Work-Bench enterprise report predicts end of SaaS could be coming

Work-Bench, a New York City venture capital firm that spends a lot of time around Fortune 1000 companies, has put together The Work-Bench Enterprise Almanac: 2018 Edition, which you could think of as a State of the Enterprise report. It’s somewhat like Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends report, but with a focus on the tools and technologies that will be having a major impact on the enterprise in the coming year.

Perhaps the biggest take-away from the report could be that the end of SaaS as we’ve known could be coming if modern tools make it easier for companies to build software themselves. More on this later.

While the report writers state that their findings are based at least partly on anecdotal evidence, it is clearly an educated set of observations and predictions related to the company’s work with enterprise startups and the large companies they tend to target.

As they wrote in their Medium post launching the report, “Our primary aim is to help founders see the forest from the trees. For Fortune 1000 executives and other players in the ecosystem, it will help cut through the noise and marketing hype to see what really matters.” Whether that’s the case will be in the eye of the reader, but it’s a comprehensive attempt to document the state of the enterprise as they see it, and there are not too many who have done that.

The big picture

The report points out the broader landscape in which enterprise companies — startups and established players alike — are operating today. You have traditional tech companies like Cisco and HP, the mega cloud companies like Amazon, Microsoft and Google, the Growth Guard with companies like Snowflake, DataDog and Sumo Logic and the New Guard, those early stage enterprise companies gunning for the more established players.

As the report states, the mega cloud players are having a huge impact on the industry by providing the infrastructure services for startups to launch and grow without worrying about building their own data centers or scaling to meet increasing demand as a company develops.

The mega clouders also scoop up a fair number of startups. Yet they don’t devote quite the level of revenue to M&A as you might think based on how acquisitive the likes of Salesforce, Microsoft and Oracle have tended to be over the years. In fact, in spite of all the action and multi-billion deals we’ve seen, Work-Bench sees room for even more.

It’s worth pointing out that Work-Bench predicts Salesforce itself could become a target for mega cloud M&A action. They are predicting that either Amazon or Microsoft could buy the CRM giant. We saw such speculation several years ago and it turned out that Salesforce was too rich for even these company’s blood. While they may have more cash to spend, the price has probably only gone up as Salesforce acquires more and more companies and its revenue has surpassed $10 billion.

About those mega trends

The report dives into 4 main areas of coverage, none of which are likely to surprise you if you read about the enterprise regularly in this or other publications:

  • Machine Learning
  • Cloud
  • Security
  • SaaS

While all of these are really interconnected as SaaS is part of the cloud and all need security and will be (if they aren’t already) taking advantage of machine learning. Work-Bench is not seeing it in such simple terms, of course, diving into each area in detail.

The biggest take-away is perhaps that infrastructure could end up devouring SaaS in the long run. Software as a Service grew out of couple of earlier trends, the first being the rise of the Web as a way to deliver software, then the rise of mobile to move it beyond the desktop. The cloud-mobile connection is well documented and allowed companies like Uber and Airbnb, as just a couple of examples, to flourish by providing scalable infrastructure and a computer in our pockets to access their services whenever we needed them. These companies could never have existed without the combination of cloud-based infrastructure and mobile devices.

End of SaaS dominance?

But today, Work-Bench is saying that we are seeing some other trends that could be tipping the scales back to infrastructure. That includes containers and microservices, serverless, Database as a Service and React for building front ends. Work-Bench argues that if every company is truly a software company, these tools could make it easier for companies to build these kind of services cheaply and easily, and possibly bypass the SaaS vendors.

What’s more, they suggest that if these companies are doing mass customization to these services, then it might make more sense to build instead of buy, at least on one level. In the past, we have seen what happens when companies try to take these kinds of massive software projects on themselves and it hardly ever ended well. They were usually bulky, difficult to update and put the companies behind the curve competitively. Whether simplifying the entire developer tool kit would change that remains to be seen.

They don’t necessarily see companies running wholesale away from SaaS just yet to do this, but they do wonder if developers could push this trend inside of organizations as more tools appear on the landscape to make it easier to build your own.

The remainder of the report goes in depth into each of these trends, and this article just has scratched the surface of the information you’ll find there. The entire report is embedded below.

via TechCrunch
Work-Bench enterprise report predicts end of SaaS could be coming

15 Free Open-Source Mac Apps You Must Install

The trend of open source software is growing on Mac, and there’s no shortage of quality apps. You might be familiar with some common ones, like VLC, Firefox, LibreOffice, Handbrake, and more.

Here’s a list of some less popular open-source Mac apps you should try. You may be surprised by how useful they can be.


iina audio and video player

IINA is a modern audio and video player for Mac. It has an entirely new design and supports Force Touch, the Touch Bar, and picture-in-picture. When you open a video, it automatically adds other videos in that folder to a playlist. If you’re listening to an audiobook or podcast, then IINA lets you quickly navigate between MP3 chapters.

The player is minimal, with buttons for a playlist, music mode, picture-in-picture, and settings. It can automatically fetch subtitles for movies

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, provided you log in with an OpenSubtitles account.

It also offers many customization options, including changing the interface theme, tweaking audio/video settings, customizing the subtitle look, and configuring new key bindings.

Download: IINA

2. Cyberduck

add connection in cyberduck

Cyberduck is an FTP client for Mac. It lets you connect, browse, and manage the content stored on SFTP, WebDAV, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, and more. The interface works like a browser and mimics common navigation and sorting features.

The outline view lets you browse large folder structures efficiently, while the Quick Look feature can preview files without downloading them. You can also organize bookmarks with drag and drop and check the history of all visited servers.

Uploading files is a one-step procedure. Drag and drop bookmarks to Finder and drop files onto bookmarks to upload. You can even sync local directories with a remote server.

Download: Cyberduck

3. Cryptomator

cryptomator vault in cyberduck

One of the best features of Cyberduck is the integration with Cryptomator. It works by creating a vault directory in the cloud storage and encrypts files and folders with AES-256 cipher keys. Anything you put inside this vault will encrypt transparently.

That means no hidden backdoors from third parties, and greater privacy when using cloud services. The app is easy to use. All you have to do is create a new vault and enter a name and passphrase to secure it.

Download: Cryptomator

4. Skim PDF Reader

skim pdf reader features

The built-in Preview app has exceptional support of PDFs and images, but alternative PDF reader

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Skim goes one step ahead. It has built-in support for AppleScript, LaTeX, BibDesk, and more. The left side of the main window lets you view page thumbnails or the table of contents. Meanwhile, the right side has a note panel that allows you to see all the annotations and notes you created.

Skim includes a feature called the reading bar to help you concentrate. And the content pane has a powerful built-in search feature: it highlights the search term on relevant pages and groups them by density and sheet.

If the book has thousands of pages, you can take a snapshot for reference or split the PDF into two halves. In combination with thumbnails/table of contents, you can skim the book faster. And finally, you can export all notes and annotations as a text file.

Download: Skim PDF Reader

5. BibDesk

bibdesk interface and citekey customization

Creating a bibliography is a tough job; it’s easy to make formatting errors. That’s where the BibDesk app can help. Just get the BibTeX citation of a source and put it in the app to create a well-organized library. If you work in different LaTeX editors

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, then you can write and cite with BibDesk effortlessly.

