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A hardware, software or human failure can occur at any time. Are you prepared?
Many organizations take a risk of serious data loss and system downtime with inadequate procedures in place to support a disaster recovery. This presentation covers the essentials of MySQL backup and recovery options, identifying the necessary tools for an effective strategy to support data resilience and business continuity for your organization. MySQL has no one single unbreakable backup solution, so it is important to understand the impact of MySQL replication, storage engines, configuration options for durability, hardware configuration and the impact on locking and uptime for the various hot/warm/cold options available.
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Presenter: Ronald Bradford
Schedule: MySQL Connect 2013 – San Francisco, California
RMOUG QEW – May 2012- Denver, Colorado
via Planet MySQL
MySQL Backup & Recovery Essentials
Tips to Build a Fault-tolerant Database Application
Applications should be written taking into account that errors will eventually happen and, in particular, database application developers usually consider this while writing their applications.Although the concepts required to write such applications are commonly taught in database courses and to some extent are widely spread, building a reliable and fault-tolerant database application is still not an easy task and hides some pitfalls that we intend to highlight in this post with a set of suggestions or tips.In what follows, we consider that the execution flow in a database application is characterized by two distinct phases: connection and business logic. In the connection phase, the application connects to a database, sets up the environment and passes the control to the business logic phases. In this phase, it gets inputs from a source, which may be an operator, another application or a component within the same application, and issues statements to the database. Statements may be executed within the context of a transaction or not.First Tip: Errors may happen so plan your database application taking this into accountSo we should catch errors, i.e. exceptions, in both the connection and business logic phase. This idea can be translated into code using Python as follows:class Application(object): def __init__(self, **db_params): self.__cnx = None self.__cursor = None self.__db_params = db_params def connect(self): try: self.__cnx = MySQLConnection(**self.__db_params) self.__cursor = self.__cnx.cursor() except InterfaceError: print "Error trying to get a new database connection" def business(self, operation): try: self._do_operation(operation) except DatabaseError: print "Error executing operation" if main == "__main__": app = Application(get_params()) app.connect() while True: InterfaceError class identifies errors in the interface, i.e. connection, between the application and the MySQL Server. The DatabaseError class identifies errors associated with database operations.In this simple example though, the application may abort after any connection error. For instance, a MySQL Server will automatically close a connection after a period of inactivity thus causing an application error if one tries to use the invalid connection.Second Tip: Set up the appropriate timeout propertiesThere are two properties which fall under this suggestion:wait_timeout – It is a MySQL option that defines the interval that must elapse without any communication between an application and a MySQL Server before the MySQL Server closes a connection.connection_timeout – Sets the socket_timeout property in the Connector Python which defines the maximum amount of time that a socket created to connect to a database will wait for an operation to complete before raising an exception.The wait_timeout must be set according to the application’s characteristics. On the other hand, the connection_timeout property is usually set to zero which means that there will be no socket timeout period. In rare cases, such as when applications must execute operations within a fixed interval, we should set it up.Third Tip: Connection errors may happen at any time so handle them properlyThe previous measurements will not circumvent problems related to transient network issues or server failures though. To handle this type of problem, one needs to consider that a connection may fail at any time. This requires to catch connection errors also while executing the business logic and get a fresh connection to proceed with the execution. In other words, this requires to combine the aforementioned two phases. This idea can be translated into code as follows:class Application(object): def __init__(self, **db_params): self.__cnx = None self.__cursor = None self.__db_params = db_params.copy() def connect(self): try: self.__cnx = MySQLConnection(**self.__db_params) self.__cursor = self.__cnx.cursor() except InterfaceError: print "Error trying to get a new database connection" def business(self, operation): try: self._do_operation(operation) except (AttributeError, InterfaceError) print "Database connection error" self.connect() except DatabaseError: print "Error executing operation" if main == "__main__": app = Application(get_params()) app.connect() while True: general, connectors cannot hide connection failures from the application because this may lead to data inconsistency. Only the application has enough knowledge to decide what is safe to do and as such any failure, including connection failures, must be reported back to the application. In what follows, we depict a problem that may happen when a connector tries to hide some failures from the application:When the connection fails, the server rolls back the on-going transaction thus undoing any change made by the first insert statement. However, the connector gets the error and automatically tries to reconnect and succeeds. With a valid connection