Kyle Rittenhouse NOT Guilty On All Charges! ~ Verdict VIDEO×295.jpg

H/T to Law and Crime TV for the week-long live Video feed.

KENOSHA, WI-(  After three days of deliberation, the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse self-defense trial returned a verdict of not guilty on all charges.

Kyle Rittenhouse Not Guilty on All Charges

The jurors found that Kyle Rittenhouse was justified in his self-defense shooting of three attackers. The jury believed that the three men targeted Rittenhouse, and the jury thought that he had felt that the three men threatened his life. The jury took four days to decide Mr. Rittenhouse’s fate.

The first man attacked Kyle Rittenhouse after he put out a fire in a dumpster. Joseph Rosenbaum, a convicted pedophile, attacked and chased Rittenhouse through a car lot. After Rosenbaum pursued Rittenhouse through the parking lot, he turned and fired his AR-15 and killed Rosenbaum.

An angry mob chased Rittenhouse down the street. He stumbled and fell to the ground as he tried to evade the mob and get to the police. The second man shot was Anthony Huber. Mr. Huber was a domestic abuser and attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard. Rittenhouse shot and killed Huber.

The third man didn’t die but was shot in the arm. Gaige Grosskreutz pointed a loaded Glock at Mr. Rittenhouse while he was on the ground. Rittenhouse pointed his AR-15 at Mr. Grosskreutz. He put up his hands, and Rittenhouse didn’t pull the trigger of his rifle until Grosskreutz pointed his pistol at Rittenhouse. Grosskreutz was hit in the arm and was disarmed by the shot.

Grosskreutz admitted on the stand that Rittenhouse didn’t fire until he leveled the Glock at him. This moment was a critical turning point in the case, and some legal experts believed that Grosskreutz comment doomed the prosecution’s case.

Rittenhouse also took the stand to defend himself. Rittenhouse broke down in tears when walking the court through the actions of the fateful night. The court had to adjourn to give Mr. Rittenhouse time to recover from emotional testimony. Rittenhouse came off as believable.

The prosecution cross-examined Rittenhouse for hours. The prosecutor came off as a bully. The prosecutor attacked Mr. Rittenhouse for exercising his right to remain silent. This attack provoked a stinging rebuke from the judge. He removed the jury from the court and ripped into the prosecution for questioning Mr. Rittenhouse’s use of a Constitutional right. The attack by the prosecution almost caused a mistrial.

Gun rights groups have celebrated the verdict. They believe that this decision is a victory for self-defense. Alan Gottlieb, the founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, claims that this is a victory for the Second Amendment.

“The verdict by the Kenosha jury is an affirmation that people, regardless of their age, have a right to defend themselves against violent attack, by individuals or a mob,” Gottlieb said.

“Anyone who viewed the video evidence and listened to the testimony would easily conclude Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Fortunately, this young man’s supporters were able to raise the funds necessary for mounting a first-class defense. But this was a high-profile case, and ample financial resources became available. What about lower-profile cases where people with limited resources find themselves unable to afford adequate legal counsel.

“There is no doubt this case will be analyzed and debated for months, or even years. What the verdict demonstrates is that reasonable people sitting in judgment of a case that should never have been brought in the first place can see through a politically-motivated prosecution and reach a verdict that is both reasonable and just.”

Kyle Rittenhouse will now move on with his life and is in our prayers.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at

John Crump

Kyle Rittenhouse: Not Guilty, All Charges

As I said all along.

Hey, Twitter! Told you so. Are you going to unblock me now, or will you doxx and ban the unanimous jury members, too?

Self defense is a human right.


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BREAKING: Kyle Rittenhouse Not Guilty on All Counts

Kyle rittenhouse verdict kenosha trial
(Mark Hertzberg/Pool Photo via AP)

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A jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin has found Kyle Rittenhouse

Rittenhouse was standing guard outside a car dealership in Kenosha on August 25 last year during riots that followed the shooting of Jacob Blake. Police did little or nothing to curb the violence and destruction.

When Rittenhouse attempted to stop a crowd from setting a dumpster on fire, he was approached by a violent Joseph Rosenbaum. That set off the entire chain of events leading to today’s result.

Rittenhouse was threatened and attacked that night by four convicted felons that night; a mentally ill pedophile, car thief and forger, a domestic abuser, and a burglar who assaulted his own grandmother.

One attacker threatened to kill him and tried to take Rittenhouse’s rifle. One delivered a flying kick as he layed on the ground. Another struck him on the head and neck with a skateboard. The last one pointed a gun at him.

Gaige Grosskreutz Rittenhouse Kenosha shooting

Rittenhouse used the AR-15 rifle he was carrying to shoot three of his attackers, killing two.

The trial of the 18-year-old Rittenhouse inevitably became a political football. The inept prosecution succeeded in depicting, almost as well as the defense, that in each of the shootings, Rittenhouse had defended himself from physical threats or imminent attacks. Yet the media have been slanting and shading their reports of the testimony, no matter how frustratingly exculpatory it was.

Rittenhouse was portrayed as a racist and a white supremacist, despite everyone involved in the incident that night being a white male.

The jury had to weigh not only the evidence, but also the knowledge that if they found Rittenhouse not guilty of some or all of the charges, it could result in more rioting. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers put 500 National Guardsman on standby in anticipation of the verdict. If he’d bothered to do that during the rioting in Kenosha last year, it’s likely that none of this would have happened.


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The Truth About Guns

‘This is a Left-Wing Cult’: Joe Rogan UNLOADS on Dishonest Media Coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

Day Two of Rittenhouse jury deliberation has begun. As we wait, we reflect on what garbage human beings the mainstream media has been throughout this entire thing. The main reason he’s on trial is because of lies and untruths the media has spread. And this is just one man’s opinion, but I’m sure being attacked by media is on the mind of at last a few jurors if they’re thinking about voting to acquit Rittenhouse. Joe Rogan is someone who knows firsthand how much the media lies and swears by it. Once people discover this rant by Dr. Joe, MD, the media will proclaim "who, us?" Brian Stelter is probably crying into his breakfast cheesecake as we speak.

"This information is not based on reality. This is a left-wing cult. They’re pumping stuff out and then they are confirming this belief. They are all getting together, and they are ignoring contrary evidence. They are ignoring any narrative that challenges their belief about what happened, and they are not looking at it realistically. They are only looking at it like you would if you were in a f*cking cult."

As an aside, what a cast of characters! Drew Hernandez, Tim Pool, Blaire White, AND Alex Jones.

More people need to be exposed to who the media is. They won’t just go after you if you hold a different opinion than them or if they think they can use you to advance their leftist narrative. They’ll go after you if they even assume you have a different opinion. Rittenhouse is only one of the most extreme examples of it.

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