When Matthew Perry Met Windows 95

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: In 1994 the TV show Friends premiered, and its first season’s high ratings made it the 8th most-popular show. The next year Microsoft released Windows 95 — and filmed a promotional video for it with 25-year-old Matthew Perry and 26-year-old Jennifer Aniston. "They’ll be taking you on an adventure in computing that takes place in the office of Microsoft chairman Bill Gates," explains the video’s narrator, adding "Along the way, they meet a wacky bunch of propellor-heads…. And are introduced the top 25 features of Windows 95!" It’s a journey back in time. (At one point the video refers to Windows as the operating system "with tens of millions of users.") Their 30-minute segment — billed as "the world’s first cyber sitcom" — appears in an hour-long video introducing revolutionary features like the new "Start" button. Also demonstrated in Excel are the new minimize and maximize "features" in "the upper right-side of the window". And the two actors marvel at the ability to type a filename that was longer than eight characters… Watch for reminders that The Microsoft Windows 95 Video Guide was filmed nearly three decades ago. When the desktop appears after waking from screensaver mode, Perry notes that there’s "no messy DOS build-up." And later the video reminds viewers that Windows 95 is compatible "with DOS games like Flight Simulator." There’s also a brand new feature called "Windows Explorer" (which is described as "File Manager on steroids"), as well as a new "Find" option, and a brand new icon named "My Computer". And near the end they pay a visit to the Microsoft Network — which was mostly a "walled garden" online service — described in the video as "your on-ramp to the information superhighway". The video even explains how Windows 95 "uses the right mouse button for what Microsoft calls power users." And by the end of it, Jennifer Anniston finds herself playing Space Cadet 3D pinball.

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