Visualize Laravel App Data with Chartello

Chartello is a package to visualize your Laravel app data in simple dashboards:

You can create multiple dashboards to break up charts; for example, you could have a Sales dashboard and a Support dashboard. On the dashboards, you can create two kinds of panels:

  1. Trend Charts
  2. Tables

You can populate a trend chart using the following query, which contains placeholders for start and end dates:

SELECT DATE(created_at) AS x, COUNT(*) AS y

FROM users

WHERE created_at BETWEEN @start AND @end



The placeholders mean your dashboards will adjust based on the selected date ranges for providing trend-based charts.

Table charts are more flexible as they can virtually accept any select combination of data and list the columns in a table:

This package also comes with a middleware to limit access to dashboards. You can configure authorization for the Chartello dashboard based on any custom logic you’d like.

You can see this package in action with the Read-only demo dashboard. You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub.

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