Unorthodox Eloquent

Eloquent is a razor-sharp tool that is adored by many. It allows you to carry out database operations with ease while maintaining an easy-to-use API. Implementing the Active Record (AR) pattern, as decribed by Fowler in PoEAA, it is one of the best AR implementations that is available today.

In this blog post, I’d like to go over a few tips and tricks I have learned along the way while experimenting with different options. For example, have you ever considered sharing your eager loads one way or another? No? Well, then I’m pretty sure you’ll learn at least a thing or two so make sure you stick around until the end!

Like every tool in existence, Eloquent comes with its own set of trade-offs. As responsible developers, we should always be aware of the things we are trading off against. If you’d like to learn more about AR and its design philosophy, I highly recommend this article by Shawn McCool.

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Tappable scopes

Traditionally, reusable query scopes have always been defined within the target model itself using the magical scopeXXX syntax, macros or a dedicated Builder class. The problem with the first two approaches is that they both rely on opaque runtime magic making it (almost) impossible to receive IDE assistance. Even worse, naming clashes can occur in the case of macro registrations. However, there is a fourth—and in my opinion superior—approach: tappable scopes. Tappable scopes is one of those hidden gems that is extremely valuable, but at the same time completely unknown to the masses because it is not documented anywhere.

Explained by example

Let’s take the following Controller method as an example:

public function index(): Collection
    return Company::query()

We can see that it applies some conditions to the Builder instance, and returns the result as-is without any transformation. While this is a perfectly valid way to write a query, it leaks internals and the where clauses do not tell us anything about the domain language. Perhaps the requirement was: “Create an endpoint that returns the oldest orphaned & unverified companies”. Orphaned in this case means that a company was abandoned during registration and it is the notion that our domain experts use. Thus we can do much better:

public function index(): Collection
    return Company::query()
        ->tap(new Orphan())
        ->tap(new Unverified())

This almost reads like the requirement itself, right? Now, if we quickly take a gander at one of these tappable scopes:

final readonly class Orphan
    public function __invoke(Builder $builder): void

That’s it! This simplicity allows us to compose queries in any way, shape or form we’d like and not be restricted to using a particular trait or something that pollutes our Eloquent models.

Now imagine that a new requirement comes in that demands a brand new endpoint that should list orphaned members that belong to a certain company. At this point we might start sweating because there is no commonality between a Company and a Member, but don’t fret! Tappable scopes to the rescue! Let’s just reuse the scope and call it a day:

public function index(Request $request): Collection
    return Member::query()
        ->tap(new Orphan())

This is the power of tappable scopes. I think it should also be mentioned that this example requires both models to possess the concept of being “orphaned” , which is the state of abandonment after an initiated registration process, as signalled by a nullable user_id column. The registration is complete once a user is linked to all models. Needless to say, you can’t just go and use any scope with any model. It must be supported by the backing database table.

Specification pattern note

Have you ever heard about the Specification pattern and tried applying it dogmatically? As you may know, dogma is the root of all evil. This way of applying query constraints offers the best of many worlds.

Are you a package author?

Tappable scopes are especially useful for package authors who’d like to share reusable scopes alongside their packages. Let’s take laravel-adjacency-list as an example. scopeIsRoot could be refactored as follows:

final readonly class IsRoot
    public function __invoke(Builder $builder): void

This approach also solves the issue of clashing method and scope names, thanks to simply avoiding the ancient magics that are still available in the framework from the early days. All in all, the utilization of tappable scopes yields a net positive for 90% of use cases out there.

Not-so-global global scopes

I know that the title doesn’t make a lot of sense when read out of context, but please bear with me. Every now and then a couple of posts regarding global scopes appear on my X (formerly Twitter) timeline. The general sentiment is always along the lines of “global scopes are bad, local scopes are good“. The reason for this is that the Laravel documentation on global scopes does them a huge disfavor by making it look like the documented way of applying global scopes is the only way, but nothing could be further from the truth.

A while ago, I was thinking about this common complaint and then it struck me: what happens if you flout this convention? I took a gander at the global scopes API and quickly realized that it was in fact not a requirement to declare the scopes within your Eloquent models’ booted lifecycle method. As a matter of fact, there are no restrictions at all! They can be applied in a ServiceProvider, Middleware, Job etc. the possibilities are endless. The best use, however, is—in my opinion—when combined with middleware. So let’s take a look at an example.