Using the app is easy. Create a library and search for papers on Google Scholar, ACM, arXiv, JSTOR, Springer Link, and more. Every publication offers a cite key with details like the article type, author, year, and more. Copy the cite key, and BibDesk will automatically retrieve all the details.

You can also drag and drop the PDF and fill in the details. The app supports exporting the bibliographic information to various formats, such as BibTeX, XML, HTML, and more. Or if you prefer, simply copy the details and paste them into your documents instead.

Download: BibDesk

6. SelfControl

selfcontrol mac app

If you find yourself slipping into procrastination and wasting time on distracting sites, then this app will prove useful. Add the website you want to block in the blacklist window. Move the slider to decide the duration of the block (the minimum is 15 minutes). Click Start, then type your password to start the block.

Download: SelfControl

7. Katana

katana screenshot app

Katana is a simple screenshot utility that lives in your menu bar. Take a screenshot with a hotkey, and the app will then upload the file to several image hosts, including Imgur and Pomf. If you wish to shorten the link, copy the URL and press another of the app’s hotkeys.

Download: Katana

8. Kap

kap screen recorder tool mac

QuickTime Player comes with screen recording capabilities, but they’re pretty limited. Kap is a great alternative that sits in your menu bar

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for easy access.

The crop tool menu has six preset layouts, including 1:1, 4:3, 16:9, and more. You can also manually insert custom values or capture the entire window of an app—the layout guidelines will always remain visible. Kap even lets you record mouse movements.

If you have an attached microphone, you can add your voice to the recording. Finally, you can export your screeencast in different file formats, such as GIF, MP4, WebM, and APNG.

Download: Kap

9. SlowQuitApps

slowquitapp black overlay on top of the app

Most Mac users know that Cmd + W key closes a window or tab, while the Cmd + Q quits the entire app. The problem is that since those keys are near each other, it’s easy to quit an app by mistake.

This app adds a delay to Cmd + Q to prevent accidental closures. When you press Cmd + Q, a countdown overlay will appear above the current window. This puts the quit action on hold until the countdown completes. You can increase the delay from one second to, say, five seconds with this Terminal command (the time is in milliseconds):

defaults write com.dteoh.SlowQuitApps delay -int 5000

Download: SlowQuitApps

10. MarkText

marktext markdown editor app

MarkText is a cross-platform Markdown app (what’s Markdown?

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) designed with simplicity. It supports both CommonMark Spec and the GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec. The app has all the features of a typical Markdown app, including support for both light and dark themes. The standard preview window that replaces markdown syntax symbols with their proper formatting is here too.

It includes different modes to help you focus on writing, whether it’s an article or code. MarkText also has an autocomplete feature to pair brackets, supports emojis, and has built-in support of MathJax. You can export your draft as HTML or PDF if you like.

Download: MarkText

11. CotEditor

coteditor user interface

CotEditor is a lightweight text and code editor. It features a clean and straightforward interface that lets you quickly change line endings, file encoding, and syntax coloring. It supports nearly 60 programming languages, so you can choose the syntax coloring as needed.

The built-in Info side panel lets you view detailed information about the file, including text encoding, character count, and more. It has excellent support of regular expressions, a powerful feature for finding and replacing text usually found only in paid editors.

It also lets you split the window into two halves, so you can keep one window for reference while you work in another. If you work with a lot of text, this is a handy app to have.

Download: CotEditor

12. KeePassXC

keepassxc password manager for Mac

KeePass is a popular password manager for Windows. Unfortunately, it’s not available for macOS. One Mac alternative is KeePassX, but it rarely gets updated. KeePassXC is a community fork of KeePassX and the best way to use this tool on your Mac.

KeePassXC uses the KDBX password database format. That means you can share your database with KeePass without worrying about compatibility issues. It also natively integrates with any browser. Just press a hotkey to autofill username and password fields.

You can organize passwords into different groups, plus it has a password generator that allows you to generate long and secure passwords. By default, the app will lock after 30 seconds, but you can increase that duration. When you copy a password, the clipboard will clear itself after 10 seconds for security.

Download: KeePassXC

13. Sloth

sloth mac app

Longtime Mac users have likely seen an annoying error message that a particular file, process, or port is in use. For example, you can’t unmount a disk because some unspecified files are in use. This type of error is difficult to troubleshoot.

The lsof Terminal command lists all open files, processes, directories, devices, and more on your device. But using this command is tough. That’s where this app can pitch in.

Sloth offers a GUI built on top of lsof with additional useful features. You can filter the output, kill a file’s owner process, display file info, and more. This makes it easier to inspect what apps are using which files and sockets.

Download: Sloth

14. Fluor

fluor mac app

Apple’s keyboard (aside from MacBook Pro models with the Touch Bar) has a row of function keys at the top. These keys perform dual functions; as well as shortcuts like changing your screen brightness and volume, they can also act as standard function keys. The Fn modifier key adjusts this behavior.

Fluor lets you change the behavior of the function keys on a per-app basis. It detects the active app and changes the behavior of the keys in the background. In the app, the circle icon represents the default option. The sun icon is for the key’s shortcut, whereas the Fn button acts as standard function keys (F1, F2, etc.).

Download: Fluor

15. Karabiner-Elements

karabiner elements mac app

Karabiner-Elements lets you remap the entire keyboard. You can remap a single function key or make complex modifications. If you switch between Windows and macOS often

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, this app will help you create a consistent experience.

Some rules are available for download, so you get a feel for the capabilities of this app. I use it to assign complex modifier keys to a single function key and media keys to different functions. The app also lets you set up profiles or create rules for input devices.

Download: Karabiner-Elements

Open-Source Mac Apps Are Awesome

These open-source apps for Mac showcase some of the best options available, and they’re all free to boot. Chances are you can find an app that does just what you need and doesn’t cost anything.

If this list has intrigued you, check out our guide to living an open-source life

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15 Free Open-Source Mac Apps You Must Install

Free and Useful Things I Have 3D Printed

Customizeable Drawer Organizing Bins

You don’t have to be a designer to make the most of your 3D printer. There are thousands upon thousands of free things you can download and print — and some of them are pretty useful.

I belong and contribute to a site called Thingiverse. It allows users to upload 3D models and download other’s designs for free. There are other places to find free designs online, such as YouMagine, but I believe Thingiverse is the largest, with respect to the number of both members and designs uploaded. They also allow you the ability to modify designs if the creator built the model in a language called openSCAD.

The discussion of what 3D printer to buy, what materials to use, and how to use and maintain it are beyond the scope of this post. What I wanted to show was some of the most useful things I’ve printed.

Sunglasses Holder

Sunglasses holder remix by moacmoa thing number 2797280

Let’s start up with a simple 3D printed object: a sun/safety glasses holder for your vehicle visor.

I downloaded and printed several different designs until I found this one. Each previous design I tried either didn’t stay on the visor very well or the sunglasses would fall out while I was driving. I didn’t like this design at first either, because it would slip off the visor when I tried removing the sunglasses, even though it held the sunglasses well. Much like the iPhone 4, I discovered that I was using it wrong.

