s slow and you can see it coming more clearly and make the needed adjustments. Everyone we talk to, everyone, normal everyday people that up to now didn’t have a care in the world, shopped everyday for dinner and went about their lives, KNOWS something is very not right. It’s in the air, in our bones, invading our thoughts and feelings. The world is not right. Something is coming.

Be as ready as you can. It’s important. It’s beyond important. It’s beyond words important.

There’s more at the link.

None of us know what’s coming, but I think we can all agree that the "signs of the times" point to serious disruption in our way of life.  The "blue states" are showing signs of reverting to socialist dictatorships.  The "red states" are rebelling against attempts to force them into that same mold, and resisting as best they can.  Within each state, "blue" or "red" enclaves are resisting the other side, and trying to build their own little fiefdoms, insulated from views and policies with which they don’t agree.  There’s no longer a sense of a shared national identity.  We’ve become a nation at war with ourselves.

Nobody knows what’s coming . . . but something’s got to give, sooner or later.  I have a feeling that we may have less than a year before things get out of control, at least somewhere in these formerly United States.  Be as ready as you can to protect and safeguard yourself and your loved ones if and when that happens – and if you’re in an area where you think the danger is particularly great, leave.  Now.  You may have less time than you think.


non critical

via Bayou Renaissance Man https://ift.tt/1ctARFa

February 23, 2021 at 01:08PM

How to Export LastPass Passwords and Move to Another Password Manager

How to Export LastPass Passwords and Move to Another Password Manager


For some time, LastPass was the go-to free password manager, as it offered all the features most people need at no cost. However, as of March 16, 2021, LastPass’s free users are limited to using the service on either desktop or mobile devices—using both requires you to upgrade to the paid plan.

This is a frustrating limitation. If you don’t want to use LastPass anymore, we’ll show you how to export your data from LastPass and switch to something else.

How to Export Your LastPass Data

To start the move to a new password manager, you’ll first need to export your data from LastPass. This is easy and you can do it anytime; it will still work even after LastPass’s free plan changes.

Before you export your passwords, it’s a good idea to clean up your password manager. Chances are that you have a lot of old data in your account, so why not tidy it up so you only move over what you actually use?

Once you’re done, go to LastPass.com and sign in to access your vault. At the bottom-left, click Advanced Options to open a new menu. From the list that appears, choose Export.

This will open a new browser tab where you’ll need to confirm your LastPass master password. After you do, depending on your browser, you’ll either get a prompt to download a CSV file, or will see a screen full of text that makes up this file. If you get a prompt, you can save the file as normal.

For the screen of text, press Ctrl + A (Cmd + A on a Mac) to copy all the text, then Ctrl + C (Cmd + C) to copy it. Open Notepad, TextEdit, or another text editor, then use Ctrl + V (Cmd + V) to paste the text into a new file.

Finally, save the file with the extension .CSV so it’s in the format that other password managers expect when importing.

Important: Keep this file somewhere safe during the transfer! It contains all of your passwords and other information in plain text, which is not secure. You should avoid syncing the file with cloud storage, and make sure to permanently delete it once you’re done with it.

Export Your LastPass Form Data

If you also want to move your saved LastPass form data to a new password manager, you’ll need to export this separately. This requires you to use the LastPass browser extension; it doesn’t work in the web app.

To do this, click the LastPass extension and go to Account Options > Advanced > Export and choose Form Fills. You may be prompted to enter your master password again. After that, your browser will download another CSV file with your form fill data.

How to Import LastPass Data Into a New Password Manager

Now you’re ready to import your passwords into a new password manager service. If you’re leaving LastPass because you don’t want to pay for the premium plan, we recommend Bitwarden. Its free plan has everything most people need, including multi-device sync.

If that doesn’t work for you, have a look at some of the other best password managers instead. We’ll illustrate with Bitwarden here, but the steps are similar on most services. Check their documentation if you’re not sure.

Create an account with your new password manager, if you don’t have one already. Then open your Bitwarden vault and log into your account. Select Tools from the bar at the top, followed by Import Data on the left side.

Set the dropdown under Select the format of the import file to LastPass (csv). Then hit the Choose File button and select the file from where you saved it on your PC. You can instead paste the file’s contents in the box below, if you prefer.

Once you click Import Data, Bitwarden will add all your data to your new vault. Repeat these steps to add your form fill data, if needed.

Now you’re ready to start using your new password manager. For your security, remember to delete the CSV file when you’re done with the transfer!