Explained by example: country restriction

Imagine that you are working on an application like IMDb that has a front-facing public website and an internal administration panel. One of the requirements might be that certain movies should only be shown to users if the user’s country is available in a certain whitelist, otherwise it should be as if the movie doesn’t exist at all. Long story short, you have to partition the data based on the origin country. However, this restriction should only be applied to the public website, not the internal administration panel. An effortless way to implement this requirement is by leveraging not-so-global global scopes.

First, create your global scope like you always would:

final readonly class CountryRestrictionScope implements Scope
    public function __construct(private Country $country) {}

    public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model): void
        // pseudocode: do the actual country-based filtering here

Next, create an HTTP middleware whose responsibility is going to be applying the scope to the relevant models:

final readonly class RestrictByCountry
    public const NAME = 'country.restrict';

    public function __construct(private Repository $geo) {}

    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): mixed
        $scope = new CountryRestrictionScope($this->geo->get());


        return $next($request);

Note: Repository in this example can be anything that returns the user’s country, like laravel-geo.

Finally, open up your web.php routes file and apply the middleware to the relevant group:

    'middleware' => ['web', RestrictByCountry::NAME],
], static function ($router) {
    $router->resource('movies', Site\MovieController::class);
    $router->resource('ratings', Site\RatingController::class);
    $router->resource('reviews', Site\ReviewController::class);
    // Front-facing public website routes...

    'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],
    'prefix' => 'admin',
], static function ($router) {
    $router->resource('movies', Admin\MovieController::class);
    $router->resource('ratings', Admin\RatingController::class);
    $router->resource('reviews', Admin\ReviewController::class);
    // Admin routes...

Pay close attention to the fact that the middleware only gets applied to the public website routes. This has the following implications:

  • Whenever a user visits any of the public website routes, the content will be automatically filtered based on country. This might result in harmless 404 pages.
  • Whenever new routes need to be added due to new feature requests, the developers do not have to remember the fact that each model should be filtered based on the user’s country. This has been dealt with already and there’s no way this restriction can be bypassed unless done deliberately.
  • Whenever developers use a REPL like tinker, they won’t be caught off-guard because a hidden, nasty global scope was altering the queries. Remember, our global scopes are not-so-global.
  • Whenever an administrator visits the internal administration panel, they are always going to see all content regardless of their origin. This is exactly what we want.

To put it succinctly, if we embrace the global nature of global scopes while thinking about the precise placement and its area of effect, we can actually create joyful development experiences while eliminating potential frustrations in the future. It doesn’t have to be infuriating!

There is nothing stopping us for doing things like this:

final readonly class FileScope implements Scope
    public function __invoke(Builder $builder): void
        $this->apply($builder, File::make());

    /** @param File $model */
    public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model): void
            ->where($model->qualifyColumn('model_type'), 'directory')
            ->where($model->qualifyColumn('collection_name'), 'file');

__invoke is meant to make the Scope tappable, and apply is to adhere to the Scope contract which is a requirement for (not-so-global) global scopes.

  • You’d like to use the scope as a truly global scope in certain contexts? Check.
  • You’d like to apply the scope to certain queries using the tappable way? Also check.

Phantom properties

In a fairly recent project I worked on, I had to display a huge amount of markers on an interactive map like Google Maps, Leaflet or Mapbox. These interactive maps accept a list of geometry types according to the GeoJSON spec. A Point type, which is exactly what I needed, must provide a coordinates property with a tuple as its value representing (lat,lon) respectively. The problem here is that coordinates represents a composite value, whereas the data is flattened as addresses:id,latitude,longitude in the database. The table was designed that way because of the chosen administration panel: Laravel Nova. It’s much easier to handle record creations in Nova if you keep the structure as flat as possible. I could have simply dealt with this problem in an Eloquent Resource (aka a transformer), but the curious programmer in me told me that there ought to be a better way. The inner me was definitely right: there is a better way thanks to—what I call—Phantom properties.