To use it correctly, you push down on the lever with your thumb to release the sunglasses, then you hold the clip in place with your thumb while you grab the sunglasses with your fingers.

I’ve had this clip in my truck for many months and it has kept my sunglasses securely all that time. I like the simplicity of the design and the fact that it prints very quickly.

Goto Thing

USB Cable Reel

3D Printed Cord Winder

I found this cable reel many months ago and it’s been one of the most useful cord organizers that I’ve printed. It consists of three pieces: the outer shell and a 2-part spool created by screwing two end caps together.

3D Printed Cord Wrapper Pieces

Assembly is easy; you simply slip the cord through the two holes in the outer shell, and then screw the two end caps together inside the shell to form the spool. The slot in one end cap captures the cord in the middle of the spool.

Once assembled, you twist the spool while holding the outer shell stationary. The cord winds up inside the wrapper for storage. When you need the cord you pull on both ends and only unspool what you need.

3D Printed Cord Wrapper Modified

One of the cool things about 3D printing is that you can modify your prints, and if you break it, you can always print another one. I couldn’t slip the transformer of this Black & Decker charger through the outer shell, so I just cut some slots that allowed me to slip the cord into the shell. It made dealing with this charger cord much easier.

Goto Thing

Portable Hard Drive or Power Bank Cable Mount

3D Printed Cord Holder

As I mentioned, Thingiverse isn’t the only place to find free 3D models. I found this portable hard drive cable holder on YouMagine. I’m not using it on a portable hard drive though, I am using it on something similar, a USB power bank.

It is a series of “fingers” that hold the USB cable. To attach it to the power source or hard drive, you simply use a rubber band looped around the first and last finger.

The first time I printed this cable mount I used PLA, which is a common plastic used in 3D printing, but I found that the fingers were too stiff, and they wouldn’t bend enough to allow the cable to pass between them. So I tried printing it with flexible filament and it worked well — the fingers have some give and I can easily remove and replace the cable.

I’ve used this power bank with this cable holder at many different media events, and the cable holder has held up well and kept the USB cord tangle free in my pocket.

Goto Thing

Pegboard Glasses Holder

3D Printed Safety Glasses Holder

If you search the Thingiverse website, you’ll find a ton of pegboard accessories — some of them robust and useful, others not so sturdy. One of the most unique and useful pegboard accessories I’ve found is a glasses holder.

3D Printed Safety Glasses Holder closeup

This glasses holder is made for 1/4″ pegboard. It has stubby legs that fit firmly into the pegboard. I’ve found that 3D printed accessories made for 1/8″ pegboard just don’t have tough-enough pins or legs and they tend to snap off — one of the disadvantages of plastic over metal.

The holder is designed to hold glasses by the nose pads, and while it looks like the glasses are just balanced on the holder, it actually holds them quite well. Plus it also makes a pretty handy holder for earmuffs and other hearing protection.

Goto Thing

Magnetic Boxes

3D Printed Magnetic Boxes

I find these customizable magnetic boxes handy. All you need are a few rare-earth magnets and they’ll stick to most metal surfaces (unless you have a stainless steel fridge).

When you open the page for this thing you’ll find a link that says “open in customizer.” For this to work you’ll need to sign into Thingiverse. Once you’re there you’ll see a screen like the one below that allows you to change all the different parameters.

Editing a model in customizer

Most of the parameters are pretty self-explanatory and you can see the changes to the model you’ve made in real-time on the right. Once you are done, you click the “Create Thing” button in the upper right. It usually takes a few minutes and you’ll be notified that you can download your customized box file.

Goto Thing

Toolbox Bins

Customizeable Drawer Organizing Bins

I really like these drawer organizing bins, and they are one of the designs that you can customize to fit your needs. For example, I have three different sized boxes, shown above. Besides the square ones, the ones in the top of the toolbox are longer than the ones in the drawers because the drawers are not as deep as the top. That’s the beauty of printing your own boxes, you can use all the space effectively.

Unfortunately, modifying these boxes is a little more advanced, as the author doesn’t have the customizer turned on. Rather, you have to download and install openSCAD and then download the boxes’ .scad file to modify the model. It really isn’t that complex, I can show you below.

Editing a model in openSCAD

Most models have a bunch of variables that you can modify in the beginning of the file. In this case, the important variables are length, width, and height. Once you change the variables to the size you require, you simply click the render button (the cube with the hourglass), then click the STL button next to it to save the file to a format you can load into your printer.

Goto Thing

Battery Mounts

3D Printed Milwaukee M18 Battery Mounts

Finally, I wanted to show you these M18 battery covers I found that I repurposed into hangers for the batteries. Sometimes you don’t find exactly what you need and you might not have the skills to model something that will work.

3D Printed Milwaukee M18 Battery Mounts modified

Here, I’ve repurposed a few holes by enlarging them and drilling my own. Then I counter-sunk them so the battery could still slide into the the cover.

3D prints are usually machinable, if you print them with enough infill. I printed this particular model with 50% infill. A lower infill is done to decrease printing time and to reduce the amount of filament used. Inside the counter-sinks, you can see that the internal structure has voids.

Talking about modeling skills, I downloaded and printed several battery covers until I found one that worked well. When I find really good models I will usually look at other things the designer has uploaded. This particular user — Simhopp — has models for other battery brands that I’ve printed, and they all work as well as the Milwaukee design.

Goto Thing

via ToolGuyd
Free and Useful Things I Have 3D Printed

How To Get Monster Hunter: World Working Better On PC

This dude is a lot easier to beat if your game isn’t constantly crashing.

Monster Hunter: World finally came out on PC last week. It’s a hell of a fun game, but the PC version has some frustrating technical problems. Fortunately, fans and modders have been working on unofficial fixes to improve things while we wait for official ones.

I’ve been playing the PC version of Monster Hunter: World for a few weeks now. The game is in better shape than it was when Capcom first sent out codes, but it still has some significant problems. The most widespread relate to performance, online connectivity, and crashes, the third of which can apparently corrupt your save and cause you to lose all your hard-earned progress. Here are a few things I’ve done to get the game running better.

1. Install Kaldaien’s ‘Special K’ mod.

Kaldaien, the same modder who made that brilliant graphics fix for the PC version of Nier: Automata, is back with a far-reaching remedy for many of Monster Hunter: World’s performance and stability issues. (Hat-tip to PC Gamer for catching this one.) It’s called “Special K” and it’s a cinch to install; you can find a download link and instructions on Steam.


I installed the mod last night and was impressed with how many small improvements it brought. It made my game run stably on the newest Nvidia drivers when it previously hadn’t. After several hours of sustained play I never once had the ERR12 graphics driver crashes that previously caused me to roll back to an older driver.

Special K also aims to rework how the game uses your CPU cores, which might give smoother performance for some. I noticed improvements on my end, but it could just be that I was finally using the optimized driver. (Others have reported that the game-optimized Nvidia driver actually gives them worse performance, so your mileage may vary.) Special K also adds the ability to take HUD-free screenshots, and finally (hooray!) makes it possible to alt-tab out of the game to check other apps without everything going to hell.

