Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It’s OK to Shoot

Bob Irwin highlights the latest self-defense and other shootings of the week. Read them and see what went wrong, what went right and what we can learn from self-defense with a gun.

Self defense home invasion
Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It’s OK to Shoot; File Photo

USA –-(Ammoland.com)- KOCO TV-5 (ABC) reported back in 2012 a young Oklahoma mother shot and killed an intruder to protect her 3-month-old baby on New Year’s Eve, less than a week after the baby’s father died of cancer.

The young mother said a week earlier a 24-year-old male subject dropped by on the day of her husband’s funeral, claiming that he was a neighbor who wanted to say hello. The 18-year-old mother did not let him into her home.

On New Year’s Eve he returned with a second man and this time was armed with a 12-inch hunting knife.

As one of the men was going from door to door outside her home trying to gain entry. The woman called 911 and grabbed her 12-gauge shotgun.

She told ABC News Oklahoma City affiliate KOCO that she quickly got her 12 gauge, went into her bedroom and got a pistol, put a bottle in the baby’s mouth and called 911.

The young mother asked the 911 dispatcher “I’ve got two guns in my hand, is it okay to shoot him if he comes in this door?”

The 911 dispatcher confirmed with the mom that the doors to her home were locked as she asked again if it was okay to shoot the intruder if he were to come through her door.

“I can’t tell you that you can do that but you do what you have to do to protect your baby,” the dispatcher told her. The woman was on the phone with 911 for a total of 21 minutes.

When the first male kicked in the door and came after her with the knife, the teen mom shot and killed the 24-year-old. Police are calling the shooting justified.

“You’re allowed to shoot an unauthorized person that is in your home. The law provides you the remedy, and sanctions the use of deadly force,” Detective Dan Huff of the Blanchard Police said.

The second home invader turned himself in to police shortly thereafter.

“I wouldn’t have done it, but it was my son,” the woman told media. “It’s not an easy decision to make, but it was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn’t going to be my son. There’s nothing more dangerous than a woman with a child.”


Fine job, a perfect use of a self-defense firearm. One can only imagine the horrible outcome had this young mother not been armed.

It is not unusual for victims to ask the 911 operator for permission to shoot. We have to encourage self-defense gun owners to get some training and practice, practice, practice.

And while we are here, don’t give interviews to any media ever!

Bob Irwin
Bob Irwin

Bob Irwin, Las Vegas

About Bob Irwin

Bob is retired after 30 years of ownership of The Gun Store & Indoor Range in Las Vegas. He continues his 2A issues show “Fired Up with Bob Irwin” on YouTube and on KLEY 1230 AM, The Nevada Talk Network on Saturdays.

As a firearm instructor of Concealed Firearm Applicants, Armed Security Officer and Law Enforcement Academies over his career, Bob appears frequently as an expert witness for firearm & use of force cases in Federal, State, and local courts.

The post Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It’s OK to Shoot appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

via AmmoLand.com
Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It’s OK to Shoot

Programming Interview Questions Are Too Hard and Too Short

Programming interview questions can feel unnecessarily difficult. Sometimes they actually are, a new study has found. And this isn’t just because they make interviews excessively stressful. The study shows that harder programming questions actually do a worse job of predicting final outcomes than easier ones. From the study: Programming under time pressure is difficult. This is especially true during interviews. A coding exercise that would seem simple under normal circumstances somehow becomes a formidable challenge under the bright lights of an interview room. Stress hormones cloud your thinking during interviews (even though, sadly, neither fight nor flight is an effective response to a menacing programming problem). And it can almost feel like the questions are designed to be perversely difficult. I actually think this is more than just a feeling. Interview questions are designed to be hard. Because the cost of hiring a bad engineer is so much higher than the cost of rejecting a good engineer, companies are incentivized to set a high bar. And for most companies that means asking hard questions. Intuitively this makes sense because harder questions seem like they should result in a more rigorous screening process. But intuition turns out to be a poor guide here. Our data shows that harder questions are actually less predictive than relatively easy ones. Further reading: Programmers Are Confessing Their Coding Sins To Protest a Broken Job Interview Process.