Explained by example: Coordinates

To solve the problem at hand, we first need to create the ValueObject that will represent address Coordinates:

final readonly class Coordinates implements JsonSerializable
    private const LATITUDE_MIN  = -90;
    private const LATITUDE_MAX = 90;
    private const LONGITUDE_MIN = -180;
    private const LONGITUDE_MAX = 180;

    public float $latitude;

    public float $longitude;

    public function __construct(float $latitude, float $longitude)
        Assert::greaterThanEq($latitude, self::LATITUDE_MIN);
        Assert::lessThanEq($latitude, self::LATITUDE_MAX);
        Assert::greaterThanEq($longitude, self::LONGITUDE_MIN);
        Assert::lessThanEq($longitude, self::LONGITUDE_MAX);

        $this->latitude  = $latitude;
        $this->longitude = $longitude;

    public function jsonSerialize(): array
        return [$this->latitude, $this->longitude];

    public function __toString(): string
        return "({$this->latitude},{$this->longitude})";

Next, we should define our AsCoordinates object cast:

final readonly class AsCoordinates implements CastsAttributes
    public function get(
        string $key,
        array $attributes,
    ): Coordinates {
        return new Coordinates(
            (float) $attributes['latitude'], 
            (float) $attributes['longitude'],

    public function set(
        string $key,
        array $attributes,
    ): array {
        return $value instanceof Coordinates ? [
            'latitude' => $value->latitude,
            'longitude' => $value->longitude,
        ] : throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid value.');

Finally, we should assign it as a cast in our Address model:

final class Address extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'coordinates' => AsCoordinates::class,

Now, we can just simply use it in our Eloquent Resource:

/** @mixin \App\Models\Address */
final class FeatureResource extends JsonResource
    public function toArray($request): array
        return [
            'geometry' => [
                'type' => 'Point',
                'coordinates' => $this->coordinates,
            'properties' => $this->only('name', 'phone'),
            'type' => 'Feature',
  • Coordinates is now fully responsible for the concept of Coordinates (representing a two-dimensional point on earth).
  • We don’t have to call jsonSerialize() by ourselves because of the implemented interface. It’ll be taken care of for us due to Laravel calling json_encode somewhere in the call stack.
  • If something were to change about Coordinates, it’ll be trivial to find where the concept of Coordinates is being used.

This is what we ended up with as expected:

    "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [4.5, 51.5]
    "properties": {
        "name": "Acme Ltd.",
        "phone": "123 456 789 0"
    "type": "Feature"

Explained by another example: rendering address lines

Another handy way of using phantom properties is to help you with template rendering. Normally, if you wanted to render the address as HTML, you’d have to do something like this:

  @if($two = $address->line_two)<span></span>@endif
  @if($three = $address->line_three)<span></span>@endif

As you can see, it can get out of hand really quickly. While I do recognize this is a rather contrived example, as addresses are generally rendered differently based on country, it helps with painting the picture that it can become a mess rather fast. What if we could do something like this:

  @foreach($address->lines as $line)

Much nicer, right? Our template is no longer concerned with how complex it can suddenly become due to different rules in different nations. It does what it does best: rendering. The phantom property responsible for this could look as follows:

final readonly class AsLines implements CastsAttributes
    public function get(
        string $key,
        array $attributes,
    ): array {
        return array_filter([

    public function set(
        string $key,
        array $attributes,
    ): never {
        throw new RuntimeException('Set the lines explicitly.');

If we had to swap line_two and line_three for Antarctica for example, we can do the adjustment in AsLines and won’t have to adjust the blade template at all. Thinking out-of-the-box can greatly simplify how we can render UIs and prevent us from creating overly smart ones which is generally frowned upon and considered an anti-pattern.

A note on what’s available in the docs

These properties do not directly map to a database column, and are comparable to the Accessors & Mutators combination. The documentation calls it Value Object Casting, but I think it’s heavily misleading as it’s not a requirement to cast it to a ValueObject with this approach. Reason being is that besides the examples I gave above, another use case might be the generation of product numbers that are comprised of segments. You’d want to generate and persist a value like CA‑01‑00001 but actually save it in three distinct columns (number_countrynumber_departmentnumber_sequence) for much easier querying:

final readonly class AsProductNumber implements CastsAttributes
    public function get(
        string $key,
        array $attributes
    ): string {
        return implode('-', [
            Str::padLeft($attributes['number_department'], 2, '0'),
            Str::padLeft($attributes['number_sequence'], 5, '0'),

    public function set(
        string $key,
        array $attributes,
    ): array {
        [$country, $dept, $sequence] = explode('-', $value, 2);

        return [
            'number_country' => $country,
            'number_department' => (int) $dept,
            'number_sequence' => (int) $sequence,

Needless to say that you should also create a unique, composite index that spans these three columns. The phantom property responsible for this would create the composed string value CA‑01‑00001 and not a ValueObject, hence why it is misleading.