Say Goodbye to LastPass

That’s all it takes to leave LastPass for a new password manager. Bitwarden makes it easy to enjoy passwords synced across all your devices for free, but there are plenty of other great choices too.

This is also a great time to make sure you’re taking advantage of all your password manager’s handy features.

non critical

via MakeUseOf.com https://ift.tt/1AUAxdL

February 22, 2021 at 01:28PM

Laravel Installation, Migrations, Models and Relationships – Real Ecommerce with Laravel 8 – Ep 1

Laravel Installation, Migrations, Models and Relationships – Real Ecommerce with Laravel 8 – Ep 1


Building a large Laravel project can be a daunting task! In this new series I’ll be building an ecommerce store with Laravel 8 from start to finish. You will see my thought process when tackling different features throughout the build, all the way up until launch.


via Laravel News Links https://ift.tt/2dvygAJ

February 18, 2021 at 10:39PM

Laravel Livewire: an introduction

Laravel Livewire: an introduction


Laravel Livewire: an introduction

Feb 07, 2021

Laravel Livewire is a great framework for creating interactive web apps without writing any JavaScript. In this tutorial we’re going to make a few components using Laravel Livewire so we can see the power of this framework.

Setting up

Important: Livewire requires you to use Laravel.

You can install Livewire using Composer:

composer require livewire/livewire

Next, you have to include Livewire’s assets on your page:

<livewire:styles /> <!-- Styles -->
<livewire:scripts /> <!-- Scripts -->

And that was it! Now you can use Livewire.

The counter

A typical example of Livewire is the counter. Although it may not be really useful to use Livewire in this situation, it does however really show the power of Livewire.

First, we are gonna make a new Livewire component:

php artisan livewire:make counter

Now Livewire has made two files: a Counter.php class and a counter.blade.php view.

Next we’ll go to the Counter.php class and add this code:


namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;

class Counter extends Component
    public int $count = 0;

    public function render()
        return view('counter');

    public function increment()

    public function decrement()

And now we’ll add this in our counter.blade.php view:

    <button wire:click="increment">+</button>
    <button wire:click="decrement">-</button>

Finally, we have to include the component in our blade view:

<livewire:counter />

And that’s it! This is all we have to do to create a working counter in Laravel Livewire.

Note: If you want to create a counter in a real-project, you probably don’t want to do it using Livewire, because there are far simpler alternatives using only JS.

How does this work?

Now that we have had a look at the awesomeness of Livewire, let’s explain how this counter example works.

  1. Livewire renders the component at the first-page load, so it’s SEO-friendly
  2. When a user does something (such as clicking a button), Livewire’s JS makes a request to the server
  3. The server handles the request and then Livewire rerenders the component.

Forms with Livewire

A better use-case for Livewire are forms. So let’s create a form where a user can create a new post.

We’ll start by creating a new component.

php artisan livewire:make create-post

And for the sake of simplicity, a post has a title and a body. So we have to add those fields to our class.


namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use App\Models\Post;
use Livewire\Component;

class CreatePost extends Component
    public string $title = '';

    public string $body = '';

    public function render()
        return view('create-post');

    public function createPost()
        $post = Post::create([
            'title' => $this->title,
            'body' => $this->body

        return redirect()->route('posts.show', $post);

And in our form we’ll use the wire:model attribute to connect the input or textarea to our Livewire property.

    <h1>New Post</h1>

    <!-- Title -->
    <label for="title">Title</label>
    <input type="text" name="title" id="title" wire:model="title" />

    <!-- Body -->
    <label for="body">Body</label>
    <textarea name="body" id="body" wire:model="body"></textarea>

Now our form works! You can click on the submit button and it’ll create a new post!

Livewire’s validation

It’s time for some validation. We can do that really simple using Livewire. First we’ll add a $rules property to our component.

protected $rules = [
    'title' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'],
    'body' => ['required', 'string']

And next, we’ll tell Livewire to validate before creating the post.

public function createPost()

    $post = Post::create([
        'title' => $this->title,
        'body' => $this->body

    return redirect()->route('posts.show', $post);

Finally we have to display the validation error messages in the component view.

    <h1>New Post</h1>

    <!-- Title -->
    <label for="title">Title</label>
    <input type="text" name="title" id="title" wire:model="title" />

    <!-- Body -->
    <label for="body">Body</label>
    <textarea name="body" id="body" wire:model="body"></textarea>

    <!-- Submit button -->
    <button wire:click="createPost">Create Post</button>

Real-time validation

Now that we have added validation, it is really easy to add real-time validation with Livewire. This is the only method you have to add:

public function updated($property)

How does this work? When a field (property) is updated, Livewire automatically calls the updated method, from where the validateOnly method is called which validates one field instead of all.

