The Biblical Basis for Self-Defense – Kevin Creighton

I believe that armed self-defense is an extension of the Christian’s mandate to protect the innocent, to “watch over widows and orphans in their distress.” No one doubts that a policeman who carries a gun and watches over society can do such things and still be a Christian: Why, therefore, is there any doubt that an armed individual like me can carry a gun and watch over a small portion of society (my family) and yet still have a deep, abiding faith in God?

The Biblical Basis for Self-Defense – Ricochet

Go read the whole thing.

I like to say I am the most peaceful man you will ever know, but I am not a Pacifist.  Not understanding that difference can be hurtful to your health and ability to remain above room temperature. This does not counter the doctrine of the Catholic Church or any real Christian belief. It does piss off something fierce the Lefties using alleged Christian values and political jump points for the most antichrist behavior they can think of.