Fluent query objects

I already mentioned custom Builder classes in the first section tappable scopes. While they’re a first good step towards more readable and maintainable queries, I think that they quickly fall apart when a lot of custom constraints need to be added to the custom Builder classes. They just tend to become another type of God object. It’s also a lot of hassle to get the IDE to the point where it starts helping you with suggestions. You could also create a dedicated Repository for your models, but I dislike that option heavily. You see, to my eye, a Repository and Eloquent are mutually exclusive.—Before you take out the pitchforks, I know that it’s not strictly true. However, if you know why ActiveRecord exists and why a Repository exists, then you’ll understand where I’m coming from.—You can read more on that here.

Another alternative is the utilization of what is known as a QueryObject. It is an object that’s responsible for the composition and execution of a single query kind. While this doesn’t fully conform to the definition of Martin Fowler in PoEAA, it is close enough and I think that borrowing the notion for this particular purpose is fine. If you have a Laracasts subscription, you might have already seen the lesson that’s available on this subject. Even though the philosophy and the way of thinking are identical, I’d like to present an alternate API that’s much, much nicer to use: fluent query objects.

Explained by example: notification center

Imagine that we have an SPA, powered by an HTTP JSON API, that has a notification bell at the top. The back-end exposes an endpoint that we can use to retrieve unread notifications of the logged in user. The Controller method responsible for retrieving unread notifications might look as follows:

public function index(Request $request): AnonymousResourceCollection
    $notifications = Notification::query()

    return NotificationResource::collection($notifications);

This was all straightforward until a new feature request came in that required us to create a dedicated page to manage all of the notifications: read, unread, type of notification etc. To make the lives of our front-end developers easier, we decided to create a dedicated endpoint per view type. One of them, which is responsible for retrieving read notifications, might look as follows

public function index(Request $request): AnonymousResourceCollection
    $notifications = Notification::with('notifiable')

    return NotificationResource::collection($notifications);

Eagle-eyed readers may already have noticed that everything in this snippet is the same as the previous one except the whereNotNull clause and the eager loading of the notifiable relation. Now we have to repeat this process for the other types as well:

public function index(Request $request): AnonymousResourceCollection
    $notifications = Notification::query()
        ->where('data->type', '=', $request->type)

    return NotificationResource::collection($notifications);

I think you get the gist of it. This is too much repetition, and something must be done about it. Enter fluent query objects.
First, we’re going to create the query class that will be responsible for “getting my notifications”:

final readonly class GetMyNotifications

Next, we’re going to move the base query (the conditions that’ll need to be applied at all times) to the constructor of our brand new, shiny object:

final readonly class GetMyNotifications
    private Builder $builder;

    private function __construct(User $user)
        $this->builder = Notification::query()

    public static function query(User $user): self
        return new self($user);

Now, we need to tap into the prowess of composition by utilizing the ForwardsCalls trait:

/** @mixin \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */
final readonly class GetMyNotifications
    use ForwardsCalls;

    // omitted for brevity

    public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): mixed
        return $this->forwardDecoratedCallTo(


  • ForwardsCalls allows us to treat the class as if it’s a part of the “base class” \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder even though there is no inheritance in place. I love composition.
  • The @mixin annotation will help the IDE to provide us with useful autocompletion suggestions.
  • You could also choose to add Conditionable to have an even more fluent API, but it’s not really necessary here due to our design choice (a distinct endpoint per view type).

The only things remaining now are the custom query constraints, so let’s add them:

/** @mixin \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */
final readonly class GetMyNotifications
    // omitted for brevity
    public function ofType(NotificationType ...$types): self
        return $this->whereIn('data->type', $types);

    public function read(): self
        return $this->whereNotNull('read_at');

    public function unread(): self
        return $this->whereNull('read_at');
    // omitted for brevity

Awesome. We now have everything that’s needed to properly implement the feature “get my notifications” aka the notification center. So with everything stitched together:

/** @mixin \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */
final readonly class GetMyNotifications
    use ForwardsCalls;

    private Builder $builder;

    private function __construct(User $user)
        $this->builder = Notification::query()

    public static function query(User $user): self
        return new self($user);

    public function ofType(NotificationType ...$types): self
        return $this->whereIn('data->type', $types);

    public function read(): self
        return $this->whereNotNull('read_at');

    public function unread(): self
        return $this->whereNull('read_at');

    public function __call(string $name, array $arguments): mixed
        return $this->forwardDecoratedCallTo(