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via Slashdot
Programming Interview Questions Are Too Hard and Too Short

A Dental Industry Tool for Getting the Last Drop of Product Out of a Squeeze Tube

Nothing drives me nuts like wasted product. When I finish a bag of potato chips, I up-end the bag and pour the powder at the bottom into my mouth. I "marry" my shampoo bottles. Back when I was cooking for myself, if I fried up a steak, the pan and the leftover juices were set aside to fry up the next morning’s eggs.

But I can’t get the last drop of toothpaste out of a tube.

Mechanical engineer Stephen Galante invented the following tool, which you’ve undoubtedly seen some earlier variant of, for the dental industry. Not for toothpaste, but for the tubes that tooth-bonding composites come in. It’s as precious to the dentists as expensive paint is to poor artists. And what makes Galante’s invention different from others is the gear-like wringers:

The Big Squeeze, as it’s called, is now available to consumers and runs $40 a pop. If that sounds like a lot, I can almost guarantee I’ve thrown away at least that much toothpaste by not being able to extract it. For artists, chefs and mechanics working with more expensive tube-dispensed products, this thing is a no-brainer.

via Core77
A Dental Industry Tool for Getting the Last Drop of Product Out of a Squeeze Tube

Ohio State’s next big thing: West campus targeted for massive innovation district with millions of square feet in new construction

Ohio State’s next major initiative will come on west campus, where the school wants to create a wide-ranging research and innovation district where students, faculty and local startups can be centrally located.

via Columbus Business News – Local Columbus News | Business First of Columbus
Ohio State’s next big thing: West campus targeted for massive innovation district with millions of square feet in new construction

This Animated Lego Fan Film Is as Good as the Official Movies

Image: YouTube

Has wild winter weather made it difficult for you to pop out to the theater to catch The Lego Movie 2? Eventually the flakes will stop falling, but until they do, Nukazooka’s excellent fan film Lego: The Great Escape will tide you over with characters, animation, and a story that’s just as entertaining as the official movies. Did we also mention there’s a cat?

You won’t find nearly as many celebrity cameos in this Lego short film, but Hot Wheels and Barbie both make appearances, and the aforementioned cat serves as a great antagonist for the minifigure heroes who are just trying to find a way to escape their play room prison. There’s no shortage of stop-motion Lego movies on YouTube, but the production values and voice-acting on this one are worth six minutes of your day. What else are you going to do, work?

[h/t The Awesomer]

For more, make sure you’re following us on our new Instagram @io9dotcom.

via Gizmodo
This Animated Lego Fan Film Is as Good as the Official Movies

Top 7 Ways To Achieve Legendary Level of Leadership

You must’ve had the pleasure of leading a team or a small group of people at some point in your life. Be it a project or a small campaign, you know how difficult it sometimes get to keep all of your team members on the same page and make them working toward your (common) goal.

Human history is filled with so many great leaders who made the whole world follow them without being distracted or having double thoughts. So, how did those people achieve that legendary level of leadership?

Here are 7 tips on how to improve leadership skills:


Being a leader, you definitely want your team to understand you better. But don’t you think that you need to understand your team members first?

The key to being a good leader is how good can he or she connects with his or her people.

Yes, your team members are your people. They should be as close to you as your family and similarly, you should be as close to them as their families. You need to know them (not just their names and bio), understand them, and connect with them.

Start talking to your team members or followers more often. Talk about not just about future goals and work-related stuff but also about personal things. Make them feel that you are a friend to them instead of a person who orders them. Share your personal stories first so that they can be more comfortable talking to you. Have fun with them.

Once they start feeling that you’re fun like their friends and caring like their families, you’ll see the difference in their way of working. They’ll start putting their faith in you. They will see you as a leader instead of a boss.


Working continuously toward a common goal is what you and your team should be thinking and doing — always. But constantly doing so creates exhaustion due to our limited mental and physical capabilities.

