80 Laravel Interview Questions


Hi everybody. If you’ve recently been invited to a Laravel interview, or you want to improve your skills about this framework, in 80 questions, we are going to discover more about Laravel. 😉

A Friendly Tip

These questions improve your general and technical knowledge about Laravel and prepare you for interviews. In this series we are going to explore something like Event/Listeners briefly. Knowing these items doesn’t guarantee that you will pass the interview! Passing the interview is hugely depends on how you are going to implement these items. For example you may be asked to make a program using Job/Queue.

Laravel has a lot of features and no one can claim that he/she knows everything about Laravel and is able to implement everything in the best way. Even it’s main developers!

So the best approach is to grasp basic knowledge about most Laravel features and be able to implement only some of these features in the best way. Companies aren’t looking for a person who knows everything. And the one who claims that he/she knows everything, will be likely rejected because of being overqualified which means he/she is good more that expectations.

So don’t worry if you don’t know everything. The thing is, you must know a few things like a hero 💪

Ok, let’s start.

What are we going to explore?

In this series we are going to answer these 80 questions:

Part 1:

  1. What do you know about Laravel?
  2. What are differences between Laravel and Lumen?
  3. Name a few important directories of the framework
  4. What does bootstrap directory do?
  5. What is the usage of middleware?
  6. What is Artisan?
  7. What are differences between has and filled methods in the Request class?
  8. What is ORM?
  9. What is Eloquent?
  10. Name some important Laravel relationships

Part 2:

Will be added soon

Part 3:

Will be added soon

Part 4:

Will be added soon

Part 5:

Will be added soon

Part 6:

Will be added soon

Part 7:

Will be added soon

Part 8:

Will be added soon

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