Let’s refactor one of the previous Controllers and see how it looks:

public function index(Request $request): AnonymousResourceCollection
    $notifications = GetMyNotifications::query($request->user())

    return NotificationResource::collection($notifications);

I don’t know about you, but this piece of elegant code is just beautiful to look at. You can keep using all of the regular Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder methods while also having the ability to call enhanced, specific methods dedicated to this distinct query alone. Takeaways:

  • Key concepts are encapsulated behind meaningful interfaces.
  • Adheres to SRP
  • Groks the framework and its tools instead of fighting against it like using a Repository
  • Easily reusable in multiple places
  • Easily testable

There is nothing stopping us from doing things like this:

final readonly class GetMyNotifications
    // omitted for brevity
    public function ofType(NotificationType ...$types): self
        return $this->tap(new InType(...$types));

    public function read(): self
        return $this->tap(new Read());

    public function unread(): self
        return $this->tap(new Unread());
    // omitted for brevity

Perhaps we needed to create these scopes for a not-so-global use case. It makes a lot of sense to reuse them here in order to maintain consistency. Your imagination is the only limiting factor here.

Note on using a Pipeline

There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube that show how we could be using a Pipeline to logically split a chain of operations, or do some complex filtering. Some readers might think that it’s a waste of time to deal with your own QueryObject. The thing is though, I don’t believe that a Pipeline and a QueryObject are mutually exclusive. They can be complementary to eachother and help one another to complete the task more efficiently. Instead of type-hinting Builder in the pipes, we can type-hint our custom QueryObjects. Essentially building our own laravel-query-builder, but with a more specific API.

The Pipeline could look as follows:

$orders = Pipeline::send(

A Pipe could look as follows:

final readonly class Cancelled
    public function __construct(private Request $request) {}

    public function handle(GetMyOrders $query, Closure $next): mixed
        if ($this->request->boolean('cancelled')) {

        return $next($query);

There’s nothing wrong with amalgamating different concepts to reach your end goal. Just make sure it makes sense for your current context and that you’re not introducing accidental complexity.

Sharing eager loads

This is a concise, but indispensable one (for me, at least). At some point you probably found yourself wondering how you could be sharing eager loads, especially those that do some additional refining, but nevertheless still ended up just copy-pasting the relevant code. While copy-paste is a perfectly valid option to choose, there are in fact better ways to solve this issue. It can quickly become cumbersome to repeat these kinds of eager loads because of the application of additional query constraints. This could be the case when using Spatie’s phantasmagorical package laravel-medialibrary, for example.

Imagine that you have 10 different models. Each model defines multiple, distinct MediaCollections and each model also defines a thumbnail for display purposes on the storefront. For various reasons, Controller code etc. cannot be shared (you shouldn’t anyway). The package works with one big media relation that loads in all attached Media objects and uses Collection magic in the background in order to partition them. Eager loading the entire media relation can quickly become a problem on an index page that lists a model with tons of MediaCollections. After all, the only thing we need on an index page is the model’s thumbnail. In order to solve this problem, we can apply a query constraint like so:

public function index(): View
    $products = Product::with([
        'media' => static function (MorphMany $query) {
            $query->where('collection_name', 'thumbnail')
        '' => static function (MorphMany $query) {
            $query->where('collection_name', 'thumbnail')
    ])->tap(new Available())->get();

    return $this->view->make('products.index', compact('products'));

While this does solve the problem of overfetching, it is not pretty to look at. Now repeat this 9 more times. Yuck! Actually it is very, very straightforward to properly tackle this problem. First, think about what you want to eager load. Got it? LoadThumbnail. Then, create a class that represents this constraint:

final readonly class LoadThumbnail implements Arrayable
    public function __invoke(MorphMany $query): void
        $query->where('collection_name', 'thumbnail');

    public function toArray(): array
        return ['media' => $this];

Now simply use it:

public function index(): View
    $products = Product::with([
        'media' => new LoadThumbnail(),
        '' => new LoadThumbnail(),
    ])->tap(new Available())->get();

    return $this->view->make('products.index', compact('products'));

Amazing, right? You may have also noticed the toArray at the bottom. That would come in handy if you’d like to define eager loads 1 relation at a time with consecutive with((new LoadThumbnail)->toArray()) calls. This technique is so simple to execute it’s just unfair almost. Please don’t overfetch and instead make sure minimal data is returned over the wire from the database. Laziness is no excuse!