2. Try port forwarding to improve connectivity.

Most people playing MH: World on PC are having connectivity issues, and during busy times it can be all but impossible to get into a multiplayer session with other people. Capcom acknowledged the widespread reports of connection issues yesterday on Steam, saying it is “currently investigating the cause of this and are working with Valve to resolve the issue as soon as possible.”


I like playing Monster Hunter solo as much as anyone, but I’ve reached the part of the late-game where I’m spending more and more time farming monsters for parts, which is far easier and more enjoyable with others. So it was frustrating when, yesterday, I got “error code 50382-mw1” over and over and was unable to connect.

While looking through forum threads filled with other people discussing similar error messages, I saw several folks suggesting setting up router port forwarding to make it easier to connect. I am not a networking expert, but my understanding is that port forwarding has your router designate which incoming ports are talking to which outgoing ones, and can sometimes clear up networking issues in multiplayer games. I figured it couldn’t hurt to give it a shot, so I did. I followed the instructions over at, which wasn’t too difficult.

I set up port forwarding after an hour of consistent failure to matchmake, and immediately got into a session on my next attempt. That’s anecdotal, of course, and I’ve seen others say that port forwarding didn’t help them get online. I’ve also had a few mid-session disconnects since setting it up, so it’s definitely not a cure-all. But if you’re getting connection failures as often as I was, it’s worth a shot.

3. Lower “Volume Rendering Quality” to improve your frame-rate.

I mentioned this in my initial impressions of the PC port a little while back, but it bears repeating: if you’re having trouble getting the game to stay above 60fps, start by lowering the Volume Rendering Quality setting. That’ll remove some of the hazy sheen the game puts on everything, and should get you a healthy frame-rate boost. I have mine set to low, but some people hate the way the effect looks and turn it off altogether.


I’ve also seen some people say they get smoother performance by switching to borderless fullscreen, and some Nvidia users say that they got improved performance by rolling back to Nvidia’s 398.36 driver.

4. Backup your save.

As is usually the case, the most worrying concerns from players involve the game corrupting or deleting their save files. It’s not clear if any specific thing in the game causes this to happen, but it seems like if the game crashes while in the middle of saving, you could lose all your progress.


As with Dark Souls Remastered earlier this year, the question is really, why take the risk? You can manually back up your save pretty easily. It’s located here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[Your Steam ID]\582010\remote

There are also a number of ways to get Windows to automatically copy a file every so often, and one Reddit user has made a script that’ll do it for you. Since it takes all of a minute to back up your save, there’s no good reason not to.


Hopefully Capcom will release some game updates with official fixes for some of the problems outlined here, and hopefully the game’s servers will get more stable and consistent as we get a little further from launch. Until then, these tweaks should help get things running more smoothly.

via Lifehacker
How To Get Monster Hunter: World Working Better On PC

Pennsylvania Felon Busted For Trying To Sell Stolen Guns

The gun laws we currently have are supposed to help keep convicted felons from getting their hands on guns. In reality, we know this doesn’t work. The bad guys continue to get their hands on firearms.

They get them, in part, from people like this guy.

A convicted felon from Marcus Hook was charged Monday with selling two stolen firearms to an undercover agent who was posing as a convicted felon, officials said.

Charles David Clark, of the unit block of West Sixth Street in Marcus Hook, faces a slew of gun charges, according to a press release issued by Delaware County District Attorney Katayoun M. Copeland.

Clark is charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and receiving stolen property, both felonies of the second degree, possession of a firearm without a license, illegal sales of firearms, and criminal use of a communication facility, felonies of the third degree, and offenses.

“In the case of Charles David Clark, he stole these guns and then brazenly sold them for profit to an individual who he believed was a criminal, showing a complete disregard for the law,” said Copeland.  “By doing so, and blatantly perpetuating criminal activity right here in our community, the defendant faces up to 10 years in prison under the Brad Fox Law.”

The arrest stems from a joint investigation conducted by the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General’s Bureau of Narcotics Investigations (BNI), the Delaware County District Attorney’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID), and the Upper Chichester Police Department.

In other words, Clark allegedly cared nothing about the laws on the books. He simply got weapons however he could and was more than willing to sell them to anyone who had the money.

Please, tell me again how gun laws keep firearms out of the hands of criminals?

Time and time again, we see that the bad guys will do anything they can to obtain guns. Laws that make it more difficult for the law-abiding to get guns don’t do anything to fight crime. The criminals just steal them from the law-abiding person who did everything right, or they get someone with no convictions to buy the guns in the first place, thus breaking other laws.

Then, to make matters worse, we see often see people trying to commit straw buys walk away without being prosecuted, meaning they can learn from their mistakes and try again.

At least the theft of firearms is treated as a crime. While they’re often not caught, when they are, they’re prosecuted. Thankfully.

In the case of Clark, he’s a convicted felon, and he’s the reason convicted felons are barred from owning a firearm. Far too many of them aren’t reformed and will turn around and continue to break laws. Clark did, after all. He’s not alone, either.

I’m just glad he was caught. I also hope the people whose guns he allegedly stole will soon be reunited with their firearms. I also hope that, if he’s convicted, he gets to spend a good, long time in prison to rethink his life choices.

via Bearing Arms
Pennsylvania Felon Busted For Trying To Sell Stolen Guns

NVIDIA’s Turing-powered GPUs are the first ever built for ray tracing


Earlier this year NVIDIA announced a new set of “RTX” features that included support for advanced ray tracing features, upgrading a graphics technique that simulates the way light works in the real world. It’s expected to usher in a new generation of hyper-realistic graphics but there was one small problem: no one made any hardware to support the new stuff yet.

Now at the SIGGRAPH conference NVIDIA CEO Jen Hsun Huang revealed eighth-generation Turing GPU hardware that’s actually capable of accelerating both ray tracing and AI. Turing can render ray tracing 25x faster than old Pascal technology thanks to dedicated processors that will do the math on how light and sound travel through 3D environments. They’re also the first graphics cards announced with Samsung’s new GDDR6 memory on board to move data faster using less power than ever before.

The first implementations of this technology aren’t intended to play games, they’re for the people who make them, as well as anyone doing work rendering objects for movies, or modeling new products like this Porsche prototype shown in the demo. As an example of how powerful the new tech is, NVIDIA showed off the impressive “ReflectionsUnreal Engine demo that we first saw during GDC running on a workstation with four of its older Volta GPUs, now rendered in real-time using a single Turing card. It won’t stay that limited forever though, Microsoft is already supporting ray tracing with DXR extensions in DirectX 12.