So in theory you could also just say validate, but then the whole form turns full of error messages before the user has typed anything. And that’s not very user-friendly.

Turbolinks and SPA’s

With Livewire you can easily create SPA’s. All you have to do is add those two lines:

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/turbolinks/5.2.0/turbolinks.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/livewire/turbolinks@v0.1.x/dist/livewire-turbolinks.js" data-turbolinks-eval="false" data-turbo-eval="false"></script>

And now your application will use Turbolinks and the Livewire Turbolinks adapter.

Testing Livewire

Livewire is easy to test using PHPUnit. You can learn more at the Livewire docs.


To conclude, Livewire is a great option for writing interactive apps when you don’t want to write JavaScript or when you want it to be SEO-friendly. It is a framework full of features and I’ve just covered the basics.

These are some great features of Livewire:

And much more.

I hope you liked this tutorial. If you did so, please leave a comment.


via Laravel News Links https://ift.tt/2dvygAJ

February 18, 2021 at 10:39PM

Now you can Rickroll people in 4k thanks to this hero who remastered Rick Astley’s classic “Never Gonna Give You Up” music video.

Now you can Rickroll people in 4k thanks to this hero who remastered Rick Astley’s classic “Never Gonna Give You Up” music video.


Not all heroes wear capes. Some simply harness the power of neural networks to upscale ’80s music videos to 4k and 60fps.


via Not the Bee https://notthebee.com

February 18, 2021 at 09:11AM

Bitwarden Is Now the Best Free Alternative to LastPass

Bitwarden Is Now the Best Free Alternative to LastPass


Whether you’re looking to make a change in your password management just because, or you’re a LastPass user annoyed with the service’s recent changes to its free tier, switching to the much-loved (and free) Bitwarden service is a good choice. Bitwarden is now the best free password manager for most people—since it works across all of your devices to add convenience and security to your logins—and setting it up is quick and easy.

To get started, head to Bitwarden’s site and create an account. It’s free to do, and all you need to worry about is giving yourself a solid master password. Make it a good one, and one that you don’t use anywhere else, because it’ll be one of the gatekeepers for all of your other passwords that you’ll store on the service. Once you’ve created your account and logged in, make sure you verify your email address using the option in the upper-right corner.

If you’re coming from another service—like LastPass, for example—you’ll want to find a tool you can use to export your passwords. On LastPass, this is tucked away under the Advanced Options link at the bottom; exporting your passwords basically transforms them into a simple .CSV list.

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You then copy the list (which I’m not screen-shotting, for obvious reasons) directly into Bitwarden via the Tools menu > Import Data.

Your passwords will all appear in your main screen, and should also synchronize to your various Bitwarden apps the next time you go to use them. To edit any of your passwords, simply click on the hyperlink for a given site or service. You can also use the gear icon that appears when you hover over each listing to copy your user name or password directly to your clipboard.

Those are the basics of Bitwarden, but you’re not quite done yet. Click on the profile image in the upper-right corner and select My Account. From there, click on Two-step login in the left-most sidebar.

Here is where you’ll set up two-factor authentication for your account—this isn’t required in order for you to use Bitwarden, but it’s highly recommended to keep your account secure from unauthorized logins. You can choose to have 2FA codes emailed to you to verify any login attempts, but I recommend you use an authenticator app instead. They’re similarly easy to set up, and act like a password manager for all your two-factor authentication tokens.

You might also want to visit the Options link on the lefthand sidebar, which will let you adjust your Vault timeout—as in, how long it’ll stay open from the last time you accessed it. Go past that time, and you’ll have to enter your password once again. Turn this down if you’re on a shared computer, and consider turning it up a bit if you’re feeling especially secure in your setup.

After that, grab all the Bitwarden apps and extensions you’ll need for your devices and browsers. Installing them is easy, and they grant you access to everything you’ve stored in your Bitwarden vault. In the case of your browser, for example, you’ll simply need to right-click on a password prompt to pull up your Bitwarden autofill:

And that’s it. Bitwarden’s free version doesn’t offer a ton of features—no checking your saved passwords for leaks, for example—but it does give you an quick and easy way to synchronize passwords across all your devices. What’s not to like?


via Gizmodo https://gizmodo.com

February 18, 2021 at 10:21AM