This exhaustion later leads to a decreased level of morale and lack of motivation toward work. Now, it is your job to boost your people’s morale and their level of motivation.

Delivering motivational speeches frequently during meetings is one of the best ways to cheer up your people. If some individual is feeling hopeless, then you have to talk to that person individually instead of calling a team meeting.

For more information on how to deliver a killer speech, you can check this article by John Corcoran on Dumb Little Man.

See Also: What Managers Should Know About Motivating Their Team


As they say, “With great power comes greater responsibility!”

Being a leader, you might have a very diverse group of people who are very different from each other. This diversity is good for the exposure and scope of your team as it can bring new ideas as well as creative insights.

However, this diversity also creates conflicts when two or more people don’t agree with each other or their beliefs clash on some topic.

In that case, you need to come up with a solution on how to create harmony in your team while avoiding conflicts. It can be achieved by taking those people for a coffee or dinner to talk things out.

If your people can become friends, they’ll be better at working together. So, you need to introduce this friendship to your team members as it encourages solid teamwork.

Be more active in case a new member joins your team. It can be hard for a newbie to find his place in the team as well as in the social sphere. Introduce your newest member to the team and make him feel good by proudly announcing his achievement among your team members.

You need to keep checking the cohesiveness in your team as it is highly fragile. One conflict or misunderstanding might lead to a collapse.

Greater Goal

greater goal

To keep everyone on the same page, you need to keep reminding them about the greater goal. It is okay if everyone in your team works for their own progress and success. But you need to tell them how important achieving your common goal is.

Connect your goal to a greater good. Shout proudly in your speeches or casual talks that achieving this goal will be crucial for the development of society and also beneficial for mankind.

Hearing this will definitely make your whole team proud of themselves. It is necessary for their self-esteem as it’ll increase their scope of thinking. Knowing that they are working for something bigger will give them the boost they need.

Be Loud and Clear

You know that they don’t call the lion ‘the king of the jungle’ for nothing.

You are their leader and you have the responsibility for everything. So, you need to be loud whether it be a motivational speech or a regular talk with your team member.

You cannot afford to stumble while talking. You need to keep a lion-like image among your team. They should look up to you whenever they need any help.

You should also be clear and straightforward. It is your team so you better clearly assign work and give tasks to your people. Since you’ll be responsible for anything good or bad that happens to your team, better be loud and clear always.

Always Be Humble

Being loud and clear doesn’t give you the right to be rude or arrogant even for once. It simply is unacceptable. The moment you start behaving negatively, you’ll be dragging the entire team down.

Even when your team members are not so humble to you all the time, you need to act in such a way.

Being humble shows a positive attitude. Plus, it encourages your people to practice humility as well.

I understand that you are also a human being who has emotions. Yes, you can be angry but you need to control your negative emotions.

Control your anger by using specific techniques, like counting 1 to 10 in your head. Now, once you have enough self-control, try to be humble as much as possible.

See Also: The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence For A Leader

End on A Good Note

leadership skill

If you’ve ever delivered a speech or did a presentation, you’ll know how crucial it is to end things on a good note.

Just think of someone who is delivering a motivational speech to a crowd and suddenly says ‘Thank you’!

Ending your talks or speech is as important as any other steps of being a leader. You can include any inside jokes which only you and your team can understand. It’ll help ease up any awkward situation and introduce subtle humor.

You can also include any quotes by famous personalities, such as the one below:

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope” – Martin Luther King Jr.

What do you think a leader requires to be legendary? Leave in comments down below.

The post Top 7 Ways To Achieve Legendary Level of Leadership appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

via Dumb Little Man – Tips for Life
Top 7 Ways To Achieve Legendary Level of Leadership

Google Docs gets an API for task automation

Google today announced the general availability of a new API for Google Docs that will allow developers to automate many of the tasks that users typically do manually in the company’s online office suite. The API has been in developer preview since last April’s Google Cloud Next 2018 and is now available to all developers.