Porsche prototype rendered in Unreal Engine on Turing hardware

NVIDIA announced three graphics cards with the technology, all due in the fourth quarter. The Quadro RTX 5000, 6000 and 8000 will go on sale for $2,300, $6,300 and $10,000, respectively, with the top of the line 8000 packing 48GB of RAM. If that’s not flexible enough there will also be an option for a RTX server that will give datacenter-style access to a GPU for multiple users — there’s no word on how much that costs.

via Engadget
NVIDIA’s Turing-powered GPUs are the first ever built for ray tracing

Apex Releases Threaded Barrel for 9mm M&P M2.0 Compact

Apex Releases Threaded Barrel for 9mm M&P M2.0 Compact
Apex Releases Threaded Barrel for 9mm M&P M2.0 Compact

PEORIA, Ariz.-( Apex Tactical Specialties is pleased to announce the release of its new Apex Threaded Barrel for the 9mm M&P M2.0 Compact pistol from Smith & Wesson. The stainless steel barrel features a black Melonite finish, a 1:10” twist rate and a 1/2-28 thread pattern.

Based off the patent-pending design of the Apex Grade fitted barrels, the Apex Threaded Barrel for the 9mm M2.0 Compact (4.00” model) delivers improved accuracy and is a true drop-in barrel that requires no fitting.

The new barrel can be ordered direct from Retailers and wholesale distributors that have not yet ordered and wish to stock the new barrel can contact Apex at or (623) 322-0200 for pricing and quantity availability.

Features and Specifications:

  • Direct drop-in replacement of factory barrel
  • Black Melonite finish
  • 1:10” twist rate
  • 1/2-28 thread pattern
  • Thread Protector included
  • Improves accuracy
  • No fitting required
  • Apex Part #: 105-062
  • MSRP: $234.95

About Apex Tactical SpecialtiesApex Tactical Specialties

For more information on parts from Apex Tactical Specialties, visit, like Apex Tactical on Facebook or follow @ApexTactical on Instagram or Twitter. Instructional videos on the installation of Apex parts are available on Apex’s YouTube channel.

The post Apex Releases Threaded Barrel for 9mm M&P M2.0 Compact appeared first on

Apex Releases Threaded Barrel for 9mm M&P M2.0 Compact

30+ Great Emulators You Can Run on Your Nintendo Wii

The Nintendo Wii was released in 2006, bringing a revolutionary new console to the market. While its highlight feature was motion control, the Wii also touted retro gaming capabilities.

Using the Virtual Console, users could download retro video games for a variety of past consoles including the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), the Nintendo 64 (N64), the Sega Master System, the Sega Mega Drive, and more.

However, the Nintendo Wii Virtual Console was limited to a small pool of games. But don’t despair, as thanks to emulation software, you can play virtually any retro video games on the Nintendo Wii!

Note: We don’t condone downloading illegal ROMs from the web. Use this only for games you’ve legally purchased and own.

Running Emulators on Your Nintendo Wii

Between disc-based games and downloadable titles, the Nintendo Wii sports a comprehensive library of software. Nevertheless, emulators provide even more options for gamers.

By installing emulator software on your Nintendo Wii, you can run loads of retro video game ROMs from consoles ranging from the Atari 2600 and NES to PlayStation 1 and N64. Moreover, there’s a ton of homebrew software for homebrew gaming on the Wii.

Before downloading retro video game emulators for your Nintendo Wii, you’ll first need to softmod your Wii console

How to Set Up Your Wii for Homebrew Using Letterbomb

How to Set Up Your Wii for Homebrew Using Letterbomb

In ancient times, running homebrew software required owning a specific game and corrupting its save data to run an exploit. It was complicated. The most recent hack, which has been working for a year now,…
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. Just follow the steps outlined in the linked article.

Play Atari Games on the Wii

Because it’s an older console, Atari 2600 titles are easy to emulate on pretty much any hardware. As such, the Nintendo Wii can handle any Atari 2600 ROMs you throw at it. StellaWii provides the functionality to play Atari 2600 games on the Nintendo Wii. For Atari 7800 gaming on the Wii, check out the aptly named Wii7800.

For Atari Lynx handheld gaming, there’s WiiHandy. Atari ST emulation on the Wii comes via Hatari Wii, Hatari, and AtaWii. Further, WiiXL handles Atari 800, XL, 5200, and XE titles. Overall, the Wii is a thriving landscape for Atari emulation.

Play Old Nintendo Games on Your Wii

Despite the abundance of NES, SNES, and N64 games on the Virtual Console, the addition of Nintendo emulators for Wii adds even more opportunity to play retro games on the Wii. FCE Ultra GX is a Wii NES emulator. With FCE Ultra GX, you can revisit the likes of The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy III, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

While the NES is a solid console, the Super Nintendo features a bevy of revered classics. There’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time, and one of my all-time favorites, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island. For an awesome Wii SNES emulator, install Snes9x GX.

As the name suggests, Wii64 lets you play Nintendo 64 games on the Wii. Simply download this Wii N64 emulator for a romp through The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Unsurprisingly, Nintendo Wii emulators for NES, SNES, and N64 gaming run well on Wii hardware. Between official Virtual Console downloads and third-party Wii emulators, there’s a massive library of retro gaming content.

Play Gameboy and DS Games on Your Wii

The Wii also runs handheld Nintendo ROMs flawlessly. Visual Boy Advance GX handles Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advance titles. Gnuboy GX and RIN Wii play Gameboy and Gameboy Color ROMs. For Nintendo DS emulation on the Wii, there’s DeSmuMe Wii. With an array of Wii emulators for Nintendo consoles and handhelds, the Wii provides comprehensive retro gaming with a Nintendo flavor.

Play PlayStation Games on Your Wii

Although a Nintendo device, the Wii is more than capable of running ROMs from other consoles. WiiSX and PCSX-Revolution allow for PS1 gaming on the Nintendo Wii. Install WiiSX or PSCX-Revolution to play classics like Metal Gear Solid, and Final Fantasy VII on your Nintendo Wii.

Play Sega Games on Your Wii

Similarly, Nintendo Wii Sega emulators run ROMs from a variety of consoles. Genesis Plus plays Genesis, Mega Drive, Master System, Game Gear, Sega CD, and SG-1000 titles. Yabause Wii tackles Sega Saturn emulation on the Nintendo Wii. For Sega Game Gear and Sega Master System emulation on the Wii, there’s SMSPlus.

Other Retro Gaming Emulators for Wii

While Wii NES, SNES, N64, and PS1 emulators might be the most popular options, you can play loads of ROMs of other, less popular systems on the Nintendo Wii as well.

For arcade games, SDL MAME and SDL MAME Wii emulate MAME ROMs. GxGeo plays Neo Geo games, while NeoCD-Wii supports Neo Geo CD games. Neo Geo Pocket emulation arrives with Neopop Wii. And you can play MSX games with MiiSX, uMSX, and BlueMSX-Wii.

If you’re like me and love point-and-click games a la TellTale titles, check out ScummVM for the Wii

Play Point-And-Click Adventure Classics On Your Wii With ScummVM [MUO Gaming]

Play Point-And-Click Adventure Classics On Your Wii With ScummVM [MUO Gaming]

Get classic, point-and-click adventures working on your Wii. Maybe you’ve got old copies of classics like Monkey Island or Day of The Tentacle collecting dust? Or maybe you want to try out classic games that…
Read More


Arguably the most comprehensive Nintendo Wii emulator is WiiMednahen. This awesome option supports consoles including the GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, Neo Geo Pocket, WonderSwan, Genesis, Lynx, and more. Check out the full list of Wii homebrew emulators via WiiBrew.

