Dynamic SQL Workaround in MySQL: Prepared Statements

https://www.percona.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Dynamic-SQL-200×119.jpgDynamic SQL

Dynamic SQL is a desirable feature that allows developers to construct and execute SQL statements dynamically at runtime. While MySQL lacks built-in support for dynamic SQL, this article presents a workaround using prepared statements. We will explore leveraging prepared statements to achieve dynamic query execution, parameterized queries, and dynamic table and column selection.

Understanding prepared statements

Prepared statements refer to the ability to construct SQL statements dynamically at runtime rather than writing them statically in the code. This provides flexibility in manipulating query components, such as table names, column names, conditions, and sorting. The EXECUTE and PREPARE statements are key components for executing dynamic SQL in MySQL.

Example usage: Let’s consider a simple example where we want to construct a dynamic SELECT statement based on a user-defined table name and value:

SET @table_name := 't1';
SET @value := '123';
SET @sql_query := CONCAT('SELECT * FROM ', @table_name, ' WHERE column = ?');

PREPARE dynamic_statement FROM @sql_query;
EXECUTE dynamic_statement USING @value;
DEALLOCATE PREPARE dynamic_statement;

In this example, we use the CONCAT function to construct the dynamic SQL statement. The table name and value are stored in variables and concatenated into the SQL string.

Benefits and features

  • Prepared statements can be used both as a standalone SQL statement and inside stored procedures, providing flexibility in different contexts.
  • Support for Various SQL Statements: SQL statements can be executed using prepared statements, including statements like DROP DATABASE, TRUNCATE TABLE, FLUSH TABLES, and KILL. This allows for dynamic execution of diverse operations.
  • Usage of Stored Procedure Variables: Stored procedure variables can be incorporated into the dynamic expression, enabling dynamic SQL based on runtime values.

Let’s look at another scenario:

Killing queries for a specific user:

CREATE PROCEDURE kill_all_for_user(user_connection_id INT)
  SET @sql_statement := CONCAT('KILL ', user_connection_id);
  PREPARE dynamic_statement FROM @sql_statement;
  EXECUTE dynamic_statement;

In this case, the prepared statement is used to dynamically construct the KILL statement to terminate all queries associated with a specific user.


You might use prepared statements to make dynamic queries, but dynamic queries can definitely make debugging more challenging. You should consider implementing some additional testing and error handling to help mitigate this issue. That could help you catch any issues with the dynamic queries early on in the development process.

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