to the server, it executes the failed statement and succeeds. Unfortunately, the application does not find out about the connection issue and continues the execution as nothing has happened and by consequence a partial transaction is committed thus leaving the database in an inconsistent state.It is worth noting that if statements are executed in “autocommit” mode, it is still unsafe to hide failures from the application. In this case, an attempt to automatically reconnect and try to execute the statement may lead to the statement being executed twice. This may happen because the connection may have failed after the statement has been successfully executed but before the server has had a chance to reply back to the connector.Fourth Tip: Guarantee that session information is properly set after getting a connectionFrom a fault-tolerant perspective the application looks better now. However, we are still missing one key point.We should use the "my.cnf" configuration file to set up the necessary MySQL’s properties (e.g. autocommit, transaction isolation level). However if several applications share the same database server and require different configuration values, they should be defined along with the routine that gets a connection. If you do it in a different place, you may risk forgetting to set the options up when trying to get a new connection after a failure. Our code snippet already follows this rule and you are safe in that sense.This suggestion is specially important when the applications (i.e. components) share the same address space and use a connection pool.We should also avoid using temporary tables and/or user-defined variables to transfer data between transactions. Although this is a common technique among developers, this will fail miserably after a reconnection as the session information will be lost and may require an expensive routine to set up the necessary context. So starting every transaction with a “clean slate” is probably the safest and most solid approach.Fifth Tip: Design all application components taking failures into accountFinally, it is worth noticing that if the database fails the system as whole will be unavailable. So to build a truly resilient solution, we still need to deploy some type of redundancy at the database level. We will discuss possible high availability solutions for MySQL in a different post.See
via Planet MySQL
Tips to Build a Fault-tolerant Database Application
Eagle POV
YouTuber Srachi uploaded this awesome POV footage taken from a camera that was strapped to an eagle. The bird was soaring above the Mer de Glace glacier in the Chamonix valley in France. It’s at once amazing and soothing.
via The Awesomer
Eagle POV
Organize Your Garage with This Six-Zone System
The garage is one of those areas that can easily become a cluttered, disorganized mess. To make your garage more usable and maximize storage space, take a look at this organizing system.
As all neat freaks know, "a place for everything and everything in its place" is the key to staying organized. This six-zone system suggested by EasyCloset’s Inspired Organization blog follows that mantra by setting up distinct zones for different purposes (outdoor gear, bulk storage, etc.). The zones are also ordered according to how often you might need to reach them. The zones are:
- Transition Zone: Shoes, jackets, bags, and other stuff you grab before leaving the house
- Need It Now: Everyday stuff like canned food, bulk food items, large packs of paper towels, etc.
- Long, Tall, Thin Storage: Rakes, shovels, and similar yard stuff to be hung on the walls
- Large Item Storage: Things like holiday decorations and camping gear that are rarely used
- Frequently Used Items: Outdoor gear and sports equipment placed near the garage door for easy access
- Workspace: A workbench and cabinets for your hobby, whether it’s gardening or woodworking
Of course, these are all just suggestions, and the zones you might need may differ. Still, it’s a template you can use to get your garage organized so you can actually find what you need in there when you need it.
6 Garage Zones for Maximum Organization | Inspired Organization
via Lifehacker
Organize Your Garage with This Six-Zone System
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Facebook “Like” button just as protected as written speech, court rules
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Awesome Guy Re-Created the Star Wars Opening Crawl with HTML and CSS
Here’s something completely awesome on a day that needs more awesome. Tim Pietrusky recreated the famous opening crawl of Star Wars from 1977 using HTML, CSS and JavaScript because he couldn’t find a web version of it. Even better, the code is all up on and Pietrusky detailed his process on his website for all to see. Watch the opening sequence here (just click on the text). [Tim Pietrusky via BoingBoing]
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Awesome Guy Re-Created the Star Wars Opening Crawl with HTML and CSS
jQuery Accordion Menu Tutorial
In this tutorial I am going to show you how to build a jQuery accordion menu from scratch. Most of the time it is possible to create very functional website navigations with just CSS, but this time we are going to need a little jQuery magic to accomplish the accordion functionality. For this tutorial I am going to assume that you have some experience with HTML and CSS. I will go over all the code, but the main focus of this tutorial we be on jQuery stuff. You may download the demo files at the end of the article. Demo […]
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jQuery Accordion Menu Tutorial
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via Gizmodo
This 100-Year-Old Infographic Maps the Entire Civil War
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Dilbert readers – Please visit to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to
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