Emulating the Nintendo Wii Itself

It’s also possible to run Wii games using emulators. However, this requires quite a bit of computing power. Nevertheless, the Dolphin emulator

Play Wii & Gamecube Games In HD On Your PC With Dolphin Emulator [Windows & Mac]

Play Wii & Gamecube Games In HD On Your PC With Dolphin Emulator [Windows & Mac]

As well as being a fun and accessible console system, the Nintendo Wii has racked up quite a collection of games over its lifespan and now, thanks to the wonders of emulation and Dolphin, you…
Read More

is capable of running ROMs for Wii and GameCube titles.

You’ll need a decent CPU and GPU for proper Wii emulation with the Dolphin emulator. For instance, the Raspberry Pi running RetroPie struggles with N64 emulation. Even the more powerful Odroid XU4

The ODROID Model Comparison Guide: Which One Is Right for You?

The ODROID Model Comparison Guide: Which One Is Right for You?

Maybe you’ve decided that you’d prefer ODROID over Raspberry Pi for your next project. But which ODROID model should you choose?
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doesn’t provide completely smooth N64 emulator support.

Yet with a beefy device, you can run Wii emulator Android software such as Dolphin. If you plan to run a Nintendo Wii emulator for Android, you’ll need a powerful gadget like the Nvidia Shield TV or Galaxy S8.

Turn Your Wii Into a Retro Games Console

While the Nintendo Wii features an amazing lineup of disc-based games and downloadable content, emulator software further enhances the gaming experience. I enjoy using Wii homebrew emulators to revisit retro games that I’ve ripped, such as my extensive PS1 collection.

Between that and its vast library of Wii games plus backwards compatibility with GameCube titles, my Wii remains regularly used. Though it’s an aging console, the Nintendo Wii is still worth using whether as a retro gaming arcade.

Despite the Wii’s competency at running retro ROMs, you might consider building a Raspberry Pi game console

How to Play Almost Any Video Game on a Raspberry Pi

How to Play Almost Any Video Game on a Raspberry Pi

What if you could play a massive selection of games—past and present—using a Raspberry Pi? Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Read More

. Additionally, you can find more Wii homebrew apps

Looking For Wii Homebrew Apps? These Are The Places To Go

Looking For Wii Homebrew Apps? These Are The Places To Go

At this point you’ve probably played most of the games for the console you were interested in, but if you want to find another use for the biggest console of the last decade, homebrew just…
Read More

using these websites.

30+ Great Emulators You Can Run on Your Nintendo Wii

Shinguz: Cool new features in FromDual Backup and Recovery Manager 2.0.0

A while ago we released our FromDual Backup and Recovery Manager (brman) 2.0.0 for MariaDB and MySQL. So what are the new cool features of this new release?

First of all brman 2.0.0 is compatible with MariaDB 10.3 and MySQL 8.0:

shell> bman --target=brman:secret@ --type=full --mode=logical --policy=daily

Reading configuration from /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Reading configuration from /home/mysql/.my.cnf
No bman configuration file.

Command line: /home/mysql/product/brman-2.0.0/bin/bman.php --target=brman:******@ --type=full --mode=logical --policy=daily 

Options from command line
  target          = brman:******@
  type            = full
  mode            = logical
  policy          = daily

Resulting options
  config          = 
  target          = brman:******@
  type            = full
  mode            = logical
  policy          = daily
  log             = ./bman.log
  backupdir       = /home/mysql/bck
  catalog-name    = brman_catalog

Logging to   ./bman.log
Backupdir is /home/mysql/bck
Hostname is  chef
Version is   2.0.0 (catalog v0.2.0)

Start backup at 2018-08-13_11-57-31
  Binary logging is disabled.
  Schema to backup: mysql, foodmart, world, test

  schema_name      engine  cnt  data_bytes    index_bytes   table_rows 
  foodmart                    0             0             0           0
  mysql            CSV        2             0             0           4
  mysql            InnoDB     4         65536         49152          17
  mysql            MyISAM    25        515327        133120        2052
  test             InnoDB     3         49152             0           0
  world                       0             0             0           0

  /home/mysql/product/mariadb-10.3/bin/mysqldump --user=brman --host= --port=3318 --all-databases  --quick --single-transaction --flush-logs --triggers --routines --hex-blob --events
  to Destination: /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_11-57-31.sql
  Backup size is 488835
  Backup does NOT contain any binary log information.
  Do MD5 checksum of uncompressed file /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_11-57-31.sql
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_11-57-31.sql
  md5 = 31cab19021e01c12db5fe49165a3df93
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_11-57-31.sql
End backup at 2018-08-13 11:57:31 (rc=0)

Next brman also support mariabackup now:

shell> bman --target=brman:secret@ --type=full --mode=physical --policy=daily
Start backup at 2018-08-13_12-02-18
  Backup with tool mariabackup version 10.3.7 (from path /home/mysql/product/mariadb-10.3/bin/mariabackup).
  Schema to backup: mysql, foodmart, world, test

  schema_name      engine  cnt  data_bytes    index_bytes   table_rows 
  foodmart                    0             0             0           0
  mysql            CSV        2             0             0           4
  mysql            InnoDB     4         65536         49152          17
  mysql            MyISAM    25        515327        133120        2052
  test             InnoDB     3         49152             0           0
  world                       0             0             0           0

  Binary logging is disabled.
  /home/mysql/product/mariadb-10.3/bin/mariabackup --defaults-file=/tmp/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-02-18.cnf --user=brman --host= --port=3318 --no-timestamp --backup --target-dir=/home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-02-18
180813 12:02:19 Connecting to MySQL server host:, user: brman, password: set, port: 3318, socket: not set
Using server version 10.3.7-MariaDB
/home/mysql/product/mariadb-10.3/bin/mariabackup based on MariaDB server 10.3.7-MariaDB Linux (x86_64)
mariabackup: uses posix_fadvise().
mariabackup: cd to /home/mysql/database/mariadb-103/data/
mariabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 1024
mariabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration:
mariabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir =
mariabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
mariabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./
2018-08-13 12:02:19 0 [Note] InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
mariabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces
2018-08-13 12:02:19 0 [Warning] InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 59 for mysql/transaction_registry, old maximum was 0
180813 12:02:19 >> log scanned up to (15975835)
180813 12:02:19 [01] Copying ibdata1 to /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-02-18/ibdata1
180813 12:02:19 [01]        ...done

Then brman 2.0.0 supports seamlessly all three physical backup methods (mariabackup, xtrabackup, mysqlbackup) in their newest release.