Invokable accessors

We’ve already talked about techniques like Phantom properties. If you haven’t read that section yet, please read it first and come back to this one. Anyway, the biggest flaw with Phantom properties is that it requires us to define a set (inbound) cast even if we won’t be using it, like the $address->lines example; and also that it has no mechanism that automatically memoizes the computed results. It’s a bummer that there’s no CastsOutboundAttributes, but that’s where invokeable accessors shine. The main benefits are:

  • Memoization
  • No model clutter
  • Testable units
  • Composable, like any other object

An example definition (Attribute::get is real, by the way):

final class File extends Model
    protected function stream(): Attribute
        return Attribute::get(new StreamableUrl($this));

That’s all it takes to define an invokeable accessor. Take note of the constructor argument, because that’s a repeating pattern with invokeable accessors. It’s necessary to gain access to the model that’s being used, otherwise we won’t be able to gather contextual information necessary to carry out our tasks. In this example, StreamableUrl is responsible for—you guessed it—generating streamable URLs. We could have inlined the logic and used the classic Closure way, but that would start filling up our model rather quickly. The actual model this snippet is coming from, has fourteen other accessors (!). A sneak peek from this particular invokeable accessor:

final readonly class StreamableUrl
    private const S3_PROTOCOL = 's3://';

    public function __construct(private File $file) {}

    public function __invoke(): string
        $basePath = UuidPathGenerator::getInstance()

        if ($this->file->supports('s3')) {
            return self::S3_PROTOCOL 
                . $this->file->bucket 
                . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 
                . $basePath 
                . $this->file->basename;

        return Storage::disk($this->file->disk)
            ->url($basePath . rawurlencode($this->file->basename));

The exact details are not that important, but the takeaway is that it properly encapsulates the logic for generating optimized streamable URLs. Returning direct s3:// paths is much more efficient for streaming files from S3.

The main point is, imagine if we had defined this code inside a traditional Closure within the accessor on the model itself, and also done something similar for the other thirteen accessors. Our model would have very quickly become overstuffed. Using invokable accessors also allows us to extract out such code and keep our models clean and tidy.

Multiple read models for the same table

This is one of those rare moments where I actually appreciated the limitations of Laravel Nova, which is normally notoriously difficult to customize compared to other administration panel solutions. It allowed me to discover a novel use case for read-only models.

Recently, a feature request came in that required us to create a fully-fledged file exporer in order to share files with third parties and customers. Rolling out our own file management solution was out of the question because 1. it is a solved problem and 2. it is a complex and edgecase-ridden problem. We decided to go with laravel-medialibrary (as any other sane person would, thanks Spatie!), but there was a huge hurdle to overcome. We had to create a UX-friendly interface in Nova under the Directory resource, which would be housing the Files that belonged to that particular Directory and it had to be sortable. While the default Media model did its job well, it was incompatible with Nova’s most popular sorting library (also from Spatie). We had to come up with an original solution. That’s when it suddenly struck me to create a read-only model for the media table and put the theory to the test:

final class File extends Model implements Sortable
    use SortableTrait;

    public array $sortable = [
        'order_column_name' => 'order_column';

    protected $table = 'media';

    public function buildSortQuery(): Builder
        return $this->newQuery()->where($this->only('model_id'));

While this was already looking promising, there was another hurdle that had to be overcome. This model could be used to query anything in the media table which could have resulted in unexpected data losses. This was not acceptable of course, because this model specifically represents a File which is actually a Media object that fulfills two criteria:

  • It must belong to the model Directory
  • The collection_name must be file

I decided to create a true global scope and register it in a ServiceProvider to enforce these rules at all times (another rare moment where a truly global scope actually makes sense):

final class FileScope implements Scope
    /** @param File $model */
    public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model): void
            ->where($model->qualifyColumn('model_type'), 'directory')
            ->where($model->qualifyColumn('collection_name'), 'file');

Models that did not fit these criteria were no longer being returned and instead started throwing ModelNotFoundExceptions. This was exactly what we wanted. Perfect, but we couldn’t declare victory just yet. The Nova interface required a bunch of information which were simply not possible to extract from the default Media model. But then it struck me again: since this was our custom model, I could do whatever I wanted! I could even declare it as a relation now in the Directory model:

public function files(): HasMany
    return $this->hasMany(File::class, 'model_id')->ordered();