As Google notes, the REST API was designed to help developers build workflow automation services for their users, build content management services and create documents in bulk. Using the API, developers can also set up processes that manipulate documents after the fact to update them, and the API also features the ability to insert, delete, move, merge and format text, insert inline images and work with lists, among other things.

The canonical use case here is invoicing, where you need to regularly create similar documents with ever-changing order numbers and line items based on information from third-party systems (or maybe even just a Google Sheet). Google also notes that the API’s import/export abilities allow you to use Docs for internal content management systems.

Some of the companies that built solutions based on the new API during the preview period include Zapier, Netflix, Mailchimp and Final Draft. Zapier integrated the Docs API into its own workflow automation tool to help its users create offer letters based on a template, for example, while Netflix used it to build an internal tool that helps its engineers gather data and automate its documentation workflow.



via TechCrunch
Google Docs gets an API for task automation

How Gorilla Glass is Made

How Gorilla Glass is Made


Up until the mid-2000’s, the displays on devices were mainly covered with plastic. Then in 2006, Steve Jobs asked Corning to create a durable and scratch-resistant glass, and Gorilla Glass was born. Here’s how Corning makes its money-making material.

via The Awesomer
How Gorilla Glass is Made

Smith & Wesson Report Sure To Upset Anti-Second Amendment Shareholders

A while back, a group of activists bought shares of Smith & Wesson to try and force the company into what they saw as a more socially responsible direction.

Of course, that’s all a bunch of male bovine excrement, but what else do we expect from anti-gunners?

What they accomplished was to push the company to conduct a study on product safety, which was supposedly a major victory.

Well, Smith & Wesson conducted the study, and it’s unlikely the activists will like it.

The group called Adrian Dominican Sisters, led by a nun named Sister Judy Byron, is part of the Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investments, an anti-Second Amendment activist group. Their latest target was American Outdoor Brands Corporation (AOBC), which owns Smith & Wesson. The company was forced to do a study, which was released late Friday, but the results likely won’t make the nuns happy.

In their report, AOBC defended itself against critics of the Second Amendment, writing, “Specific terms sometimes are used to craft a narrative in support of those agendas. For example, phrases such as ‘gun violence’ are used to create a perception that the presence of a gun, in itself, somehow creates the conditions for violence.”

Moreover, the report takes swipes at liberal groups trying to tarnish the company’s reputation and bottom line. (RELATED: U.S. Supreme Court Takes Second Amendment Challenge To A Gun Control Law)

“The Company’s reputation as a strong defender of the Second Amendment is not worth risking for a vague goal of improving the Company’s reputation among non-customers or special interest groups with an anti-Second Amendment agenda,” the report reads.

AOBC is one of two firearm manufacturers the activists bought stock in for the expressed purpose of forcing a “dialogue with the companies about what they are doing to ensure the safety of children and communities whose lives may be at risk because of their products.”

One of the areas the activist nuns wanted addressed was the idea of “smart guns,” weapons that can only be fired by one user. AOBC called this “flawed technology” in the report, saying they would continue to monitor its development.

“AOBC does not believe that current authorized user or ‘smart gun’ technology is reliable, commercially viable, or has any significant consumer demand,” the report read. (RELATED: House To Move Forward With Gun Control Proposals)

The report also points out that the activists represented a small percentage of its shareholders.

Still, they were enough to push for the study to be done in the first place, so it’s probably wise not to dismiss them entirely. Of course, this is also probably why it’s a good idea for pro-Second Amendment activists to step up and invest in gun companies. There’s no reason to allow anti-gunners to infect these companies and steer them in the wrong direction.

The anti-gunners’ victories last year, while small, was enough to embolden them and likely made some decide to join their ranks. It’s time to play a little defense and let these gun grabbers learn that there are a lot more of us than there are of them in the next corporate meeting.

The post Smith & Wesson Report Sure To Upset Anti-Second Amendment Shareholders appeared first on Bearing Arms.

via Bearing Arms
Smith & Wesson Report Sure To Upset Anti-Second Amendment Shareholders