On a customer request we have added the option --pass-through to pass additional specific options through to the final back-end application (mysqldump, mariabackup, xtrabackup, mysqlbackup):

As an example the customer wanted to pass through the option --ignore-table to mysqldump:

shell> bman --target=brman:secret@ --type=schema --mode=logical --policy=daily --schema=+world --pass-through="--ignore-table=world.CountryLanguage"

Start backup at 2018-08-13_12-11-40
  Schema to backup: world

  schema_name      engine  cnt  data_bytes    index_bytes   table_rows 
  world            InnoDB     3        655360             0        5411

  Binary logging is disabled.
  /home/mysql/product/mariadb-10.3/bin/mysqldump --user=brman --host= --port=3318  --quick --single-transaction --flush-logs --triggers --routines --hex-blob --databases 'world' --events --ignore-table=world.CountryLanguage
  to Destination: /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_schema_2018-08-13_12-11-40.sql
  Backup size is 217054
  Backup does NOT contain any binary log information.
  Do MD5 checksum of uncompressed file /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_schema_2018-08-13_12-11-40.sql
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_schema_2018-08-13_12-11-40.sql
  md5 = f07e319c36ee7bb1e662008c4c66a35a
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_schema_2018-08-13_12-11-40.sql
End backup at 2018-08-13 12:11:40 (rc=0)

In the field it is sometimes wanted to not purge the binary logs during a binlog backup. So we added the option --no-purge to not purge binary logs during binlog backup. It looked like this before:

shell> bman --target=brman:secret@ --type=binlog --policy=binlog
Start backup at 2018-08-13_12-16-48
  Binlog Index file is: /home/mysql/database/mysql-80/data/binlog.index
  Getting lock: /home/mysql/product/brman-2.0.0/lck/binlog-logical-binlog.lock
  Releasing lock: /home/mysql/product/brman-2.0.0/lck/binlog-logical-binlog.lock
  FLUSH /*!50503 BINARY */ LOGS

  Copy /home/mysql/database/mysql-80/data/binlog.000006 to /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000006
  Binary log binlog.000006 begin datetime is: 2018-08-13 12:14:14 and end datetime is: 2018-08-13 12:14:30
  Do MD5 checksum of /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000006
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000006
  md5 = a7ae2a271a6c90b0bb53c562c87f6f7a
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000006
  PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'binlog.000007'

  Copy /home/mysql/database/mysql-80/data/binlog.000007 to /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000007
  Binary log binlog.000007 begin datetime is: 2018-08-13 12:14:30 and end datetime is: 2018-08-13 12:14:31
  Do MD5 checksum of /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000007
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000007
  md5 = 5b592e597241694944d70849d7a05f53
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000007
  PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'binlog.000008'

and like this after:

shell> bman --target=brman:secret@ --type=binlog --policy=binlog --no-purge

Start backup at 2018-08-13_12-18-52
  Binlog Index file is: /home/mysql/database/mysql-80/data/binlog.index
  Getting lock: /home/mysql/product/brman-2.0.0/lck/binlog-logical-binlog.lock
  Releasing lock: /home/mysql/product/brman-2.0.0/lck/binlog-logical-binlog.lock
  FLUSH /*!50503 BINARY */ LOGS

  Copy /home/mysql/database/mysql-80/data/binlog.000015 to /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000015
  Binary log binlog.000015 begin datetime is: 2018-08-13 12:16:48 and end datetime is: 2018-08-13 12:18:41
  Do MD5 checksum of /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000015
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000015
  md5 = 1f9a79c3ad081993b4006c58bf1d6bee
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000015

  Copy /home/mysql/database/mysql-80/data/binlog.000016 to /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000016
  Binary log binlog.000016 begin datetime is: 2018-08-13 12:18:41 and end datetime is: 2018-08-13 12:18:42
  Do MD5 checksum of /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000016
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000016
  md5 = ef1613e99bbfa78f75daa5ba543e3213
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/bck/binlog/bck_binlog.000016

To make the logical backup (mysqldump) slightly faster we added the --quick option. This is done automatically and you cannot influence this behaviour.

  /home/mysql/product/mariadb-10.3/bin/mysqldump --user=brman --host= --port=3318  --quick --single-transaction --flush-logs --triggers --routines --hex-blob --events

Some of our customers use brman in combination with MyEnv and they want to have an overview of used software. So we made the version output of brman MyEnv compliant:

mysql@chef:~ [mariadb-103, 3318]> V

The following FromDual Toolbox Packages are installed:
MyEnv:           2.0.0
BRman: 2.0.0
OpsCenter:       0.4.0
Fpmmm:           1.0.1
Nagios plug-ins: 1.0.1
O/S:             Linux / Ubuntu
Binaries:        mysql-5.7

mysql@chef:~ [mariadb-103, 3318]>

In MySQL 5.7 general tablespaces were introduced. The utility mysqldump is not aware of general tablespaces and does not dump this information. This leads to errors during restore. FromDual brman checks for general tablespaces and writes them to the backup log so you can later extract this information at least from there. We consider this as a bug in mysqldump. MariaDB up to 10.3 has not implemented this feature yet so it is not affected of this problem.

Start backup at 2018-08-13_12-25-46
  WARNING: 5 general tablespaces found! mysqldump does NOT dump tablespace creation statements.
CREATE TABLESPACE `brman_test_ts` ADD DATAFILE './brman_test_ts.ibd' FILE_BLOCK_SIZE=4096 ENGINE=InnoDB

FromDual brman backups are quite complex and can run quite some long time thus timestamps are logged so we can find out where the time is spent or where the bottlenecks are:

  At 2018-08-13 12:27:17 do MD5 checksum of uncompressed file /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/ib_logfile0
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/ib_logfile0
  md5 = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
  At 2018-08-13 12:27:17 compress file /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/ib_logfile0
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/ib_logfile0

  At 2018-08-13 12:27:18 do MD5 checksum of uncompressed file /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/ibdata1
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/ibdata1
  md5 = 097ab6d70eefb6e8735837166cd4ba54
  At 2018-08-13 12:27:18 compress file /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/ibdata1
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/ibdata1

  At 2018-08-13 12:27:19 do MD5 checksum of uncompressed file /home/mysql/bck/daily/bck_full_2018-08-13_12-27-16/xtrabackup_binlog_pos_innodb

A general FromDual policy is to not use the MariaDB/MySQL root user for anything except direct DBA interventions. So backup should be done with its own user. FromDual suggest brman as a username and the utility complains with a warning if root is used:

shell> bman --target=root@ --type=full --policy=daily
Start backup at 2018-08-13_12-30-29

WARNING: You should NOT use the root user for backup. Please create another user as follows:

         CREATE USER 'brman'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'S3cret123';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'brman'@'';
If you want to be more restrictive you can grant privileges as follows:
Additionally for MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB):
GRANT CREATE, INSERT, DROP, UPDATE ON mysql.backup_progress TO 'brman'@'';
GRANT CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, DROP, UPDATE ON mysql.backup_history TO 'brman'@'';
GRANT FILE ON *.* TO 'brman'@'';
GRANT CREATE, INSERT, DROP, UPDATE ON mysql.backup_sbt_history TO 'brman'@'';
Additionally for MariaBackup / XtraBackup:
GRANT INSERT, SELECT ON PERCONA_SCHEMA.xtrabackup_history TO 'brman'@'';