Did you notice something “weird”? No? Take a look at the relationship type. If you know how MediaLibrary works, you’d know that the media table actually makes use of a MorphMany relationship. But since we defined a global FileScope that always refines the queries on model_type, we can simply use the HasMany relation type by itself and everything just works. This is when my mind was blown. Calling $directory->files would now return a Collection of File objects and not Media objects. Long story short, File now possessed everything that was needed to serve a FileSharing context. We didn’t need to alter any configuration or something else—nothing. Just some cleverness and novel approaches. The end result was pure excellence.

e.g. I could also add a bunch of (invokeable) accessors in order to fulfill the UI needs:

// other accessors ommitted, there's simply too many

protected function realpath(): Attribute
    return Attribute::get(new Realpath($this));

protected function stream(): Attribute
    return Attribute::get(new StreamableUrl($this));

protected function extension(): Attribute
    return Attribute::get(fn () => $this->type->extension());

protected function type(): Attribute
    return Attribute::get(fn () => FileType::from($this->mime));


  • You should use a read-only model when things get complex on the UI side.
  • Global scopes are not always bad.
  • These models allow for fine-tuning according to the use cases that they need to support.
  • This approach can also be used if a package does not allow you to override the “base model” that it uses. Simply create your own model that references the package’s table and start solving problems.

WithoutRelations for queue performance

Last but not least, the topic I’d like to talk about is the mysterious WithoutRelations attribute or the withoutRelations method. Avid and eagle-eyed source divers of Laravel packages may have already noticed some usage while browsing through the source code. In fact, it is indeed used in a Livewire component by Laravel Jetstream. Though the reason why it’s being used here is to prevent too much information leaking to the client-side, which is—even though completely valid—not the use case I’d like to talk about.

As you may already know, you should be using the SerializesModels trait if you’d like to enqueue a Job that houses Eloquent models. (Its purpose is briefly described in the documentation, so I’m not going to repeat that.) But there is a catch that a lot of developers are not aware of: SerializesModels also remembers which relationships were loaded at serialization-time and uses that information to reload all relationships when the models are deserialized. An example payload:

    "user": {
        "class": "App\\Models\\User",
        "id": 10269,
        "relations": ['company', 'orders', 'likes'],
        "connection": "mysql",
        "collectionClass": null

As you can see, the relations property contains three relationships. These will be eagerly loaded upon the deserialization of this Job. A relationship like likes and orders can potentially pull in hundreds or even thousands of records, hurting the Jobs performance tremendously. Even worse, the Job from which I grabbed this snapshot didn’t even need any of these relations to carry out its main task.

Method option

An easy way to fix this problem is by—you guessed it—using the withoutRelations method before passing along your Eloquent models to the Jobs constructor. An example:

final class AccessIdentitySubscriber
    public function subscribe(Dispatcher $events): void

    private function whenRegistered(Registered $event): void

This event subscriber is responsible for creating a new prospect in a disparate CRM system whenever a new user is registered in our application. Before dispatching CreateProspect, withoutRelations is called in order to make sure no useless relationships are serialized beyond this point, ensuring optimal performance. If we now inspect the serialized payload, we can see that the array has been emptied:

    "user": {
        "class": "App\\Models\\User",
        "id": 10269,
        "relations": [],
        "connection": "mysql",
        "collectionClass": null


Attribute option

While preparing this blog post, I realized that a fellow Laravel developer contributed a brand new #[WithoutRelations] attribute that automatically takes care of stripping away all model relations upon Job serialization:

final class CreateProspect implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable;
    use InteractsWithQueue;
    use SerializesModels;

    public function __construct(private User $user) {}

    public function handle(Gateway $crm): void
        // omitted for brevity

This will definitely be my new default way of defining Jobs. I also don’t know about you, but I have had zero use cases where have I said to myself “Darn it, I should have left the relations alone”. This behavior introduces more hidden bugs than anything (in my experience). Most of the time, lazy loading does the job just fine. Remember, there are no bad tools. There are only bad tools within a particular context. That’s why I’m not a huge fan of the newish Model::preventLazyLoading feature. Sorry, namesake.


At this point my fingers are numb, but I think it was worth it. Curiosity makes you a better programmer, so get out of the tutorial hell and start experimenting. Trust me, the worst thing that can happen is you learning. And please… don’t forget to read up on the trade‑offs of Active Record. The worst thing that can happen is—again—you learning.

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Thanks for reading!

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