Michelangelo Buonarroti was too busy to buy food, so he used to send his illiterate servant with grocery shopping lists like the one above, illustrated in 1518.
via Gizmodo
Believe it or not, this was Michelangelo’s grocery shopping list
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Michelangelo Buonarroti was too busy to buy food, so he used to send his illiterate servant with grocery shopping lists like the one above, illustrated in 1518.
via Gizmodo
Believe it or not, this was Michelangelo’s grocery shopping list
We’ve seen a lot of standing desks, including those made from IKEA parts, but artist/designer Kelli Anderson managed to make one of the nicest convertible options yet. With IKEA storage furniture, Google Sketchup, and help from some friends, she was able to make this simple and stunning workspace with plenty of room for everything—regardless of how she wanted to work.
The desk started with the IKEA AKURUM cabinets stacked next to each other with one open space for a desk. Kelli then added a linear actuator, which lifts the desk up into standing position with a push of a button, so it could change heights based on how she wanted to work. As you can see above, the result is quite nice. You need a lot of space to fit a desk of that size, but could build a smaller version if you wanted as IKEA’s AKURUM series comes in many varieties. To learn about the entire process and how you could build one of these yourself, check out the full post (complete with many photos and some video) on Kelli’s blog.
A Stand-up Desk (Ikea hack) | Kelli Anderson via Swissmiss
via Lifehacker
Build a Motorized Convertible Standing Desk from IKEA Storage Cabinets
This year certainly had its share of ups and downs in terms of lawyerly antics, but in our minds, 2013 shall forever be known as the year of the snarky cease and desist response letter. Back in June, we broke the news of the now famous response to a cease and desist letter received from the Town of West Orange, New Jersey, which went viral worldwide thanks to the power of sarcasm. A few months later, we wrote about an equally entertaining response to a cease and desist letter received from the American Bankers Association, rife with Spice Girls lyrics and Valley girl lingo.
It’s been a while since we wrote about one of these treasures, so we figured we’d close the year out with a bang. We discovered yet another amazing response to a cease and desist letter, and this one may be the greatest of them all — if only because we think its author might have been drunk while writing it….
Jeff Britton, the owner of Exit 6 Pub and Brewery in Cotteville, Missouri, received a cease and desist letter from none other than Starbucks, specifically from Anessa Owen Kramer of Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn, over a beer named “Frappicino.” As the world knows, the lords of coffee sell a frozen drink (a coffee Slurpee?) by the name of “Frappuccino.” Yes, the names are similar, but to be confused enough to think you could order the nectar of mall-hopping teenage girls at a bar, you’d have to be pretty drunk.
Rather than cower in fear over the legal consequences threatened by America’s coffee monarch, Britton decided it would be in his best interests to write a response on his own, without the assistance of legal counsel, because he didn’t need no stinkin’ lawyer. Here’s what he posted on the Exit 6 Facebook page:
So quick little story. Last week I received a cease and desist letter from the attorneys at Starbucks. Apparently there was a beer on Untappd that someone named “Frappicino”. 3 people had checked into said beer. 3. Starbucks [didn’t] like that. So I got a letter. They wanted me to remove the beer and promise never to use their names again. They also wanted my written response and guarantee. Here is their letter. And also my response.
Needless to say, Britton’s response is amazing — he even threw in some legalese, despite the fact that he’s not a lawyer (oh yeah, heretofore, baby). Here are some highlights from his letter (all errors included in the original). You’d have to be drunk to write something like this, right? Who cares, it’s freakin’ awesome:
Exit 6 has proudly sold at least 38 drinks in Cottleville MO and has a strong presence in St Charles county, a suburb 40 miles outside the St Louis metropolis. It has recently come to Exit 6 Pub and Brewerys attention that there were 3 check ins to the beer with a very similar name to the “F Word”. Unfortunately it was only similar to the F Word because we meant to call it the same thing. Lucky for us, we’re poor spelers.
I would like for both Ms Owen Kramer and Mr Bucks to rest assured we meant no deception, confusion, or mistaking in the naming of the beer F Word. We never thought that our beer drinking customers would have thought that the alcoholic beverage coming out of the tap would have actually been coffee from one of the many, many, many stores located a few blocks away. I guess that with there being a Starbucks on every corner of every block in every city that some people may think they could get a Starbucks at a local bar. So that was our mistake.
Mr. Bucks isn’t Ms. Owen Kramer’s co-counsel; no, this “poor speler” is addressing Mr. Star Bucks himself, as if he were an actual human being. We imagine Britton was at least six Frapps in at this point.
We haven’t even gotten to the best part yet. To show Mr. Bucks just how sorry he really was, Britton enclosed a check in the amount of Exit 6′s profits made from its “Frappicino” beer to be applied to Ms. Owen Kramer’s legal fees, which he admits were “probably … more than Exit 6 made last year.” Here it is:
Behold: the legal equivalent of a mic drop. Cheers to you, Jeff Britton! We raise a glass in your honor.
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via Techdirt.
The Greatest Response To A Cease And Desist Letter, Probably Written While Drunk
This video shows the typical life of an Airbus A340, one of the most popular long-range airliners in the world. As a passenger, and even as a pilot, you never get to see this beast from most of these angles—especially from inside one of the jet engines.
via Gizmodo
These guys put a GoPro camera inside a running airplane jet engine
We’ve talked about the best ways to unclog a drain before, but these handy toilet-clearing tablets are helpful to have on-hand in case yours stops flushing the way it should. Plus, they’re really easy to make.
The folks at SavvySugar put a tried and true combination—baking soda and dish detergent—to good use in these tiny tablets that you can keep in a box or basket next to the toilet or under the bathroom sink. If your toilet starts flushing slowly or worse, doesn’t flush at all and is backed up, one oft hese should clear the way. Here’s what you’ll need:
Mix the baking soda and epsom salts together first, and try to mix them so you don’t get any clumps. Then add the dish soap one tablespoon at a time until the whole thing has the consistency of wet sand. Pop the liners (SavvySugar suggests silicone liners, since the tablets will be easier to remove) into your muffin tin, then fill each liner and pack it down tightly. You’ll need to let the whole thing rest and dry out overnight—preferably a little longer just so each tablet is completely dry and comes out of the liner easily.
Then, when it comes time to use one, grab a tablet, drop it into the toilet, cover with a few cups of hot water, and let the tablet dissolve for a few hours (or overnight, if you can wait that long). Then try flushing the toilet again. That’s all there is to it. It works like a charm, and there are no harsh, pipe-damaging chemicals involved. Hit the link below for more photos and the full walkthrough.
Unclogging Toilet Bombs | SavvySugar
via Lifehacker
These DIY Toilet Tablets Bust Through Clogged Drains
One of the most successful authors in the world, Walter Isaacson, is seeking the wisdom of the crowds for his new book about the technology industry’s major inventors. In an interview with TechCrunch, he explains why he decided to open up his writing process to the world.
via TechCrunch
“Steve Jobs” Biographer Puts Draft Of New Book Online To Crowdsource Ideas
Want your very own lightsaber? Easy. All you need are some tools, PVC and translucent polycarbonate tubes, batteries, a small motor, some LED and other random items. Granted, it won’t melt metal or deflect laser blasters, but you’ll still have loads of fun making it. May the force be with you. via newark.com
Read the full article: How To Make Your Own DIY Lightsaber
The third part of YouTuber Mike Habjan’s computer animated slugfest between the Hulk and Christopher Reeve’s Superman. Mike’s CG skills are steadily improving. Be sure to watch it in 1080p.
via The Awesomer
Superman vs. Hulk Fan Battle 3