Some customers have implemented a monitoring solution. FromDual brman can report backup return code, backup run time and backup size to the FromDual Performance Monitor for MariaDB and MySQL (fpmmm/Zabbix) now:

shell> bman --target=brman:secret@ --type=full --policy=daily --fpmmm-hostname=mariadb-103 --fpmmm-cache-file=/var/cache/fpmmm/fpmmm.FromDual.mariadb-103.cache

shell> cat /var/cache/fpmmm/fpmmm.FromDual.mariadb-103.cache
mariadb-103 FromDual.MySQL.backup.full_logical_rc 1534156619 "0"
mariadb-103 FromDual.MySQL.backup.full_logical_duration 1534156619 "129"
mariadb-103 FromDual.MySQL.backup.full_logical_size 1534156619 "7324744568"

Some customers run their databases on shared hosting systems or in cloud solutions where they do not have all the needed database privileges. For those users FromDual brman is much less intrusive now and allows backups on those restricted systems as well:

# /home/shinguz/etc/brman.conf

policy                = daily
target                = shinguz_brman:secret@localhost
type                  = schema
per-schema            = on
schema                = -shinguz_shinguz
log                   = /home/shinguz/log/bman_backup.log
backupdir             = /home/shinguz/bck

shell> /home/shinguz/brman/bin/bman --config=/home/shinguz/etc/brman.conf 1>/dev/null
  WARNING: Binary logging is enabled but you are lacking REPLICATION CLIENT privilege. I cannot get Master Log File and Pos!
WARNING: I cannot check for GENERAL tablespaces. I lack the PROCESS privilege. This backup might not restore in case of presence of GENERAL tablespaces.

Details: Check for binary logging is made less intrusive. If RELOAD privilege is missing --master-data and/or --flush-logs options are omitted. Schema backup does not require SHOW DATABASES privilege any more.

Some customers want to push theire backups directly to an other server during backup (not pull from somewhere else). For those customers the new option --archivedestination was introduced which replaces the less powerfull option --archivedir which is deprecated. So archiving with rsync, scp and sftp is possible now (NFS mounts was possible before already):

shell> bman --target=brman:secret@ --type=full --policy=daily --archivedestination=s
  /home/mysql/product/mysql-5.7.21/bin/mysqldump --user=root --host= --port=33006 --master-data=2 --quick --single-transaction --triggers --routines --hex-blob --events 'tellmatic'
  to Destination: /home/mysql/backup/daily/bck_schema_tellmatic_2018-08-13_11-41-26.sql
  Backup size is 602021072
  Binlog file is mysql-bin.019336 and position is 287833
  Do MD5 checksum of uncompressed file /home/mysql/backup/daily/bck_schema_tellmatic_2018-08-13_11-41-26.sql
  md5sum --binary /home/mysql/backup/daily/bck_schema_tellmatic_2018-08-13_11-41-26.sql
  md5 = 06e1a0acd5da8acf19433b192259c1e1
  /usr/bin/pigz -6 /home/mysql/backup/daily/bck_schema_tellmatic_2018-08-13_11-41-26.sql
  Archiving /home/mysql/backup/daily/bck_schema_tellmatic_2018-08-13_11-41-26.sql.gz to s
echo 'put "/home/mysql/backup/daily/bck_schema_tellmatic_2018-08-13_11-41-26.sql.gz"' | sftp -b - -oPort=22

End backup at 2018-08-13 11:42:19 (rc=0)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

via Planet MySQL
Shinguz: Cool new features in FromDual Backup and Recovery Manager 2.0.0

Airline employee steals plane from SeaTac, does aerial tricks with F-15s in pursuit before crashing on island south of Seattle

SeaTac Airport. (Wikimedia Commons / Joe Mabel)

A distressed Horizon Air employee stole one of the airline’s planes from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Friday night and roamed through the air with F-15 fighter jets in pursuit until the plane crashed on Ketron Island, southwest of Seattle, authorities said.

No passengers were aboard the Bombardier Q400 turboprop plane, and authorities did not immediately release information about the fate of the employee — but video from the scene showed burning debris strewn across the island.

Air traffic at SeaTac Airport was temporarily grounded due to the security threat, according to reports from Horizon Air’s parent company, Alaska Air.

In audio recordings from the air traffic control system, the man flying the plane said that he was “just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess. Never really knew it, until now.”

In another audio clip, the air traffic controller tried to give the man, referred to as “Rich,” options for landing. “This is probably jail time for life, huh?” the man replied:

Horizon Air’s chief operating officer, Constance von Muehlen, said in a video statement that the theft occurred at about 8 p.m. PT. “Our hearts are with the family of the individual aboard, as well as all our Alaska Air and Horizon Air employees,” she said.

Ed Troyer, a spokesman for the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, said via Twitter that the theft of the plane was “not a terrorist incident,” but involved a “single suicide male” who was a 29-year-old Pierce County resident.

“We know who he is,” Troyer tweeted. “No others involved.”

Troyer did not identify the rogue pilot by name.

In follow-up tweets, Troyer said he was told that F-15 fighter jets were scrambled out of Portland, Ore., and arrived in the area “within a few minutes of the theft.”

“Pilots kept plane out of harm’s way and people on [the] ground safe. .. They may not admit for a few days. But is true,” he wrote.

Air traffic controllers kept up a conversation with the rogue flier, who casually discussed what he was seeing from the cockpit. “Man, have you been to the Olympics? These guys are gorgeous … holy smokes,” he could be heard saying.

At other times, the flier hinted at the reasons for his distress. “Ah, minimum wage,” he said. “We’ll chalk it up to that. Maybe that will grease the gears a little bit with the higher-ups.”

He wondered out loud about what would happen after the flight. “Hey, do you think if I land this successfully, Alaska will give me a job as a pilot?” he asked a controller.

“You know, I think they would give you a job doing anything if you could pull this off,” the controller replied.

“Yeah, right. … Nah, I’m a white guy,” the flier said.

One astonished family posted a video of the plane flying low through the neighborhood (with salty commentary):

This video showed the plane doing what a bystander described as a loop-the-loop, with fighter jets in pursuit.

Other tweets described the crash:

SeaTac Airport reported that normal operations resumed as of 9:30 p.m. PT. Airline passengers complained about the delays caused by the incident. “I’ve been waiting at SeaTac for two hours,” one wrote on Twitter.

Many noted that information about the incident came much more quickly via Twitter than via traditional media outlets.

Late Friday, the FBI’s Seattle office took charge of the investigation in cooperation with local, state and federal partners. “Information gathered thus far does NOT suggest a terrorist threat or additional, pending criminal activity,” the FBI tweeted.

Ketron Island is situated in south Puget Sound, not far from Steilacoom and Chambers Bay Golf Course, which was the venue for the U.S. Open Championship in 2015. Census records show the island with a population of 17 residents in 2010. Here’s the location of the crash:

The aircraft reportedly crashed near Ketron Island, near the Chambers Bay Golf Course.

Here’s what the Horizon Air Bombardier Q400 looks like. The plane normally carries about 80 passengers and crew. It’s commonly flown on regional routes heading from Seattle to destinations in Washington state, Oregon and British Columbia.

Wikimedia Commons

Post updated to correct airport photo and details about how the plane crashed. Frank Catalano contributed to this report.

via GeekWire
Airline employee steals plane from SeaTac, does aerial tricks with F-15s in pursuit before crashing on island south of Seattle